
Chapter 11 Crimson Flame Wolf

Crimson Flame Wolf, level 30 Mythical Beast I didn't expect to find this mythical creature here in the Ankila Forest. Who knows what caused these two mythical creatures to wander into the Ankila Forest, it is still a big question mark in my mind. What's even more complicated is that the Crimson Flame Wolf's red eyeball stared at the helpless White Deer.

Right now, I'm the only one fighting the Crimson Flame Wolf, there's no way I can get out safely. I had my arrow ready, the sharp tip of my arrow aimed at the creature in front of me that wouldn't let me go. The creature seemed to be able to think, knowing that I would take that poor white deer with me.

Professor Lupine once said, "Never underestimate a mythical creature. Mythical creatures are just like ordinary animals that have feelings, strong instincts, and reason. However, mythical creatures have one big advantage. Even from here, I can sense that something is not right.

With its thick fur emitting red flames, the creature seemed to be on fire. In fact, it was a spirit magic aura surrounding the Crimson Flame Wolf's body. Think hard, think hard.

I tried to think hard to get out of this complicated situation. Lyra and Helen were far away, I was separated from the two girls, and besides, I couldn't possibly make trouble for the two girls. I don't want anything to happen to Lyra and Helen. On the other hand, I need them to get the White Deer to safety.

There's no other way.

The tip of the arrow emitted a bright blue aura, shooting out and causing a series of explosions. The Crimson Flame Wolf roared, its roar creating a heat wave that triggered another explosion, causing the two explosions to collide and topple the surrounding trees. Plumes of smoke rose high. Lyra and Helen will definitely see the rising smoke clouds, it's just a matter of how I get the Crimson Flame Wolf out of here.

It's better to use spirit magic in conditions like this, but I'm still really bad at it. I can shoot arrows very quickly and accurately. I shot two, three, four, five arrows without stopping, but I had to think if I would run out of arrows. My magic power is only at level 10, and I can't make or form arrows with a combination of spirit magic power or magic elements.

The Crimson Flame Wolf shot out fireballs. Dense fireballs formed by the combination of spirit magic power and forming magic elements. I dodged here and there, dodged, jumped, and slid down. One of the fireballs almost hit me in the face if I didn't dodge quickly. My arrow flew as if I was skating on a pile of fallen leaves. The creature was very fast and had very strong instincts, dodging my arrows that exploded in the air.

The Crimson Flame Wolf's sharp claws almost scratched my waist, and I slipped under its feet through a small gap. Jumping up, I shot the arrow back. The creature roared, sending my arrows flying, sparks flying through the air.

I took the arrows from the sling bag, but realized I only had two arrows left. I felt like cursing and ended up cursing what I could only say in my heart. I think my plan went well, just by distracting the Crimson Flame Wolf. The creature was not provoked and it seemed to be true, the Crimson Flame Wolf had strong instincts and was able to sense that I wanted to stay away from the White Deer creature that was lying helplessly behind me.

That Cirmson Flame Wolf realized that I couldn't attack it anymore. I only have two arrows left.

This was very complicated, and I was thinking too much about the way out, until I didn't notice that the creature was running towards me. My body rolled to the side and shot the remaining arrows I had. The Crimson Flame Wolf was stopped in its tracks, the explosion preventing it from reaching the White Deer.

Now that I am out of arrows, the only thing I can do is martial arts and fusion of spirit magic power. A clear blue aura enveloped my body, my body felt light, and my movements were very fast. This is the first time I have fused my spirit magic power. I know that my spirit power is the weakest compared to the great and boundless spirit power. However, I still need to practice more to be able to fuse my spirit magic power better.

I won't let that Crimson Flame Wolf get the White Deer. Armed with the lessons my father gave me, except for archery, which is my skill, I remembered my father's words. "Magical power and spirit power must remain in balance. Just as you like bows and arrows as your magical weapon skill, you also like martial arts, which unites the spirit power in your body. These two powers become weapons when you feel pressured.

