
The Magic Rings

Grey is reincarnated into a world of magic, unlike the protagonists he used to read about he did not even get a cheat method. Grey decides to enter the military to learn more about magic, there he is introduced to the wonder that is Magic Ring system. He will have to use his knowledge from his previous life to make the Magic Ring system better so as to get an advantage in the battles to come.

AuMi_Tebas · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Chapter 92

With the alarm telling them that it was time for battle, they did not waste time to take a bath, Qila used her water magic to remove any dirt that they had accumulated during their sexual encounter.

Team 2 reassembled just outside the gate of the secret medical camp, the team members seemed rested enough and were ready for what was to come.

Qila Stein looked at her team that had been reduced to seven members, that number was guaranteed to get reduced again, it was only a matter of time.

"I hope you are fully rested, we are way behind, though I will not say we are the only ones. The Ruhenese had left many mages towards the path towards the mining camp thus many teams had losses and injuries. It can only be unit like the [Inferno Storm Legion] that can keep moving whilst they have casualties."

The team members all understood what Qila was saying, as they had seen other teams here in this secret medical camp.

"From the information that I have managed to get, the [Inferno Storm Legion] has stopped, they are only a few kilometres from the walls of the Edward's Crevasse."

Qila had a cold look on her face, Grey had already guessed that she had a bone to pick with the Ruhenese, to him this battle was not anything personal, it was only a job.

Though he understood that for the relatives and friends of the people he killed it was a personal matter.

Grey had already seen how his enemies looked at him, the amount of hate his enemies had for him when he killed their friends and families was high.

The team members got serious when they heard that the Legion had already reached their objective, but one member of the team was behaving weirdly.

Abe Kohler kept looking at Grey and Qila with thoughtful look on his face.

Grey noticed the big fellow staring at him then turning to look at Qila, Grey felt that his relationship with Qila had been found out.

'Is this individual's intuition in tune to gossip or something?'

Kohler did a terrible job hiding his suspicion about Grey and Qila's relationship, though Grey could not feel any malice from him.

Grey could only guess that Abe Kohler just liked to gossip.

It surprised Grey that Abe Kohler's intuition could pick up on the special relationship between Qila and himself especially when he had used tier 1 combination spell, [Mirage creation].

Grey had used the spell to create a mirage of himself leaving Qila's tent and entering his own tent in full view of many people, which included Abe Kohler.

'Why is my intuition more sure that Grey and Lt Stein have a special relationship? Initially I was just fooling around to lighten the mood. But now? As a mage, trusting my intuition is paramount, this can only mean that it's true. Grey is quite lucky to have a relationship with the pretty petite lieutenant, he must have gotten laid already, lucky dog. I am so envious!'

Kohler had a tear in his eye, as he released an aura of envy.

The team avoided asking what was going through his mind, but if Grey could guess what was going through his mind, other people could guess especially the tier 2 mages.

"Any questions?"

Like Grey, Qila kept her normal face, since Kohler did not have any malice she just ignored him and continued briefing the team.

"Mam, what about the two other trump card units that left from 2-003 and 3-011?"

Sharon asked with curiosity.

"The two other units have also arrived near the mining camp, they have joined the [Inferno Storm Legion] to make one attack force. However even they are not enough to take the magic crystal lode by themselves, they have to wait for the rest of the forces to arrive."

"Thank you Mam."

"The regular army has started to move towards the magic crystal lode, they should soon arrive at the so called Camp Zero created by the three trump card units."

No one asked why the camp was called Camp Zero, this place is the reason the war started, thus it was ground zero for the war, thus the name Camp Zero.

Qila looked at her team waiting for other questions.

"Mam, how are the Rawythens behaving?"

Grey asked about this country that seemed to have disappeared from this war.

Grey was interested to know whether the battle that they were going to was going to be a 1 vs 1 vs 1 or was it going to a be a 2 vs 1.

"That is classified information recruit."

Even though Qila said the information was classified, with the intelligence of mages, most would guess that Arin and Rawyth would not want to give Ruhen more advantages.

If they fought each other, that would be giving Ruhen more advantages, thus most mages at this point would guess that the battle would be a 2 vs 1 battle.

Qila looked at her subordinates waiting for more questions.

"So we will be sieging Edward's Crevasse huh?"

Kohler said with some melancholy, which was not normal for the big fellow.

Though no one said anything to his statement, every person knew the number of people who died the last time Edward's Crevasse was sieged.

Amongst the mages, the death rate of tier 1 mages passed 70%.

Even though the Arinese still lost the mining camp to the Ruhenese, they still gave them a hard time, killing numerous.

It was because of the [Vermont Battalion] that the Ruhenese took the mining camp easily.

"Good luck to all of us. Move out!"



Dust and leaves were blown all a small area as two people dropped down from the sky, disturbing the peace of the forest.

"Commander Alexandria Wells, Major Ronald Benediction, welcome to Camp Zero."

"How are things at the camp Major Alistair Stein?"

Lt Col Alexandria Wells observed the camp with a critical eye whilst looking at Alistair.

"The camp is functioning as intended."

'I am finally back, I am going to fix the mess of back then.'

Alexandria eyes seemed to have the ability to ignore several kilometres of forest to look at the walls of Edward's Crevasse, and feeling nostalgic about it.

"Anything worth reporting?"

"Apart from the Ruhenese trying to probe the camp, a message addressed to the Commander came."

"Oh really? Let me see."

Alexandria read the message that was written in a letter.

The content of the letter made her smirk.

"Even you cannot wait anymore huh? Major Stein, send communication, I want all the forces to be in this place by evening tomorrow. Anyone not here by then, will be tried for treason on charges of desertion."

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