
The Magic Gamer

A 19-year-old in Hargeon woke up one day as a man from another world. Floating in front of his face was a screen that told him he was the Gamer. Is the world ready for the chaos to come?

DawnImmortal · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



Name: Eren Ray

Occupation: The Variant Gamer | Wizard (10% Exp Gain)

Level: 3 Next Lv: 35%

Health: 100% Stamina: 19% Energy: 100%

Power: 20 Speed: 19

Endurance: 23 Energy: 10

Stat Points: 10]

Looking at the status screen, Eren rubbed his tired eyes as he sighed, 'I can learn only 1 caster and 1 holder magic, what magic should I choose...'

He had spent 3 days in the archives, inspecting most of the magic books without much rest, and in the end, he still had no clue what to do.

He knew the magic had to be the strongest one he could think of, so the idea of random magic was not even considered.

'It has to be either strong lost magic or slayer magic or something... If only I could learn all the magic in the archives, I would be the most versatile mage in the world...'

The mere thought of being able to cast any magic made him salivate, unfortunately, it seemed to be just a dream...

His stomach rumbled, showing its dissatisfaction with the situation. As if on a queue, Mira entered the archives.

"Eren, you haven't chosen yet?" She asked as she placed a serving of food in front of him.

Eren didn't hesitate as he began wolfing down the food and said between taking bites of the meat, "No... Not yet... This is good! Thanks..."

Mira didn't know what to do so she simply smiled and left the archives, 'He is... unique.' She thought. She was used to the weird behavior of people around the guild and yet Eren's approach to this matter seemed unique to her. She was interested to see what he would choose in the end. It was rare for a wizard to start at 19 after all.

As for Eren, he finally stood up and stretched his body and felt a little better, 'I think I am going to vomit if I stay here another second... Let's take care of other matters first and think back on this again.' He decided and left the Archives at last.

It was late at night, the guild was rather empty. Eren left and walked to the Inn room he had rented then collapsed on the bed falling asleep.

As the sun rose across the mountains early morning, Eren left the Inn and set off to Hargeon. When he arrived there, he spent the entire day looking for a buyer to sell his house there.

Luckily, someone interested appeared and he managed to sell it off for a good sum of money. He returned to Magnolia and stayed at the Inn for the night.

The next morning, he entered the guild thinking of exploring the Archives for a few hours then go house hunting. He wanted his own place.

It was around afternoon when he left the Archives, consequently, Mira bumped into him as he opened the door. The lunch she was bringing him fell on the ground. The dish shattered along with the glass of water, the food spilled on the ground.

She had brought him food these days, thankfully, he had enough money to live for a month or two because of the bandits.

"Sorry..." He said apologetically.

Mira shook her head, "It's okay, it happens..." She left and returned with something to clean it with. Meanwhile, Eren followed her and took a mop that was sitting around there.

"Let me help you." He tried to help her clean it.

Mira shook her head, "There is no need. I have got this..."

"But it happened because of me," Eren replied calmly, She argued, "It was an accident, besides, the way you hold that mop shows you have never cleaned anything before."

Eren paused for a moment to look at the mop, indeed he was holding it upside down as if he wanted to clean the ceiling...

"Well... I can try?" He said unsurely.

Mira chuckled and began cleaning the mess.

Eren was not done yet, he reached for the bigger parts, "At least let me gather these..." He suddenly stopped talking...

It seemed both their hands had reached for the same thing and touched each other.

Eren turned to look at Mira and for a moment they locked eyes, their faces very close to each other.

'I can smell her scent... Her eyes are mesmerizing...' He thought but calmed down after.

After a second, Mira quickly retracted her hand with a blush and looked away, "Hmm..."

The atmosphere turned awkward, Eren felt the awkwardness coming so he sighed and calmly stood up, "Sorry about that. I will leave then..." He quickly left after putting the payment on the bar.

Mira was partially glad that he left and partially disappointed. She shook her head. She had other things to do.

Eren's house hunting journey was a rather boring one, the 1st one caught his eye, it was within price range as well. A cozy small place in the middle of the town, perfect for him.

So he bought it with the money from selling the previous one, then bought some things to fill it up, such as a bed, chairs, and alike.

As he did all these things, his mind seemed to relax and the mental exhaustion of being in the archives for 2 days faded away.

By night time, he was finished.

He laid down on his bed and looked at the sky through the window just above the bed, 'I am still not a step closer to choosing... I wish I could just learn them all... Wait a moment...' Suddenly an idea came to him.

He sat up with a bright expression, 'I know what to learn! I should have just thought about it more instead of reading book after book!'

He had watched the entire anime and remembered most of it, and when he inspected the memories again, his eyes lit up.

'Besides the slayer magics that were strong but limited to an element and lost magic that is hard to find, there is one magic that suits my needs perfectly.'

Eren always liked to prepare thoroughly before doing something, that was how he was even on Earth. That was why he didn't like being limited because that meant he couldn't plan for things. Being caught off guard or surprised in a life and death situation was not something he liked to experience.

That was why he was hesitating so much to learn magic because every magic had a weakness and strong point. He had to be very careful with his choice, this choice would impact him for the rest of his life!

'A magic that lets me cheat around the limit of this system and learn all the magic around and create new stuff, perhaps a very underestimated magic... Memory Make Magic. I can learn countless spells, and always be prepared in fights. Plus it will give me perfect memory as well... This is it!' He smiled.

'The only problem is how to find a book on it... That can be solved. It seems it is decided, I will walk the path of a Spellsword. The gamer ability can make me both a great warrior and mage. I just need to get some combat skills somehow... As for the holder magic, I better get Requip magic or something to solve the problem of carrying stuff around. Not having an inventory is getting annoying...' He began planning a future path.

Having made a choice, he felt as if an invisible weight had been lifted from his heart.

'First, I should use a month or two to get as many stats as I can and train with the 2 swords while searching for a book on Memory Make Magic. After finding the book, I will memorize all the magic in the guild archives. Then I must go on a job from the guild to make some money, the Vulcan quest...' he thought before closing his eyes and going to sleep.

The next day, began training like crazy from early morning till afternoon, then gathered information on Memory Make magic and where he could find it. He didn't interact much with the guild, only posted a quest there for any information on the Memory Make Magic book.

A month later, a wizard came into the guild looking for him.

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