6 "The Quest Part 1"

Brando, Jan, Haly, and Raly packed there things to get ready for the quest to find the five magical powerful gems. They had past at the enchanted forest and enchanted river. They looked at the map and saw there are almost there at the first gem to find.

Haly: Professor, Are we there yet?

Brando: Yes, we are here at the first gem to find!

Suddenly the map turn to bright like a star, then a words pop out at the map, it says: "There's a spell that no one will see if you break the spell you will see the gem".

Raly: How do we do now professor?

Brando: AHA! I know what to do. stand back, I know what spell i will use.

Brando said the spell: Hintre hentra naveli navelo hindia alment diam!

Then the spell broke. They saw a gem, then Haly walked carefully to get the gem. Finally Haly got the first magical powerful gem. Second, they travel lot's of castles and a magical cities. They finally reach the second location were the 2nd magical powerful gem.

Jan: Professor, are we here yet?

Brando: Yes! were now here.

Then again the map turns to a bright like a star then a words pop at the map, it says: "Something is waiting at there to fight you for being to find the 2nd gem".

The four of them had a shock.

Haly: No worries, I know what spell I will use.

Jan: What spell?

Haly: A spy vision and who ever mind to attacked I will kill them all before they attack us.

Jan: Ahh! OK.

Haly said the spell: hentie hela dor hentra hea moree tia lamsia dinver!

Haly's eye vision turn to a spy vision.

Haly: I knew it someone will attack us but no worries i got it.

Haly said the spell: Macent macento hevandra navier!

Then all the attackers died and vanish.

As soon, Jan walk straight and get the gem.

Raly: Finally, 3 magical gems need find!

Next chapter