
New awareness

Destiny was petrified that such a thing happened to people who loved each other. She couldn't stop wondering if they found each other and got back together. "Yes they did. They are my real parents. Im really Marcus Harper. The lockets are my adoptive family. When I got old enough my mom and dad had to give me up. They couldn't afford getting caught and I was always wanting to be social in every town we went to. I longed for what they had that bond but we constantly had to move. They lived in constant fear just like your parents. So they took me to an orphanage and told me to act human and not tell anyone I was a hybrid between witch and vampire." Theo longingly stated. As if all the burdened weights came off his shoulders. Destiny saw a new awareness of the problem not only she faced but others faced as well. She knew love shouldn't be secret or hidden.

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