
Everything's Great

Mia POV.

I woke up around 10pm I guess I was really tired from all the traveling. I get up to check my phone and I have three miss calls from mom.

"Shit" I curse myself. She probably thinks I'm dead. I head to my living room to grab my two other suitcases and I lift them unto the bed.

I start to unpack some more clothes but not to much. I place the remains of clothes back into my suitcase until I can get my closest sorted out.

"Done" I breath out while running my hands through my hair. "I'm hungry but there's no food" I then pout because I really didn't want to go to the store at this time but do I have a choice no.

I grab my bag and phone and I throw on a grey sweat pants along with a white crop top that was Nike. I place on my black crocks and walk out of my apartment door.

The apartment had a nice welcoming vibe and was quiet and peaceful. I was told everyone knew everyone and their were never any problems. As I entered the elevator I pressed the main floor and while waiting I take out my phone.

I decided to call my mom back before she has an heart attack. The phone ran three times before she picked up. And I could hear her let out a breath.

Mom: "I thought you were kidnapped so explain to me right now why you didn't pick up the phone"

"After settling in I fell asleep no biggy"

Mom: "Where are you now then?"

"I'm heading to the store to grab some groceries because I'm starving"

Mom: "Let me know when you get back home sweetie I love you bye"

"I love you too bye."

I hang up the phone and roll my eyes. Finally the elevator was on the main floor. I walk out of the building and head to my car.

I get in and start the engine. I stopped to the nearest food store and entered it. I grab chicken breast, pork, steak, ribs, milk, eggs, cereal, bread, butter, kimchi, pickle radish, shrimp, veggies, noodles, rice, and also 12 packs of neucler spicy fire noodles.

I pay for the groceries and then leave the store. I place everything in the back seat and suddenly I remembered that I needed to get drinks. So with that being said I walk back into the store grabbing a case of varieties of sodas, I grad about 20 waters bottles, and I grab to bottles of apple juice. I once again pay for everything and then quickly got back to my car and headed home.

When I arrive back to my apartment I place everything inside the fridge and I go to wash up. When I'm done showering I go back to the kitchen and decide to fry down some shrimp to eat with the nuclear fire noodles. When it's all done I wash the dishes and then go to the living room to eat.

While watching Netflix on my laptop I go back to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Finally I was done eating so I head back to the kitchen to wash my plate and fork. I the go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I'm done I grab my water bottle and laptop and walk to my room.

I watch one more episode of The Good Doctor and decide to go to bed because I want to wake up early to look around Soeul. I grab my phone and text my bestfriend Cara and my mom that I'm going to bed and then I rest the phone on the nightstand. I close my eyes and enter dreamland for the night.

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