
Chapter 13 Primary Elementals

(Morgan Agathias)

Father saved me from the heaviest sanctions, with surveillance cameras installed in every corner of the forest, in several strategic places. Showing me on the hologram screen, I was treating the injured White Deer. Then, the scene flashed back to where I was fighting the Crimson Flame Wolf. The two noble clan leaders were looking directly at the holographic screen, making it impossible for them to give me such a heavy penalty. The mayor also appeared a few minutes after Father's arrival which surprised everyone.

The silver-haired man who offended Father, Father's identity was starting to be revealed. Father is from the Titanos Noble Clan. The Titanos Nobl Clan was very popular back then after the second war broke out again. The Titanos Noble Clan was the most powerful and became the pride of the Kingdom of Andalus against Horaces. Apart from being proud and their strongest strength, their specialty was controlling Mythical Creatures, one of which was the Supreme Mythical Creatures who were above level 90. But not knowing what happened to the Titanos Noble Clan, they chose to shut themselves off from the outside world.

The Titanos Noble Clan officially closed themselves off from the outside world and even from the kingdom of Andalus. We only know from stories, hearsay, just word of mouth. No one knows the whereabouts of the Titanos Noble Clan, they seem to have disappeared into the earth. I just found out and Father is very good at covering everything for me.

"Thank you, Lord Carlos Silva, for your concern for me." Father's words were like a subtle satire, bowing his body. The face of silver-haired man, who was called Lord Carlos, wore a fierce and disliking face. The man with long red hair tied in a ponytail, Lord Ezhel Crimson laughed, but the look in his eyes was utterly cunning.

"No need to argue," said Lord Ezhel waving his hand, acting like a wise and calm man. "Besides, the Titanos Nobel Clan will never accept you again. There's no need for argument. Your son will receive the direct sanction of the mayor. We're only here to visit this poor district."

My fists clenched tightly, and the anger inside me flared up. I don't like anyone insulting where I live, those who are rich and have power. They should help their poor population, not ridicule and criticize. Thinking back I was born in this country full of inequality, discrimination, and social inequality.

Luckily the mayor was able to put a face on in front of the Crimson Noble Clan and the Silva Noble Clan. They thought my punishment was severe enough, for violating the rules of hunting in the Ankila forest without a permit. Regardless of the permits, if we were hungry, we could easily hunt in the forest without needing a permit. But, currently, the mayor is trying to gain the attention of the two great noble clans of the royal capital. For the sake of the continuity of the Valley of the Hills district. The mayor was forced to be merciful, begging in front of two great noble clans. He seemed to be looking for face and seeking sympathy from the poor in each district, by giving a ton of wheat, beans, several bottles of milk, honey, and some other foodstuffs that the people of the Valley of the Hills district desperately needed.

I did not expect it, behind David's arrogance. The boy didn't like seeing his father fawning over and begging the two great noble clans. What I thought, David was boasting and wished for a good life in the royal capital. I don't know what that guy's thinking and I don't want to know. Decided to return home, unable to do anything for the foreseeable future. The mayor sanctioned me not being able to hunt in the Ankila forest without a permit and paid a fine of one hundred gold coins.

Annoying indeed, I had to drain all the contents of the coins in the tin box that I always keep, setting aside a few coins for my needs. Paying no small amount of fines, they are extorting poor people like us, complicating hunting permits, and making people like us have to act on their own. In the end, those at the top will have reason to exploit poor people like us. My anger is getting to the people above who don't think about us who live in poverty and misery, plus the truth hidden by my Father.

My face turned red, spitting out all my anger in front of the big man who was just silent, didn't answer and maybe there weren't the right words to calm me down. I didn't care if I ever admired the man before me but he disappointed me. It's not wrong if a child wants to know the background of my parents. Maybe there is a reason why Father does not want to talk about his family background.

Mother does not take sides between me and Father, Mother who calms her son's most difficult anger. His warm hand stroked my shoulder, just like when I was little. The difference was, that my Mother stroked my shoulder which was shaking because of my non-stop crying. Mother always knows how to calm me down. I started to calm down a bit, not enveloped in anger, but a look asking for an answer from my Father. There's nothing to hide. However, once again Father disappointed me with his words that looked calm, but I wanted to shoot him in the mouth. "It's not time for you to know the truth." Those words kept repeating in my head, as well as his departure from the front door of the house.

