
IMPORTANT, please read

Hey! I've decided that i dislike this publishing platform (for a few reasons, the main being this weird division of content based on gender, as someone whos nonbinary i think its incredibly stupid to assume someone's interests based on what body they have. i could go off about how much i hate this feature from both a reader and writer standpoint but i wont. the second reason why i wont be posting on here anymore is i, for the life of me, cant figure out how to italicize anything on here and it's something thats vital to understand my stories. there isnt even a hotbar for editing any of the text... its rather disappointing.)

so anyway, if you want to read the rest of the chapters, or any of my other works, please check out my Archive of our own account or my wattpad (both under the same username, Phisobi). i wont be deleting this account, but I'll be removing the app from my phone. if u wanna reach out please message me on my tumblr, @bottlesandbuttons

thank you all for reading / your general interest! and sorry for the inconvenience.