
The Mage Battle God

Laurellius. An apprentice mage of beneath-average talent who dreams of becoming a famous mage in the entire Arcana Empire was desperate to enroll in the famous Arcanum Academy. However, due to inferior skills, he found himself at high risk of failing. With the entrance exams only a week away, and his abysmal ability to cast 2nd Tier magic, Laurellius does his best to succeed. Desperately, Laurellius continued to push himself. . . until one day, he met a girl. A girl with a lot of her secrets and mysterious origins. Follow Laurellius’ journey, as he continues to push forward the harshness of reality, and the determination for greater heights. (Note: I am not the owner of the cover. If you are the owner and want to take it down, please dm me.)

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Veronica Wicca



'If one was to ask who was the strongest woman in the entire Arcana Empire, then the obvious answer would be Veronica Wicca.' Laurellius had heard such a statement many times.


As far as Laurellius knew, Veronica was a living legend across the continent, and perhaps even the nearby ones. It was even rumored that her Realm of Power had reached into the High Archwizard Realm.


It was common sense that each system that a person cultivates has its own Realms of Power, and the Realm of being a High Archwizard was also known as the Sixth Realm in the system of Sorcery.


A realm that would take several lifetimes for normal mages and/or wizards to achieve…


Vacated, the entire venue was now silent. Laurellius was still shocked from the events that his mind could no longer keep up, Nell was looking at everyone with a blank look, Fran was also stunned for many reasons, and Hilda was only beginning to stand of as she was still gasping for heavy breaths.


Perhaps only Avarosa was the strange one as she only stared at Veronica as if looking at a rare animal. And Veronica too was looking at Avarosa with intrigue.


After a while, it was Avarosa who broke the silence: "Oh? What strange fate, indeed… I never thought I would live to see one of your kind, " she said with a curious smile, "A Wiccan—no, a Dark Druid, no?"


Veronica's eyes widened, as she never expected the term would pop up in the conversation. She then smiled half-threateningly, half-intrigued: "What a surprise… I never expected someone would still recognize our humble race." She said as her eyes narrowed into slits.


Avarosa scoffed. "I am not just 'someone' mind you… And since your race is a rarity, I'll pardon your unpleasant gaze for today, " Avarosa then turned to Fran, "at the very least it's not as unpleasant as hers."


Fran was alarmed by Avarosa's words. She knew what Avarosa was implying, so her eyes widened and she instinctively tensed.


Meanwhile, Veronica's interest aroused further. She covered her lips as she spoke: "I see… so you know about her senses, hm?"


Avarosa scoffed once more. She made an annoyed expression as she spoke: "Do not take me for a fool. She had merely been born with a stronger soul than most. Nothing special."


"Eh?" Fran was surprised at how casually she was disregarded.


Veronica's smile deepened. The impression that this girl was far from what she seemed kept growing within her. She felt threatened by her own instincts, even. This was not a girl one could just cross and get away with it.


She turned to Laurellius, interested in what kind of person would have enough balls to accompany such lass. She smiled at him, and asked: "What's your name, boy?"


Laurellius perked as he stiffened. Nonetheless, he still answered: "L-Laurellius, Ma'am…"


"Hm? No surname?"


Laurellius shook his head. "I'm a commoner."


Veronica raised a brow. She thought he was just a suitor or a noble trying to woo the strange girl with his pretty face, but it seems she was wrong. Also…


"You're nearing the Realm of a Novice Mage?" she asked. It was abnormal for a commoner, unless they had the backing, to reach the First Realm at this age.


Cultivation of power was at its slowest when only at its early stages. They start off knowing nothing about the mysteries of Power, and they have to stumble their way through the barrier separating the mystic and non-mystic. Hence it was almost impossible for common folks to even become an Apprentice Mage without resources. And even if they did, they would usually not breakthrough being a Novice Mage for decades.


