
Chapter One


I stagger toward the plume of smoke rising above the trees.

I have been in this forest for days, ever since my pack was wiped out.

I was destined to be a luna.

Now I'm just lucky to be alive.

"Someone's approaching!" a voice calls.

I look up. Guards.

They stalk down the hill toward me.

"Who are you?" they ask.

"My name is Victoria," I say.

"Where did you come from?"

"The mountains."

They look skeptical.

"Wolves don't travel alone," the guard says.

"And it's a long way to travel for such a small woman," the seconds adds.

"My pack was killed," I say.

"Killed? All of them?"

A lump rises in my throat.

I do not want to think of the carnage I left behind.

My mother.

"Yes," I say.

"How do we know you are not a spy?" he says.

"A spy?"

"We have just been attacked by other wolves."

"Then you know how I feel," I tell them.

They eye me warily.

They are trying to decide what to do.

I hope they choose to let me live.

They turn to face each other and murmur.

One of them nods.

They circle around me, one on each side.

My muscles tense.

I have not survived this long to be killed by a pack of guards.

"This way," they say.

I follow their gaze toward the village.

My muscles relax.

"Thank you," I say.

I follow them into the village.

I am starving.




But I am alive.

They lead me into a hall.

There are other pack members inside.

"I'm thirsty," I say.

Suddenly, a young girl is at my side, offering water in a wooden bowl.

I lap up the water in the bowl.

"Who is this loan wolf?" a voice says.

"We found her," the first guard replies.

"She claims her pack was killed," the second adds.

"Bring her to me."

I am pushed forward.

I stumble to my knees.

I look up.

The alpha of the pack sits on a throne.

He is an old wolf, covered in battle scars.

"What is your name?" he asks.


"Your pack is dead?"


"All of them?"

"All of them."

I feel hollow inside.

He looks sympathetic.

"I am sorry for your loss," he says.

My eyes sting.

"Why did you come here?" he asks.

"I have nowhere else to go."

He nods.

"I have given shelter to loan wolves before," he says. “They have always proved their worth."

My heart races.

Is he going to offer me shelter?

He peers into my eyes.

"Tell me about your pack."

A tear rolls down my cheek.

"I was the luna in my pack," I say. "I am no longer worthy of the name."

"What happened?"

"I failed my pack, sir," I say. "I was not strong enough."

"How many wolves attacked you?"

"A hundred," I say. "It was the largest pack we had ever seen. They came into our territory."

"What did your alpha do?"

"He tried to keep peace with them. But they were ruthless."

I shudder at the memories.

"They attacked our pups first. Then the grown wolves. Then, the alpha was killed."

A look of despair covers his face.

"I am sorry," he says.

"I don't know how I survived. It's a miracle I am still alive."

I look at the ground, ashamed.

The old wolf's gaze softens.

The hall grows quiet.

Other pack members look at the ground.

They are remembering their own battles

They are remembering their own dead.

"You will have food," the alpha says.

I look up, filled with hope. "Here?"

"Yes. You are welcome here in my pack. But you will need to earn your keep."

My heart lifts.

"I will do whatever I can," I tell him.

"You will need to work hard. If you do, you can take a hunt name. A wolf only earns her true name after she has proven herself."

"I understand."

"There is one other condition."


"You will be arranged with a mate."

My heart sinks.

My mate has only just died.

I watched him die with my own eyes.

I am not ready for another.

"I refuse," I say.

"You cannot," the alpha tells me. "It is condition of entry."

I stand firm.

I will not be paired with a mate.

"I will defend my right to remain unmated," I say.

I look around the hall.

All around me, the pack are watching me.

"You are only one wolf," he says. "It goes against nature."

"I will not be forced into a bond."

The old alpha is as stubborn as me, it seems.

"When you live in a pack, you are tied to the others. Each wolf is linked to the others. When one breaks the rules, they all suffer. You will be paired."

"I don't want to."

"You have no choice."

I scowl at him.

The hall has fallen silent.

They are all watching me.

"I will not have my mate," I tell him.

"You must."

I stare at him.

He is a cruel old wolf.

He will not take no for an answer.

"If you don't, you won't be welcomed in my pack."

My eyes narrow.

His words sink in.

I have no choice.

Leave a lone wolf and die in the forest.

Stay and be paired with a wolf I do not know.

It is as if I have been smacked with a massive paw.

The old wolf glares at me.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

What choice do I have?

"Fine!" I snap. "I will be arranged with a mate."

The alpha smiles.

"Good," he says. "Tomorrow you will become an omega."

My heart is heavy.

I was a luna in my last pack.

A queen.

Here, I will be the lowest of the low.

I will be paired with a mate.

Someone I do not know.

I'm so tired.

I just want to sleep.

I want to sleep for a hundred years.

The old alpha looks at the guards.

"Take her to a den," he says. "Bring her food. Let her sleep."

I say nothing more, too weary to speak.

I just follow the guards.

Walking away.

Thinking about what I have just done.

Next chapter