4 Chapter 4 blades and Death

Robin P.O.V

I have to say things are getting worse and worse as dad has been keeping me away and moving from safe house to safe house recently, thanks to my 2 buddies I at least have company. I had decide to call them Sally and Holly, when I told them to the mauraders they laughed at my naming sense and that's saying something as it's coming from them of all people. I'm at the cabin right now with the 2 as dad said he will be busy with something for a some time so I have to take care of my self until then and couldn't slack off on my training. While doing that I recently have gotten into blade smithing, as I like to make my own knives as I need to get better as I will never afford golblin made. At the moment I am at the level of making a decently balanced knife, and have plans for more as well a few projects that I learned was possible thanks to my favourite book.

Robin "I'm almost done hear, then I can prepare dinner with the wolf meat you to caught" as they look at each other and decide to rest as it might take a while.

When I hear the charm go off that says someone is approaching that hasn't been approved as I tell the 2 to hide well I check it out after making sure I have all my stuff. I decide to check from above so I climb the look out tree that's charmed with an camouflage charm that I came up with the idea for, thanks to dad liking it and ask for Dumbledor's help in creating it.

While moving along the tree tops with ease thanks to Sirius gift last year of feather boots, I see signs of a group of at least 3 have been passing by. With further I can see they are looking for something and are headed towards the cabin, as I try to catch up. When I see them they look just like death eaters that dad has told me about. As I continue to stock them and try to listen to their conversation.

?????? "We have to find him, we got word that he has been sighted near here on multiple occasions, one of his safe houses has to be in this forest"

????? " I know we have to or that crazy family member of yours is gonna torture us, right Thady"

Thady "Stop calling me that, it's Thaddeus, Sullivan"

?????? "Stop it idiots we don't know what's here but knowing mad eye he will have mad

protection. Now if you 2 don't shut up I will rip out your toung and feed them to the dark lords pets" as the 2 look scared at the 3rd and look down while following him, as I see this as a wonderful opportunity as I get 2 knives in my hand and spread poison on them to paralyze, that I got from good old fletcher. With no sound I throw the 2 knives at the 2 necks before throwing a 3rd at the one who looks like the leader, who seems to have sense it coming uses a protection spell. While I start running from my position, when I see him following me while I see curses being sent towards and flying around me. When all of sudden I feel something on my leg causing me to trip, as I look down I see rope wrapped around them.

?????? "Now we finally have who we are looking for, and only at the cost of 2 dumb idiots. Now you have to follow me some one wants to clean her blood with you" when I hear growling from behind and see sally and holly tackling into him as he tries to send the killing curse at them when I was finally get to my hidden knives and block a spell heading straight at holly, before I throw a final one at the last death eater hitting him right in the throat limiting his spells and most likely killing him fast as I was pissed he tries to hurt my freind. As I look at the scene of me killing 3 death eaters I wonder what father will think as I head to the river to clean up before father arrives as he will be coming when he feels the wards tripped he placed. After a few minits I hear the sound of apperation and heard da from behind me

Mad eye "Where are the trespassers" as I lead him to the gory mess I had created being cleaned up by Sally and Holly. "Looks like its handled, still I would like to know what these companions of yours are as I have never seen anything like them"

As we look at the 2 knowing what he is talking about due to their special appearances as well of abilities we have witness so far. While I walk towards as they shrink down before sucking in the last of the mess and rub against my legs.

Robin "I really dont care as they are both the cutest and smartest companions an young wizard can hope for, and they were sent by her. I heard them afraid of her" as look around us worried if it any more will be coming

Mad eye "Your getting better then ever with those blades of yours, we have to pack up what ever we cant replace as we were never going to be back here again" as I head back to grab my stuff wondering where we will be going next.

Night at Order HQ 3rd P.O.V

Mad Eye "Robin was attacked earlier today, by 2 death eaters. Sent by orders of his deranged relative. He killed them before they got him, little worried if he can handle it" as the members in the order looked at him shocked and worried

Frank "Hows he doing, where is he" as he along with Alice looked more worried then the rest

Mad eye "Hes been better, I left him in my oldest safehouse right now with his 2 bears and thats what I think he needs most right now after I was thinking of sending him to your old freind Albus" as he looks at the old wizard

Dumbledore "I think that should be best for a while, keeping him away from the action. No one messes with him anymore as his sanctuary is one of the most safe places outside of Hogwarts" as the others out of the know just look at each other confused