It was one of the greatest hurdles in terms of reaching higher accomplishments in the Realm of Power.


And for this boy, who only seemed 16 years old based on the saturation of mana in his eyes, to be able to reach a level where he is already touching the threshold to be a Novice Mage, and a commoner no less, should be an undiscovered talent.


And as she expected, Laurellius nodded. He didn't seem to be lying.


Veronica went silent for a while. She pondered and then spoke to Fran: "Young Fran, I would like to know what happened here in detail. And the rest too, please follow me back into my office."


Though she said 'the rest' she was actually talking to Avarosa. She both knew that no one here would refuse except her, and that she was a prideful one. It didn't take a fool to know that from her demeanor.


Avarosa shifted her gaze to Laurellius and saw that he had a pleading expression on his face. What a fool. Does he think this much is a big deal? Well, it doesn't matter. Since he rarely asks for something, then she might as well just go along now. Not that she had anything to do anyway.


She looked at Veronica, and nodded.


Veronica inwardly let out a sigh of relief, and spoke with a smile: "Now then, since everyone has agreed, let us all depart!"


She snapped her fingers…




...and they all vanished in place.




After Veronica teleported everyone back into her office, she asked someone to volunteer to share what exactly happened. And it turned out, Veronica didn't want to hear Fran's side of the story, Nell was still dumbfounded from too much magic she'd ever seen her entire life, Hilda was too traumatized by Avarosa, and Avarosa felt it was beneath her to explain things.


And that only left one person.




And so, Laurellius was forced to recount the story with a pallid face. He couldn't screw up in his explanation. If his story tilted to one's disadvantage, then he wouldn't be able to defend himself in case he permanently gets their ire. And he couldn't count on Avarosa to save him. He felt like he couldn't trust her anymore.


And after a while...


"I see…" Veronica muttered as she heard everything that happened, "So it was indeed a misunderstanding."


"Y-Yes, I don't think it should've escalated to this point. I feel like it was simply a bad matchup of personas." Laurellius commented.


Veronica chuckled at his words. She knew what he was feeling right now, but that only made her want to tease the naive boy.


But unfortunately, she didn't have that luxury.


She turned to Avarosa once more, and once again felt a feeling of danger from her being. Just how many people did she kill to make this kind of aura? Not even she could make it so intense!


"I'd like to ask, Miss Avarosa--"


"Lady," Avarosa corrected. "I am a proper lady of age. Please remember that."


Veronica made a wry expression and cleared her throat. She continued: "Ahem… Lady Avarosa…"


She paused, and then made a serious expression. It was the complete opposite of her carefree face earlier.


"Do you have any intentions to harm anyone?"


Her words were spoken in a sharp tone. And she released indiscriminate pressure that pressed onto everyone's mind. Everyone, except Avarosa, stiffened. Even Nell had tears forming at the corner of her eyes.


Avarosa narrowed her eyes in response to the hostility.


"Is that a threat?" she spoke with a hostile tone of her own. She was going to prove she was not a pushover.


The two of them glared at each other for a while. They both released their own respective malice, and everyone else in the room had gone pale.


It continued until Veronica was the one to first stop.


"Sigh… it seems you're much more serious than I thought. I give up," she said as she raised her hand, "but I'll still need your answer for my question."


Avarosa harrumphed as she spoke, "The lives of lowborn does not interest me. I am not so free nor have the desire to do so."


Laurellius who heard her words laughed dryly in his mind and he thought 'Not so free she says… even though she's just a freeloader…'


Immediately after he thought, a cold chill raced on his back as Avarosa glared at him. He paled once again. He forgot Avarosa was connected to his mind.


"I shall deal with you later," she said in an expressionless tone.


Veronica was confused by what Avarosa meant, but she still needed to confirm another thing.


"May I ask why exactly are you here? Other than the boy over there, I don't remember sending an invitation for you. I didn't even know an existence such as you existed."


