

Anna Hao kept on walking through the airport with her 4-inch heels echoed through the VIP lane. A butler, or whatever the worker was called, obediently push the trolley filled with her luggage, following her according to her pace. A gradual smiled formed on her lips as she scrolled down Weibo.

It was the announcement of her engagement.

With the man of her dream.

Only after she reached the public area, Anna Hao stuffed her phone into her Y*L purse, finally paying attention to the surrounding. Anna Hao opted to wear a simple white tees with a C****l logo printed infront, paired with a short jeans and a comfortable B********a shoes. A G***i sunglasses hanging on her tees completing her looks.

With her waist-length wavy hair down, she attracted attention as if she was a celebrity. Subconsciously, the crowd moved to give way to her. The young lady was used to be stared at, and hence her facial expression was very natural looking. Not annoyed, not excited. Anna Hao would just ignore them, although she noticed there are some people with cameras taking her picture.

Anna Hao was not surprised, after all her picture had made the headlines that day. It was natural for the journalists to get busy at the sight of future Madam Yang. She was pretty sure that her engagement, wedding, birthing the Yang heir, anniversary and so forth would make headlines from now on. It has been decided for her to allow some publicity surrounding what will probably be one of the greatest event of the year. Anna Hao would surely be able to tolerate that.

With a prestigious family like hers, media had been part of her life.

She walked calmly until she spotted a very familiar tall male with greyish hair suited up, hugging a very familiar elegantly dressed female with hair held up in expensive looking bun at the waist. Anna's eyes lit up, the corner of her mouth curved upwards.

In front of the couple, she was always a child. The calm girl fasten her pace, and from a sweet smile became a grin.

"Mama! Papa!"

The couple turned towards the voice that was unmistakably belonged to their daughter. Their only child.

The matriarch of Hao family was initially pouting at her husband, but her face light up upon the appearance of her daughter. The patriarch of Hao family grinned, his gaze was unlike those during press conference or interview.


"Mama! Papa! Anna miss you a lot," Anna had reach her parents, and hugged them.

"We miss you too, although we've been speaking on the phone a few hours ago," Mr Hao teased.

"My daughter has become so skinny. Dear, are sure you are not skipping your meals?" Mrs Hao eyed Anna worriedly. The younger female merely shrugged.

"I've gained weight. Losing it is a natural thing to do,"

Mrs Hao opened her mouth to protest, but Mr Hao beat her to it.

"Aiya, our Anna must be tired. Chen has loaded the luggage into the bonnet. Come come! Let's go back and have some lunch, Anna must be starving!"

Mrs Hao glared at her husband before entering the car and Anna gave him a thumbs up when her mother was not looking. Mr Hao winked.