
Chapter 1

Isabella's POV

Beep beep beep

I groaned, trying to find the rude cagna(bitch) who woke me up this early on a Saturday morning. Ah, it's my annoying red alarm clock. I slammed my hand to shut off the annoying shit, I stayed in bed for about 5 minutes when Toni short for Antonio, one of my older brother came in.

I said in my head a happy sight, my favorite brother, hush no one knows though. I got up and leaned my head against my headboard and turned to Toni and smiled.

"Good morning Toni," I said while smiling, and he smiled back.

"Good morning sorellina(baby sis)" he said, I rolled my eyes at that name.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys, I'm not a fucking baby" I said while I sighed in frustration but was playful also.

"Uhm excuse you cagna you are and will still always be our baby" He said and he winked playfully while grinning I just rolled my eyes, while chuckling and he spoke up.

"Oh you made me forget the reason why I came to you, come down for breakfast after breakfast finish up we are going to the mall to buy your school supplies," he said and I just nodded.

I brushed my teeth while thinking about my "parents" I still can't believe they abandoned me I'm still hurting but not that much because I've become used to them not being around. They missed my first day of kindergarten, my first day of middle school, they probably gonna miss my first day of high school I don't even care as long as I have my brothers with me I'm more than happy.

They are like my parents because they raised me to be who I am today. I snapped out of my daydream and finished brushing my teeth, and I headed downstairs for breakfast, as I was jumping down the stairs, yes jumping sue me, I was met with a bunch of boys with no T-shirts on.

"Oh my god seriously guys, you are disgusting" I whined sitting in my usual place I noticed that only the twins and Gio were downstairs, the devil is probably sleeping, I mean Caleb oh my god, Gio came over to me and patted me on the head, like I was some baby I pouted, sticking my bottom lip out looking like a 5-year-old.

"So where's breakfast?" I questioned

"We are waiting for Caleb," Andrew said

I made my mouth in an "o" shape.

"Ugh it's been like 10 minutes can't you go and wake him up please!!!" I whined again

"Ok ok ok fine, stop your whining I'll go wake him up baby" Antonio smiled while chuckling

"Thanks, Toni love you" I smiled while watching him run upstairs.

2 minutes later Toni came down with the devil himself aka Caleb, I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Welcome your Highness how did you sleep?" I said with a lot of sarcasm.

He just rolled his eyes. Gio started making pancakes after a while he put 4 pancakes on my plate and I was drooling I eat a lot, but I don't get fat. They all started chuckling and even Caleb's lip was in a curve, mh maybe he isn't the devil after all. We started eating and Gio was the first one to speak up.

"So bambina(child) are you ready for school on Monday?" he asked smiling, I smiled back and said.

"Oh ok excited I'm not even nervous I can't even explain how excited I am to meet new friends and new....."I decided to mess with them just for fun cause I'm an evil bitch, I just kept quiet.

"New what? "Caleb was the first to ask.

"Bells come on new what?!?" the twins said together, I'm still not used to them speaking at the same time it's creepy.


"Ok fine meet new fucking sexy, hot, bad boy guys, "I said while smirking, oh you're asking for a death wish Bella, I said to myself but it's so fun messing with them since they are super overprotective. I couldn't hold it in anymore I started to burst out of fucking laughter.

"O-oh m-my g-go-god, you were supposed to see the look on your dumbass faces holy shit" I was wheezing at this moment, my stomach is hurting from laughing so much oh my god, this is the best day ever!!!! The boys had scowls on their faces they all said in unison.

"Hahaha you're so fucking funny Bella," they said together in unison sarcasm flowing off their tongue, I just chuckled and said thank you for breakfast before anyone could say anything else, I sped up the stairs ready to take my shower.

I was still smiling from earlier with the joke I made with the boys, sighing I went to my shower, in my room cause I live with a bunch of guys and I need my privacy. I put on the water so it could get hot quickly. Feeling the water I nodded to myself, connecting my phone to my speaker, and played my playlist.

Stripping out of my clothes I went into the shower and my shoulders immediately relaxed. I washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo then rinsed it, after I was done rinsing my hair, my absolute favorite song came on "I don't wanna be you anymore" by my favorite artist Billie Eilish." I squealed as it started and I started singing the lyrics.

I finished singing and lemme just tell you I love to sing, but none of my siblings know, only my best friend Hannah knows because we sing together, and I love it. Who knows maybe I'll sing in front of my brother's, on the twins' birthday.

Come to think about it the twin's birthday is soon, and I need to buy them a few gifts, I washed my body with my coconut body wash and rinsed myself off before getting a towel. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body and put a small towel around my hair, so it can towel dry when I got into my room I think I just shit my in my towel and, that person scared the shit out of me.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?!"

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