

Third person*

      "Why do we have to be here Jetix and did Mother Moon say so," said the young white haired women. Jetix turned around and looked at her, "Actually, Mother Moon said so. She told me it was the best for you'll . Both of you have been here for wayyy too long and at least one of you two needs to find your mate," said Jetix. Merak didn't want to go down to the Lands she just wanted to stay with Mother Moon and be a warrior. Her twin, Killian wanted to find his mate and live his best life. Killian knew Merak wanted to stay and fight for their Mother, the Gods, and her kind. Killian didn't think of himself as a coward he wanted to find who he was destined to be with. He didn't want to fight in the wars, he knows it's kinda selfish of not wanting to fight, but deep down he was scared of killing other species. A voice cut both of their thoughts off, "Come on now. We have get going before dawn. We have a portal to catch," said Jetix. The twins threw their bags over their shoulders, once they started walking it was cold silence between all of them. Pissed was the definition of Merak at that moment, one little peep, noise, or murmur of anyone or anything. Merak was going to snap and attack ,everybody that passed knew, the expression on her face was the dead give away. When they passed their people, they stopped in there tracks and bowed their heads to the two royals and the Mother Moon's second hand help. It was the complete opposite for Killian he was excited to see this foreign world, he always heard about this world and he always wondered what it was like. They make it outside of the castles without having to drag Merak away, Killian and Jetix were glad they didn't have to deal with an angry, bloody, furious Merak because she was unpredictable and stronger than the both of them. She would be hard to control without a shit ton of wolfsbane. When they got to the stables their were extra warriors for the twins escort to the portal.

All of them got on their horses, Merak's horse was as stubborn as her and just plain mean to everybody but her and it was taller than all of the horses, slick black like a raven, lean, and his eyes were the most captivating they were the brightest blue just like Merak's eyes. Killian's horse was the second tallest, his horse was the nicest out of all of the horses and everybody in the kingdom loved his, his horse was a light chocolate brown with blotches of white all over the body. Jetix's was the second tallest with Killian's horse, his was nice too but he had a mean streak as well, the color of his horse was a dark brown almost black and lean as well. Once they got to the portals it was still silent they swung their legs off the horse to get off. "I didn't think this would be that emotional. I'm gonna miss you two," said Jetix. "Yeah were going to miss you and Mother Moon too. I'll see you when you visit us," said Killian. Merak didn't say anything , her face was a void of any emotions. She didn't want to leave and everybody knew that too. The twins jumped in the water well together and never to be seen again until next time.

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