
Painful stones

Destiny was happy she had a real friend that wouldn't leave her to suffer alone. She was in desire to know if Gerald would be her friend as well. She mustered up the courage to ask. "Gerald would you like to be friends?" "Of course. I have wanted to be friends since I first saw you my beauty." He said. Destiny couldn't help to blush. Gerald Sardell was very interesting and charming and she wondered why she never met him before in Salem Massachusetts. She assumed it was because of the witch trials but what if he is allot younger than her than it would be awkward to ask why they aren't familiar. Finally Judy came and they talked until it was close for Judy parents to come home. "It's time you take the fair maiden home. Your parents will loose their temper and I will defend her. Destiny couldn't help but notice he said he would defend her not that he would have to defend but that he would defend her. It was painful stones she walked on when hearing him say he would defend her but not her true love. It made her body unwell and she couldn't stop thinking about Marcus and Valarie together. She wondered if they kissed yet or made love and those thoughts brought tears streaming again. "Stop thinking about that vampire. He isn't worth the pain" Judy demanded. All the worst painful stones being stepped on by her.

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