"But my spirit power is the weakest, Father."

My father's black eyes looked at the dusk behind the village in the southern valley, and from up here, one could clearly see the dense city below.

I was just a whiny and scared little boy, I didn't have much talent, my skills were mediocre. I kicked rocks like a sulking child. My father suddenly laughed, it was the first time he saw the figure of this big man, who every day showed a cold and unfriendly aura.

This time I saw my father laugh out loud. I had found the father figure I had always wanted. My father's big hand gently stroked my head, his eyes looking very warm.

"Isn't it wrong? Dad's proud son pretending to humiliate himself?" Father said, his eyebrows raised. "Professors and teachers in academia are really amazed, there is no other student who has such high achievements except my own son. My son is very ingenious and talented, able to solve problems from his own weaknesses."

Those words are still in my mind and I will never forget them because my father's words of encouragement have sunk into my mind and heart.

I was in front of the creature's eyes, my legs were swinging and I was kicking the creature's head. But there was a fire shield covering the creature, so it avoided my leg kick. Fortunately, there was no burning sensation when my foot kicked the fire shield.

The crimson fire wolf spewed out a stream of flames, but I didn't dodge, instead, I surrounded my body with spirit magic aura, I still couldn't create a protective shield. But by channeling the spirit magic aura into my body, I can protect myself. I can protect myself and the white deer behind me. Trying to gather strength, my kick had little effect, but I was able to push the creature two meters away.

Jumping here and there, avoiding the bursts of fire. Besides my flexible and light body, I was able to slip through small gaps very quickly. I planted both palms on the ground and delivered a crushing kick to its ribs. The creature screamed in pain.

Sliding under both legs, I dodged the sharp claws of the creature that seemed very angry. But I can't be complacent. The flick of its tail hit my chest.

I was pushed quite far, but I felt two hands holding my body. Lyra jumped on my head, the girl with the braided hair clenching her hands into fists. The crimson fire wolf was thrown very far, hitting the trees until they collapsed.

"Are you okay, Morgan?" The pale girl behind me who had been holding my body.

"I'm fine. Just in time for you two to get here." I could still feel the throbbing pain in my chest, but it would gradually fade as I quickly put on protection. However, the impact of the creature's tail blow was strong enough to destroy the shield I had made.

"Why are there mythical creatures here?" Lyra's question is the same as mine, and so far there is no answer. After a short story, I hunted on my own, found an injured White Deer, and ended up with the appearance of a Crimson Flame Wolf.

"Should we tell the Magus' army? These mythical creatures shouldn't be in Ankila Forest, they have their own territory."

What Helen said was true. But there is something that makes me disagree, if I have to return two mythical creatures to the Zero Zone Forest. The argument between me and Helen will be fruitless. The Crimson Flame Wolf was probably hungry, and the White Deer was its meal, so the top of the food chain could not just be destroyed.

Just like ordinary animals at the top of the food chain. Do not be stupid. Humans are the same way. How is it different from us, who always hunt animals in the forest and exchange them for coins, food, and much-needed goods?

"Stop arguing. What Morgan said is true, it's impossible to give these two mythical creatures directly to the Magus' army.

"How are we supposed to fight that Crimson Flame Wolf? It's level 30." It wasn't wrong for Helen to show concern.

The creature had recovered from the shock and did not want a second fight. The roar was very loud, booming through the Ankila Forest. It was possible that the magus' army would realize the strangeness of what was happening. They were within twenty kilometers of the forest fence.

The two girls realized too late that I had returned to the fight. Lyra cursed openly, my lips curling upwards. It made the girl a little angry. "You two better protect the white stag, let me take care of this annoying creature." While I kicked the creature's body, Lyra continued to curse at me.

"Morgan, how annoying! I'm superior to you," Lyra said annoyed and stomped her feet on the ground.

This time I didn't want to laugh anymore and became serious again, concentrating on my fight. Lyra may be stronger than me, but I don't want my self-esteem to drop like that. I should have protected the two girls.

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