1 Prologue/ Isabellś Monologue

Are you the middle child of your family? Then you know how I feel. Hi Im Isabell most people just call me Isy though and I am a middle child of an omega family in my pack.I am an odd child as I have hair as black as midnight. My eyes are also weird as I have to wear contacts as one of them are green and the other is a violetish color. My older sister is EJ and my younger brother is Tac.(Yes I Know EJ is a boy name) I have another brother and sister both younger. Sans who is a human like my dadś wife and Angelica my mom´s wifeś daughter I call her A they are wolves like me. My sister EJ and A look kinda the same. We are a weird family as my dad is a polar bear and my mom is leopard but we are in a pack because I am a werewolf unlike my siblings where EJ took after mom and Tac took after dad and I didn't take after anyone in my family.

My dad says being different is good but he doesn't know how much I get picked on at school for it my parents are actually divorced since they weren't soul mates but they found there mates the second time which my mom is lesbian and my dad is straight but any way my wolfś name is Urimara or uri for short. I love my wolf ! I have never met the Alpha or his son as I am 16 in high school he is either 17 or 18 and he is still training. I am not strong like the rest of my family and they pick on me for it. At least my dad is kinda nice but I am still different so... that doesn´t do much.
