18 Sibling rivalry

Tango was announced to participate in the tournament, most who heard the news didn't really care and thought he had preform a fluke...One however was not to keen on losing their title of Genius of the family. Tango's little brother started following him around where ever he went his affinity with wind allowed him to move silently. This was pointless because Tango was told by Eunoric <"Your nine year old brother is following you, My guess is because he was recognized as a genius and had his own solstice ceremony before you.">

After a month of his brother following him and doing nothing Tango had confronted him. Tango walked down a hall and hid behind a a intersection. As his brother turned the corner Tango grabbed him by the throat and slammed him in the wall. "Why do you keep following me?" His brother was startled and began to shake. "I didn't mean any harm, I swear!" <"That's a lie"> Eunoric was oddly invested in this...<"i am actually just bored">..."Why were you following me for the past month then?" "Wait, you knew all along, how! I was completely silent!" "I have secrets, that i don't allow you to steal my techniques." His brother didn't know what to do or say and began to cry, "Why are you so mean." He pushed away and began to run away when he tripped up and fell. Only crying louder Tango walked over. "Are you serious? You wanted to find out why i was suddenly in the competition right?" His brother nodded, he was extremely small actually Marletta was actually as big as he was. This kid is clearly the runt of the litter and when told he was a genius, all he wanted was to hold on that position.

"You can continue to follow me, if you can truly figure out how i am cultivating so well, you deserve to be called a genius. Just don't distracted me." His sniffling little brother had stayed silent and crawled away. For the time this was fine his brother seemed harmless he just wanted to know what was going on, but now he had to be wary of his other siblings. They might not be as kind or as easy to confront. His younger brother could've over powered him due to his high cultivation at 2nd stage core creation. Tango was at 6th foundation, he had seen most people around at core creation or higher. He needed to get Lunar coins some how to increase his speed of cultivation or find some sort of place with high natural aura.

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