
Arriving in Crestfallen

Dante looked down at his open palm, uncharacteristically perplexed by the events that had just occurred.

Mana might be a complex existence, however it had become so ingrained in the common life of man that it had become akin to the air they breath. The world and all things within it possess their own forms of mana, from plants and animals to a pebble kicked to the side of the road and the water flowing down a stream.

Magic beasts and humans are special in that they can exhibit control over mana, typically with the intention of growing stronger. Mages in particular have the most control over mana out of all living beings, possessing an excess within their bodies and the ability to convert into into another element at will.

Mana is split into earth, water, fire, and air. More powerful variations exist as well, such as lightning, poison, darkness, and light. Individual beings are born with an element of mana within their bodies, however many cannot control their mana at will and are simply left as vessels until their deaths when their mana is returned to the world.

Those who can control mana are split into various factions, mages, knights, crafters, and assassins.

For one to become a mage, one must possess the neutral element, meaning that they can give their mana form at will. What forms one can give to their mana depends on their proficiencies. Being proficient in two elements is considered average talent, three is talented, and at four one would be considered a genius. No mage had ever reached a level where they could control more than four elements.

Of course multiple proficiency is not limited to mages, however being born with more than one element within one's body is exceptionally rare.

For an Adept practitioner proficient in the poison element, converting the Black Mist into mana would be a simple task, however Dante was an Apprentice who had only ever trained in the light element. While the light element may possess purifying properties, one cannot exhibit them until they have reached the level of an Adept.

Any person that can control mana is split into specific levels, regardless of the faction they belong to, Apprentice, Adept, Master, Grandmaster, and Saint. Each level is separated by the amount of mana one can store within their bodies as well as their control over it.

How these separations are defined is unique to each faction.

Knights and assassins utilize various techniques to control their mana, crafters use tools and materials to channel their mana, and mages use magic circles and spells to amplify their mana. Techniques are divided into the common, uncommon, rare, legendary, and mystic ranks, tools and materials are split into grades from one to six, and magic circles are split into the simple, intermediate, advanced, super, and heavenly tiers.

A practitioner will grow stronger by exhausting and replenishing their mana and through the aid of external forces such as pills, beast blood, or rare herbs.

To replenish one's mana a practitioner must absorb the world's mana, consume pills, or convert a substance into mana based on their elemental affinity. Dante had performed the last method with an incompatible substance, allowing him to completely replenish all the mana he had used during the treatment unconsciously.

The translucent magic circle etched into the skin of his right hand was incomplete and one of the most basic within the simple tier, making it impossible for it to have converted the poison into mana.

Dante was forced back to reality by the abrupt halt of the carriage.

He peeked his head through the thin cloth barrier to see what was going on. Just as he did, a knight approached them, placing a gentle hand upon the head of the horse closest to him.

"What business do you have in Crestfallen? And what's in the carriage?"

"We are here seeking a healer and to meet a friend. My family is in the back of the carriage sir." Logan answered casually.

Without even bothering to check the carriage, the knight simply waved them through. Dante turned his head upside down as they passed underneath the portcullis, the thought of it falling down upon them sent delicious shivers down his spine and raised gooseflesh on his arms. They had finally entered the city.

Crestfallen was the capital of the Callian Kingdom and was home to the royal family and its oldest noble houses. The city was massive, built with the palace at the direct center, with miles of structures between it and the circular city walls. However, the main attraction of Crestfallen was not the palace, but the Academy, a place for the kingdom's young practitioners to train and learn. It was also the reason Dante had made the dangerous trek to the capital from his home.

Logan pulled the carriage off of the main road and turned into a small neighborhood made up of simple brick houses built high to maximize space. A heavyset man waved at them as they drew close.

"Logan my friend, it had been far too long since we last saw each other. I am sorry that our reunion was brought about by such tragic circumstances."

Dante retreated back into the carriage as Logan jumped down from he seat to greet his friend.

The condition of the boy and his mother had already drastically improved. Their breathing was steadier and color had almost completely returned to their faces. Diagnosing their conditions with Trace once more he found that the treatment had completely expelled all signs of the Black Mist from their bodies, it had been a complete success.

"Thank you Dante." The woman said, reaching her hand out to brush his cheek lightly.

"No thanks are necessary ma'am. Please save your strength so that you can greet Logan with a bright smile when he comes to fetch us."

"Erika, Toby, we have finally arrived." As if on cue, Logan pulled the cloth draping aside and poked his head through. He opened his mouth as if to say more but quickly stopped as his gaze fell upon his wife.

Erika's face beamed with a bright smile as tears welled in her eyes. "We're okay now honey. You don't have to worry anymore."

After Dante helped the two from the carriage, Logan pulled him into a tight embrace.

"This debt is one that I will never be able to pay off. If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to come and find me, I will do everything I can to help you."

Dante chuckled lightly.

"As I said before, think of this only as me repaying you for the ride into the city. But you can do me this one favor." Fishing into his void bag, Dante pulled out a thick leather bound book and extended it toward Logan. "This is the compendium of magical beasts in this area of the kingdom. Read it and familiarize yourself with them so that something like this never happens again."

"Um, thank you then. I will make sure to read through it, though admittedly it might take me more than a year to read through all of this." Logan said, taking the book from Dante, weighing it in his hand and studying the outside intently. "Would you like to join us for dinner? Blake said that you could stay with him if you have nowhere else to go."

"Thank you for the offer, but I must get going to my own destination. I am already late as is, and have imposed on you enough. Erika and Toby will recover their original strength in about a month's time if they eat well and get enough rest. With that, I suppose I shall take my leave."

Dante turned and left, making his way toward the Academy, leaving behind a somewhat confused Logan.

The Academy was within what was considered the inner layer of Crestfallen, the same layer that housed many of the aristocracy. The buildings in the inner layer were far more elaborate than those within the outer layers, built from white rock rather than brick. Each lot of land was far bigger, houses and stores alike were also intricately decorated and designed in contrast to the earlier blank brick slates.

Not wanting to go to the Academy just yet, Dante turned from the path and found a relatively small inn to stay at. The room for a night would cost him five gold coins, seven if he wanted a bath, and ten if he wanted food. He picked the last option and quickly trudged up to his room, completely exhausted. If he had stayed in one of the outer layers he could have received the same treatment for a single silver coin.

The bath had already been prepared by the time he arrived. After quickly stripping down of his mud-stained clothes he immediately jumped in. As soon as he completely submerged himself into the hot water his exhaustion was washed away. At least the inn lived up to its exorbitant prices.

Channeling some mana into the magic circle on his hand, Dante chanted in the archaic tongue to form the spell Trace once more. This time he used it to examine the contents of the bath. Asophilia stem for fatigue, darkroot for muscle strain, flying rowan for mana, and cinnamon for aroma, the herbal bath was well worth the extra two gold coins he had paid.

After about a half hour Dante pulled himself out of the bath. Dressing in a loose fitting white shirt and black breeches, he jumped onto the soft feather bed when a familiar voice called out to him.

"It seems you're already enjoying your second chance at life Dante. That's good, but as you said before, there is always a condition. You ready to hear it?"

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