"This is very difficult for you to understand, and so is he. It's not wrong for you to ask Father." Mother made me a cup of hot tea. The aroma of the tea calmed me down, and a sip of warmth coursed through my body, burning the raging flames of anger, and replacing them with comforting warmth.

Mother knew Father was from the Titanos Noble Clan. As a wife, understand the wounds of my Father's heart that will never heal. Keeping Father's past a secret from me and Gisella, until Father is ready to tell us his story.

Until now, Father is like a coward who runs away from reality. I'm not going to ask for more explanations, but I'm still very disappointed with Father. Thinking back to Father's attitude that was not open, did not like being surrounded by many people, preferring to be alone. Am I not much like Father now? All of that is slowly fading, although I'm still reluctant to open up to many people, only to people I know I give open space. Lyra, Lyra's mother, Gisella, Mother, Professor Lupine, Helen whom I first met, and Father. The person who has been taking care of me from childhood, until growing up.

Those people, the two noble clans of the kingdom still lingered in the Proof Valley district. I don't know what they want in this poor district or the mayor is trying to gain their influence for the continuity of this district. There were many reasons for the two special guests to come to this impoverished district.


Back to academics, study and practice became daily food for me, Lyra, and Helen. The pale girl was extremely hard at training, despite possessing limitless levels of magic power and spirit power. But, the foundation of his strength was at level 1, still very basic. Seeing that pale girl never give up in training, it's like seeing the old me who never gave up. So that currently, my magic spirit power is at level 10, one level below Lyra. My best friend amazed me with the speed at which my strength level increased.

"Elementals, the foundation of magic power that you should master. The five primary elementals and elemental attributes. A mage only has one main element. There is a case that is unique, where a mage has more than one main elemental, even all five main elementals." Professor Lupine was pacing up and down, left and right, and so on, giving anyone who saw the man a headache. I listened carefully to the explanation which I thought was very logical.

"The five primary elementals, are fire, water, wind, earth, and lightning. As for the attribute elementals, they are the most different of the five primary elementals, the foundations that make up the attribute elementals appear to be different. An example is the mist elemental." Professor Lupine spread his arms forward, the gray mist slowly rising and surrounding us. "Why is the elemental attribute different? Because the elemental isn't in a different five elemental attribute. Just like the primary elemental, a mage can only use one elemental attribute. Besides, there is one elemental that is extremely rare and only very few people possess it." The Elemental Unknown and its elements, the Elemental Darkness, Elemental Glow, Elemental Death, and Elemental Life."

I've been reading from the books in the academic library, quite a lot of various kinds of magic powers and spirit powers. Four Unknown Elementals, Only a handful of mages possessed the Four Unknown Elementals, making them easily possess all the Primary Elementals and some Attribute Elementals.

"First practice, this time you will find out after I force you to forcibly draw out your magic power." A streak of lightning enveloped Professor Lupin's body, the glint of lightning forming a protective veil. The students who were only around ten students, attacked Professor Lupine one by one. Lyra took part in an eight-on-one fight and Helen, and I looked at each other. I don't want to be reckless with Professor Lupin.

Lyra looked very excited, blow after punch and David and his friends didn't want to lose to Lyra alone. Lyra was good at taking control of situations, really stood out in battle and David didn't want to lose. They are at level 12, I'm a little behind. Helen is increasingly insecure and left far behind with other friends.

"No problem. We're both trying to catch up," I said encouraging him. But my enthusiasm did not satisfy Helen, there was still doubt in the pale girl's heart. Not wanting to keep the pale girl thinking about something that was of no use at all. I subconsciously pulled Helen's hand, inviting the pale girl to participate in sparring with other friends who had run out of steam. Professor Lupine was still serving Lyra and David, the two of them never gave up looking for an opening to provide a direct attack.

Helen regained her confidence, her blade stretched forward and she joined in the fight. Helen took an opening and Lyra was hit hard. That's where Helen attacked with her sword blade which was covered in golden light. Helen still couldn't master her powers, but the girl slowly regained her balance. His sword swing was extremely stable and there was no hesitation at all. Professor Lupine was a level 50 mage, fighting students who only had an average level that was in the twenties was easy. However, Professor Lupine deliberately did not want to use his full strength but instead forced his students to fight with their full strength.

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