
The magical badass lady

The story is about a girl in ancient times who is extremely beautiful but unknown about it. She is tortured by her stepsister and stepmother. Her father had died due to blood cancer. Her fiancé Cheng Lin Joon had betrayed her. She is so hopeless now and only choice she has to kill herself to protect herself from others. she jumped into a well and tried to drown herself. While she was dying the pink gloomy light appeared before her eyes. A beautiful fairy can be seemed there. That fairy was her fairy godmother named Luna. "Oh I am so sorry my child. I am your fairy god mother. I couldn't come when you were bearing all those things. what they had done to you but now I am back. I will get your revenge back." She said these words and whispered some magical words. suddenly the girl opened her eyes but it was not Chu Yu Jo (the original owner of the body). It was Chen yu Yan a modern girl of 21st century, completely different from Chu Yan Jo. yes their souls had transmigrated. Yu Yan is more likely to be Moana than Cinderella. She is not like that weak Chu Yan Jo who can be scared so easily. She is a tomboy girl who has brilliant marshal skills. Beside this She is a genius minded girl who doesn't have any interest in love relations. She has good hand in many other arts. she also have many supernatural powers and she is the second most powerful creature in the universe after god. it's said that her soul contains god's part. Now, it will be kind of interesting to see how she will get Chu Yu Jo's revenge? Will She ever fall in love?Will she ever get back to her real world? Will her identity be revealed? Let's check it out.

Nwriter · Fantasy
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(After beating some bunch of bloody rascals Chen yu yan returns her home after attending her blind date. On other hand Chu yu Jo jumped in the well to kill herself. but surprisingly the rings they had worn started emitting red coloured light. Also, at the same time yu Yan had a dream of yu Jo in danger and calling her for help.)




Chapter 4

Present time

Chen yu Yan screamed so high that Xiaoxiao who was sleeping in her room came out and ran toward yu Yan to see what's wrong.

"Yan, are you okay?" xiao xiao asked.

Yan was shivering in anger. she balled up her fist.

"Chu yu Jo is in danger. she had tried to commit Sucide." yu Yan said.

"what? let's go we must save her." xiao xiao said.

yu Yan used her magic and made a time hole. Through that hole they both went in ancient time. Yan used her magical powers and brought yu Jo with her in 21st century. she changed yu Jo's cloth. After this she will immediately rushed to her mother.

" Mom, is she out of danger."

" although her pulse is a little weak but soon will get fine. so no need to tense but when I was examining her I found a poison in her blood cells which makes one fat and ugly."

"What? but who will do this to her?" Xiaoxiao asked.

"May be there are some people who wants to harm her." Yu Yan said.

Yu Jo opened her eyes slowly and tried to understand what is going on.

"uhh... who... which place is this...? uhh... my head is aching so much."

" Chu yu Jo, thank god. you finally wake up." yu Yan exclaimed calmly .

yu Yan was sitting behind her. After seeing Yan before her yu Jo started crying and has hugged Yan tightly.

" Yan... aahhh... " yu Jo said in relieving tone.

" calm down kid... I am here."

yu Jo was just 16 years old and Yan was about to 25 So she sometimes call Yu Jo kid and also treat her like that

" yu Jo don't cry.. it will make your health more worse." Mrs Chen( Yan's mom) said.

yu Jo tried to stop herself from sobbing but continued hugging Yan.

" hey... hey... calm down my princess... I am here... don't worry.. I will help you.. hmm....." Yan said politely.

yu Jo sat properly on bed and told about problems she faced.

" Yan you remember.... near about 7 years ago we met.. you were 18 that time." yu Jo said.

" of course I do. how can I forget that."

" you were born with so many powers that your little body was unable to hold them so fairy mother Luna took your all powers and decided to give your half powers on your 18th birthday and half on your 25th birthday. When it was your 18th birthday and you received your half powers your powers were very strong and contained god's blessings and essence due to which you became out of control and travelled through time and m t me by mistake and I helped you in controlling your powers with the help of heavenly pills made by me and in return you gave me a ring and promised me that you will help me whenever I will pronounce your name three times."

" hmm... yes it happened but what it has to do with your this condition?"

" Yan, when you said that you will help me. do you meant that?"

"yeah! I still mean it."

" yu Yan.. my story starts from my 13 years age. I fall in love with crown Prince Cheng Lin Joon. He also loved me until I got like this. ugly and fatty. I got dumped by him. later, some dispute took place between Chen family and royal family. To settle them my stepmother forced to marry 7th prince who already has a 5 years old son. The worst part was that my husband's 2nd concubine is my cousin sister who is no less evil than my sister. now my ex fiancé Cheng Lin Joon and my step sister are going to get married after 2 weeks. I want to teach a lesson to my mom and sister. you are the future queen of justice and wisdom and the 2nd most powerful creature in this world after god. I want you to give me my justice."

" be carefree because now I am going to handle this. you just rest well and leave everything to me. hmm" yu Yan said while helping yu Jo in lying.

" Mom , Xiaoxiao.. see this happens in your that so called love. human gets hurt again and again. it's such a useless things that's why I hate this love." yu Yan said.

" it doesn't happen with every one my darling."

suddenly mother Luna appeared and said this.

" but right now the most important thing is that how will you get justice for Chu yu Jo." mother Luna asked.

" mother Luna..... Uhhmm... I think the best choice is transmigration." yu Yan said.

" Transmigration" everyone shouted.

" are you serious?" mother Luna asked.

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