
Number 1

It's been five years since the Full Moon feast has been held, and it would be another five years tomorrow, everyone was looking forward to this great event. Especially, the Luna's about to be bonded to their Alpha mate, at this event, some of the unmated ones have the opportunity to also meet their mate since 12 packs will be coming together to celebrate the Moon Goddess and to join the unmated Luna's to their Alphas.

The Moonlight pack were happiest ones since their Female Alpha Ellie Black, would be getting married to the Sunray's Alpha male, Sebastian Coleman. The two had been friends since their childhood when their parents were still headed of the pack, Sebastian had been Alpha for five years now since he turned 18. Just recently, Ellie's parents handed over to her to take control of the Moonlight pack. And now she is to be married to Sebastian.

Ellie was in her office with her best friend Loris Williams, both ladies were talking about the ball while Ellie off mindedly go through the files for the eligible ladies and guys who will attend the event from her pack, she has to make preparations for the less privilege ones who won't be able to afford the transportation down to the event center.

" Have you gotten in touch with Sebastian today? " Loris asked

" No, his line has been off " Ellie shrugged not too concerned, she was sure her mate to be would be at the event and they would get married.

" I noticed he has been acting off "

That made Ellie to give her friend a bewildered look " Come off it Loris, Sebastian has just been busy with duties that's all, you can see how busy I get at times "

Loris was not at all convinced, she could tell something was off the last time the Alpha visited " Anyways, whatever you say your highness "

Ellie laughed " I know you are not convinced Loris but trust me on this okay?"


They went back on deciding on Loris's dress for the event since Ellie's outfit was set. The door opened and the beta, Lucas walked into the office, as usual he had a serious look on his face, for his age he was quiet and well built, he does not just talk. Handsome and a good warrior. " Beta Mike is here"

Ellie looked at him "Really?, what he doing here?" Ellie stood up "We will meet him at the hall" She said leading the way out, the others following. She went ahead to the hall while Lucas went to inform Mike that the Alpha would now see him.

Ellie was seated already when Lucas walked in with Mike, Loris stayed at the far end to give them space to talk, looking at Beta Miles expression, it must be a bad news for some reason.

"Do have your seat Mike" Ellie told him, Mike had his seat while Lucas and Loris remained standing, they were all almost the same age group that grew up together. "Why are you here?" Ellie asked.

"I bring news from Alpha Sebastian"

"Oh, and what that?" Ellie was confused, why couldn't Sebastian call her and tell her the news? Why does he have to send his Beta instead? She wondered what was going on "Is he hurt?" It would make sense if he was for him to have sent his Beta.

"Everything is fine Alpha Ellie" Mike said

Ellie knew it wasn't for Mike to have called her by her title, nothing is actually fine. "Talk to me"

"Alpha Sebastian would not be able to attend the Full Moon Feast tomorrow"



"I'm really sorry, but the Alpha is currently not available"

"How come? He knew we are getting married tomorrow at the Full Moon Feast"

"He has to attend to something urgent"

"Mike, tell me where he went to and stop beating around the bush" Ellie demanded

"I'm sorry but I can't possibly tell you that, I was only commanded to tell you the Alpha would not be attending the event tomorrow" Mike bowed down avoiding Ellie's gaze, he was somewhat ashamed but he had to carry out his duty ad the Beta of his pack.

"NOW!" Ellie said in her Alpha voice and the room shook, Loris stiffened and Lucas bowed deeply to his Alpha's voice while the tone also affected Mike, he bored and he knew he had no choice but to tell the truth at this stage.

"He went to the Azure pack" Mike said

Another silence

"To do what?" Ellie asked her voice strongly controlled

"Alpha Taylor is hurt, the Alpha went to tend to her" Mike said looking down at his shoes

"I see"

"The marriage ceremony has to be postponed till another five years"

"Because Taylor is hurt?" Ellie found it ridiculous, Sebastian wants to postpone their wedding just because Taylor was hurt.

"Yes" Mike answered

"You can leave" Ellie dismissed Mike


"Leave Mike"


"Please Mike, you have delivered your message, you can leave, see him out Lucas"

"Yes Alpha" Lucas bored and gave Mike a look telling him to just leave, Mike stood up and walked out, Lucas at his heels. After the door closed behind them, Loris walked to the empty seat Mike just left and had her seat, she knew enough not today anything yet, she could see her best friend and Alpha was devastated.

After some few minutes, Loris took Ellie's hands in hers "What are you going to do?" It would be unwise to ask if she was okay.

Ellie looked her friend in the eyes "I don't know, I can't believe Sebastian is going to do this, it might all be a mistake right? Maybe Mike got it all wrong?"

Loris gave a poor smile shaking her head "You need to stay strong"

The door opened and Lucas walked in "And you have to attend the event tomorrow".

Next chapter