
Marry me

Mr. Andrew Jones didn't show up at the hospital after that day. I guess he doesn't want to upset me more by his undeviating attitude. But it was not his fault that I passed out. It just happened that my heart could not take the the shocking news about my parents. Though I could not remember, I still felt the great loss. I am an orphan now and I can't change that fact. And Mr. Jones has nothing to do with the death of my parent. He's just the messenger and now that he delivered the news, I think he's not coming back. For good.

Honestly, I am blaming myself for I can't remember my own parents. I wanted to remember them, to cherish them but my memory on them are gone. It made me more upset though Dr. Mallady told me this condition is just temporary. He assured me that all my memories will return in due time but I am still scared, especially now that he told me I can be discharge after a week. I have nowhere to go and Mr. Jones is gone too.