
Meeting New Friends 1

Brownwood Forest

A team of five players was being endlessly chased and surrounded gradually by Lv.10 Elite ranked wolves led by a Lv.12 Chieftain ranked wolf.

Monster's ranks go as follows: Common, Elite, Special Elite, Rare Elite, Chieftain, Rare Chieftain, Lord, Rare Lord, High Lord, Great Lord, Grand Lord, Mythic, Rare Mythic, Super Mythic, and Divine Ranked monsters.

Monsters in Deities' Domain were usually led by a monster whose rank was a step higher than the ones being led.

Ranks of the monsters also determine the monsters' attributes and their HP's. The higher their rank is, the higher their attributes and HP a monster will have and the harder they are to be dealt with.

"I told you we should have grinded to a Lv.5 map instead of this place."

A cleric in the team named Lu Ming who was the party leader shouted.

"The place you suggested were a forbidden place for us Lv. 6 players. Monsters here are at the level of 10 at the very least, but you still insisted grinding here in this place because of your too much confidence due to your rare skill and a new Shield you just acquired earlier in the Auction, now look on our situation we are now."

"Sorry Commander, I never thought monsters here have high intellect when it comes to combat tactics. Wolves surely move in packs and strategically ambush their enemies and surround them."

The MT named Soda in the team made an apologetic reply.

"We are lacking in the frontlines, Soda can't face them alone at once to make a buffer and make a success in having a successful retreat. Our two new Mage recruits are also low leveled to chant an offensive spell to repel these monsters."

The assassin in the team named Black Vendetta sighed helplessly at their situation.

"What should we do now, what we are doing right now is delaying the inevitable. We will all surely die after these wolves catch up on us and have us completely surrounded."

Soon as Luo Ming and the others were nearly at the point of being surrounded completely and planning on how to deal with these monsters for successful retreat while suddenly, a free falling figure fell in the middle of the pack of wolves not far from the party making the leader of the pack of wolves to startle.

"I pity that player in sharing the same fate as us."

Black Vendetta exclaimed as he watched the falling figure quickly attracted the aggro of the nearby wolves around due to the sudden appearance of an unexpected figure.

"Can we at least do something to help that player? That player will not fare well compared to us. What can a single player will do when being surrounded by such many monsters?"

Luo Ming felt bad about the mysterious player who had fallen from the sky.

"Even if we try helping that person successfully, our team's survival isn't assured. Remember we are still surrounded by these monsters."

Soda couldn't help but accept the fact that the approaching doom to their team was bound to happen.





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