

It was a rainy day when the girl from a rich family met the boy from the same standards. Mariana was new in the beijing and Aegeus was born in beijing. Mariana had a sister Allurina and no one else in her family. They lost their way to apartment they booked. Aegeus was the owner of the hotel THE PARADISE. He often went there to see the management work and as soon as he was passing through the door Mariana came in front of him suddenly they fell. It was their first meet as it was raining heavily Mariana was fully wet . Aegeus when looked at Mariana couldn't believe that she is real for her beauty was enchanting and eternal. she had blue eyes and blonde hair she had a figure like that of a fairy and seemed to be none other than a princess. Aegeus was stucked and so was Mariana after seeing Aegeus was no less than prince Charming. They stood up and Aegeus said "Are you okay..?" Mariana replied "yes, I am ". Aegeus continued ," Are you new here " she said "yes" Aegeus wanted to talk to her so he helped her finding his room and said if she needed something she can tell him. Both were enchanted to meet each other. Mariana's sister Allurina found Aegeus quite handsome and asked her sister how was it to have him lying on her. Mariana just blushed. They had rest that night and Mariana couldn't forget the boy Aegeus. Aegeus was unable to sleep as he was also thinking of the fairy like girl he just met. Mariana slept as she was going to find job the upcoming day.

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