
I never wants to punch you but you're a real bitch.

I went inside the training room alone, leaving that 'senior' inside the classroom.

When I stepped inside my blood boil, because of someone i hate the most. She's Yun Kate.

I heard that she's the president's daughter and i also found about her deepest secret. haha. Let's see if you're still going to be a queen when i tell them how much of a trash you are.

Yun Kate is Kurt, step sister. Her Dad and Kurt's Mom are married, Kurt's dad is a divorce man.

You guys wonder why I hate her?

because she is the girl the I caught sleeping with my ex boy friend Kurt that time... Still doesn't get it? read it again.

I entered the room, and walked to my brother who are seating with his friends. "Hey" I patted him on his shoulder before seating next to him.

"Hey Alezi, what's up?" I just nodded as his friend greeted me even asking for a hand shake but I refused.

I heard someone who's coming in our place, I turned around and saw it's her.

I crossed my arms and asked. "What brings you here?" raising my eyebrow.

"I saw you with Yoongi, Are you trying to get into his pants? Mind if you stopped talking to him and to his friends?" She said then I look into the entrance and saw Yoongi with his two other friends entered the room, Yoongi looked around and then caught me staring at him. I looked back to Kate.

"Yoongi and his friends are NOT yours, why are you telling me to stopped? Are you his whore too?" I laughed. my brother hold my arms.

"Stop, before this get out of hands."He whispered into my ear. I glared at Kate, before turning my back on her after I waited for her answer which is nothing came out from her.

"You!" She shouted attacking me but I avoid it through my reflexes as a Mafia.

She's fuming in anger and trying to scratch me but I avoid it. then she scratch me on my right arm once. I hissed and glared at her...

"I never wants to punch you, but you started it" Then i hit her straight in the right eye.

"Don't you ever lay your filthy hands on me, Kate. Try it again and you'll know where I put your grave." I growl.

my brother held me back, I breathe heavily as I glared at her. Yoongi ran towards us and went in front of me. "Allen, bring your sister to the infirmary, I'll handle this." he then look at me then nodded. he muttered 'please' but i response with a glare.

My brother pulled me along with him out of the training room and bring me to infirmary.

"You should hold yourself sis, remember who's daughter she is. and when Dad find out about this both of us will be death." He said as help me cleaned my wound.

"Her scratch isn't that deep, I can do it myself." I said pushing him out of the room.

"Lezi!" he shouted, banging the door.

I walk to the bed and finish cleaned it before i lay down and close my eyes.

Yoongi's POV

I saw Kate walking towards Alezi, and I smell trouble. but I just stood there watching them arguing...Kate said something that Alezi furrowed her eyebrows, the boys around Alezi nudge her brother held her and whisper something on her ear... Alezi then turned around to leave and avoid getting into heat fight but Kate attack her and Alezi just avoid every punch and scratch Kate throwing onto her.

"Hyung aren't you going to do something?" Jimin asked but I just waved my hands as answer 'No'. I wanted to see the real fight and this is just the beginning even tho i told Alezi to stopped

Kate then reached her and scratch her right arm, Alezi glared at her and said something before throwing a punch. I jumped in surprised. The students here cheered for them, I told Jimin and Jungkook to call our PE teacher and I run towards them.

"Allen, bring your sister into the infirmary. I'll handle this" Then I looked at her muttering 'please' but she gave me a glare.

I turned around to face Kate. "Hey babe" She then walked towards me and wrapped her arms to my neck. I quickly removed it and moved backwards from her.

"You need to go and visit our Dean, Ms. Yun." said then walked away.


The class ended. Shin's children were called to the Mansion for another meeting.

Alezi and Allen straightly went home with there own vehicles, as for their older brother Alex is still trapped to the meeting between their Business partner.

Alezi walked inside the mansion leaving her brother.

"Where's Dad?" Alezi asked as she crossed her arms in front of the maids.

"Upstairs Ms.Shin." She nodded and walked passed by them as all of them maids bowed to her.

the atmosphere inside the mansion risen up as the children of Shin's went home one by one with an unexplained expression.

Alezi went upstairs and surprised by a dagger flying on her way. she avoided it then look at the wall behind her. she glared to the dagger before turning back to the place where the dagger start.

"Dad?"Her steps were heavy as her deep voice.

"You are the Shin's Mafia princess, right?" An old men went out from her Dad's room.

"Who are the hell are you?" Her eyes fired up and walked toward the old men.

"Stop there, Alezi." The old men said.

Her eyes went widened. "What are you doing here, Grand father?" Allendre asked as he arrived.

"Well, Your Dad promised me something. isn't it a bit too long to get Alezi to come to Japan? I mean she's smart enough to accelerate and finish school with 6 months, why aren't she?" Old Man Shin walked towards the siblings.

"Dad said she needs to finish studying, and needed to be well learned Grand Father, and I wonder why are you rushing it up and even visit here without notifying any of us?" Alexander arrived too putting down his brief case on the small table.

"Well learned? about what? i thought you guys well trained since you were young, techniques and stuffs that a Mafia needs to have, especially the skills using mind.Once you are a Shin, it means you are Smart and strong enough! are you saying that this girl still a weakling?!" Their grand father burst out making them flinch, Alezi on the other hand biting her lip to prevent lashing out in front of her so- called- Grand father.

"Let's have tea downstairs, Father. I wasn't informed of your arrival and since you met my daughter, you might as well to get to know her." Their father went out of his room.

"We should, I would really like to know this girl you called 'Daughter' Alkene." Their grand father walked passed by them and walked downstairs.

"Go and change before you go downstairs. Don't worry." Her dad patted her shoulder before leaving.

"We are here sis, Don't worry."

"Yeah, Calm your tits first. You already heard why Grandfather is like this."

Her brother gave her a small smile before leaving.

She sighed. "F*ck this life." She left to change her outfit, messing her hair more.

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