

' Where is my shield, " boy " ? ' Sir Glycan said to him.

Perrie looked up. He could sense mockery hidden on the emphasis that Sir Glycan had imposed on the last word. Despite being older than sixteen, the official age of adulthood as stated by the Coal Empire, Perrie was still looked on as a boy by Sir Glycan, if only to remind him that he was a mere upjumped squire, serving under Sir Glycan, not only one of the household knights of the Royal Family, but also the cousin to the queen and the General-Commmander of the City Patrol, one of the most respectable organisations in charge of guarding the city, second in the position of reputable military posts, next only to the Kingshields, protectors of the king, and the royal family in whole, consisting of the ten most distinguished knights in the Coal Empire. And the Coal Empire comprises the world. Or most of the world. After the invasion led by Prince Garith, the heir to the throne and his illegimate brother, Prince Lewin, often called by the name of the Bastard Prince, succeds in overthrowing the Republic of Entoshi, the only point of indifference in the eye of the Coal Empire's world domination goal. The only country that was still in war against the Coal Empire.

"Fools and traitors" he thought, handing over Sir Glycan his shield. He was a squire, he had no right to question him for his mockery. He is lucky enough to be given this honour to serve him. That was the Coal Empire's goal. To bring stability in the country, a small group had to control a larger part. There should be a leader - only one group of leaders while all the others are followers. There should be an orderly and properly trained small group to lead the mixed up and undisciplined larger group. If both groups are large or both groups are large, there would be no leader, and the group's will crumble by itself. That is the true Balance, as stated by Khalidar, the goddess of equality, the prime queen goddess of the Elrori Principles, the head of the Triarch Pantheon, the religion followed by the Coal Empire. The true equality is when the lows are large and the highs are small. In other words, when the commoners in the bottom of the social system are large in numbers and the nobles in the middle are less huge and the royals in the top are smallest in numbers to be supported by the lower systems, in order to lead them more efficiently and practically. That is the Ediam Diagram, the main symbol of the Triarch Pantheon, the main section of the Elrori Principles, which is the official religion of the parts controlled by the Coal Empire. Including Arkonia, where Perrie was born.

After he became a squire, however, he left Arkonia and went to the capital city of Nedoma, and stayed there squiring for Sir Glycan, until he decided to take part in a tourney that would take place in Arkonia, hosted specially by Lord Tedberk, the ruler of Arkonia, in honour of the birth of his first child: a healthy daughter and his heir, if she survives. Arkonia is not a healthy place for a child to live in, Perrie thought with disgust. He hoped Lord Tedberk will sent his daughter to be fostered by some ruling family near or far from his reign, so the child would not endure what he had to endure. There was a reason to why Perrie and left Arkonia, his own birth land, one he tries desperately not to think about. Although, Arkonia had got more worser practices than his own problems were limited considering it. Actually, his own problems were nothing compared to it. Arkonia do not follow the gender neutrality associated with people from the Coal Empire. They only prefer sons but the Coal Empire royal family preferred both sons and daughters. That is why they deserve to be leaders and the rest of them, including Perrie himself, deserve to serve as loyal followers. And Perrie was honoured to be a loyal follower. That is why he had converted to the Elrori Principles. It is the official religion of their land. The Arkonian religion was only a minor religion in Arkonia now. Only close minded and mentally sick people would practice it. Intelligent people know better. the Arkonian religion is hated by the Coal Empire nobels, although they would not say so openly, for the Elrori Principles state there are many ways to reach God's and Goddesses. But the Arkonian religion does not endulge in such useful advice. It's digusting rituals were bashful to the Elrori Principles. Mainly it's gender inequality. That is what led the Coal Empire king to attack it, and anyone who feigns indifference are bashful and corrupt in the eyes of every Goddesses and every being created by Them. Due to or maybe despite their gender neutrality, the priests refer the prime pantheon of the Elrori Principles, the Triarch Pantheon, consists of goddesses only, not Gods, so every time the term " Goddesses " is used to define the religion as a whole. And why not ? The Elrori Principles is the most suitable religion. The Ediam Diagram is the most practical and logically constructed symbol defining a religion. And not only this, the vertical religious symbol is also the emblem of the royal family of the Coal Empire.

' I am ready for the joust ' Sir Glycan announced.

Pierre nodded his head slowly in approval.

' Bring my horse ' Sir Glycan commanded and immediately Pierre raced to the stables to find the horse for a good follower always obeys his commanders.

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