However, instead of Laurellius or Avarosa, it was Hilda who spoke.


"That… They came to have her enlisted for the exams…" she said in a meek voice.


Veronica's brows raised in surprise. She turned to Avarosa in inquiry.


"Indeed. I have come to grace this academy with my presence. Be grateful, Wiccan."


Veronica made a wry smile, "Please don't call me Wiccan. Anything but that."


Avarosa frowned in displeasure, but indeed, meeting a Wiccan was an extremely rare event even from where she came from. She couldn't just let anyone with the knowledge spread it around. After all, Wiccans we're the best living lucky charms in the vast cosmos.


Perhaps if the Wiccan owed her, Avarosa might be able to use her.


After a while, Avarosa agreed: "Very well. I shall call you old woma--nay, old lady."


"..." Laurellius was speechless. They were facing a legendary person in the entire continent yet Avarosa was as arrogant as ever! Is she even right in the head?!


Laurellius deliberated for a short while. Nope, definitely not.


Once again, Laurellius was met with a cold glare from Avarosa. She raised two fingers to him, reminding him it was his second offense.


Laurellius paled once again, as he turned to Veronica. She was stiff as if suddenly being reminded by a very painful past.


'Ah… it's over. My life is over…' Laurellius thought, as he began to give up on life. What was the point of living if you've got a person who is capable of wiping out small kingdoms targeting you?


At the very least, Laurellius might die of stress first before being killed by the person herself.


However, his fears were unfounded as when Veronica snapped out of her daze, she only gave a wry smile to Avarosa. 


"As expected, that's a bit…"


"It was a mere jest." Avarosa shrugged.




Perhaps if there was a contest of who had the largest ball--ahem…biggest courage in the continent, Laurellius would vote for Avarosa with both arms. And if it counts, he'd even include his legs to raise for votes.


Not that he'd do it openly though…


"Then, I shall call you by name from now on. Be honored, Veronica woman."


Unconsciously, Laurellius had slapped his forehead. He was already thinking about what to write in his letter as the last message for his parents, and how to make sure Nell doesn't get hurt.


Yet mysteriously, Veronica didn't snap or get angry. Her face went a bit pale, and she gave them a resigned smile.


"I-I see… You are quite obstinate, aren't you?" she said, but it sounded like she wasn't against the idea.


Avarosa only scoffed and didn't speak.


Meanwhile, Laurellius was dumbfounded. What just happened? Is the sun going to rise in the west from tomorrow? 


Well, it always rose from the west to the east though…


"Alright," Veronica spoke. She turned to Laurellius, and said, "You and Lady Avarosa don't have to enter the examinations. I only need to test your precise elemental aptitudes, and I will do the rest to make sure you enter the best class in the Academy. Is that alright?"


Laurellius' eyes widened at the offer. It was a dream come true for him--no, it was a dream within a dream. If it was him a week ago, the thought of entering just the main classes was an impossible dream, yet now he was being offered the best class in the academy.


His voice choked in his throat, and he couldn't speak from the shock.


'I want it… I wanna get stronger, and the Elite Classes will be the best way to achieve it.' Laurellius thought as excitement welled up in his chest.


Afraid of wasting the golden opportunity, Laurellius opened his mouth to agree, "I--..."


But the words didn't leave his mouth.


"Hm? What was it, Young Laurellius?" Veronica asked. She wanted a clear answer from him.


"I…" Laurellius once again tried to say it, but his mouth refused to utter it. Was Avarosa doing something again? He turned to her but saw Avarosa shake her head in denial.


"I have nothing to do with it."


Laurellius' eyes widened in surprise. It was strange. If it wasn't her, then who was stopping him?


However, Laurellius saw Avarosa sigh and then spoke: "Fool. It is purely your own will. Your Innate Domain is slowly being integrated into your Trinity Base. And since it is a part of you, it will deny falsehoods. You cannot lie to yourself."


Laurellius was dumbfounded.