1 Chapter 1


"Tonight is the Lunar Eclipse, what do you think will happen?" Mal asked I looked up at the sky judging how much more time we have before the Eclipse.

"I feel like this time will be something even more special and powerful than the Lunar Flower." I replied. The Lunar Flower is the Eclipses gift to us the last time there was an Eclipse, it is a flower that when eaten could heal wounds faster.

"I feel like this one will be odd, like it is going to be the last Eclipse." she whispered to me I gave her a look of pure shock and terror at the thought.

"Why would you think of such a thing!" I whisper-growled, the wolf to my left glared at me 'Shh' I snarled at him and clicked my teeth at him he raised his head like he was in a higher rank, a snarl rippled from my throat he crouched down prepared to attack.


Rey went instantly into an attack position they were both crouching waiting for the other to make a move.

"So getting mad over a few words now are we?" Rey asked tauntingly to the other wolf. The wolf let out a howl of rage and leaped at Rey, who did a swift duck flipping so his back was on the ground as the other wolf was over him he kicked out with his hind legs unbalancing the wolf. Everyone was in a circle surrounding Rey, the wolf, and me. We heard the wolf hit the ground hard.

"Next time don't start a fight with someone you don't know." Snarled Rey he turned to me and grinned I couldn't help but grin back out of nowhere the wolf was up and on Rey's back he bit down on Rey's spine right at the neck and shook his head, a loud crack was heard throughout the clearing I sat there stunned while the wolf dropped Rey's corpse.

"I, Rye Forlust, challenge the Alpha for the leadaeship of the pack." He roared, Alpha walked out from behind his mate, Downy.

"I accept your challenge Rye." Alpha said and both wolves charges each other aiming for throats...


I looked down on the fighting wolves and looked to Eclipse,

"should we send help?" I asked he looked down at the fighting, snarling wolves, Shadow walked from between the door.

"Send Mune and I down to fix the problem we should be done by the next Lunar Eclipse, please mom." she offered me and Eclipse shared a look.

"Fine, but even if your not done, I will bring Mune and you back." I agreed Eclipse have me a look of horror

"Do you know what could go wrong" he howled "they could try to hurt them!" he stared frantically at Shadow and I.

"They will be born into the world, did you see that wolf's sorrow when Rey was killed so, I figured that she could have Shadow and Mune as her mortal pups, what would you feel if I was killed in front of your face? At least let them see the world like we wished to." I asked putting all my feelings into those words.

"I trust you to make the best decisions for the good of wolf kind." He agreed Shadow leaped up in exitement, Mune walked in at the right time, as Shadow was coming down she landed right on top of Mune. He crumbled underneath her

"Oof" grunted Mune and Shadow, as they separated they locked eyes Mune's eyes popped wide open.

"really!?" he barked I nodded my head me and Eclipse locked eyes I reached down to my heartstone and combined both Eclipse's heartstone and my own, a blinding flash blinded us temporarily and when we could see again there was a portal.

"Take these with you and keep them at all times." Eclipse and I said in harmony. Giving Shadow and Mune ear cuffs both of them flinched when we put them in. "We love you" they both stepped through the portal at the same time. A blinding flash and the portal along with our kids were gone.
