
I had no will 3

I slowly walked to the kitchen door and opened it. Behold a god was standing in front of me. The shock was visible as I stammered to greet the handsome flesh in front of me.

For the first time in my life my mind let me down and all I could do was stare and stutter. After almost a full minute of staring which was becoming uncomfortable for both parties Xas came to the rescue. He was still wearing shorts and was yet to dress , he pulled his mate in the house and laughed dragging him to his bedroom. I closed the door and turned to go, thats when I saw him stealing a glance. Hah this was mutual attraction. ' I made a mental note to act upon it'

When Xas was done he came to the sitting area leaving Gabe in the bedroom and found me staring at the floor. I was unable to concentrate hence I had paused the TV. He found it funny and asked me if I had any plans for the night. This was obviously an invitation and I gave him my best smile. I was not free I had to binge watch my series and catch up my reading, but at that moment I was very free. I quickly changed into tight fitting jeans and a loose top that exaggerated my cleavage. I sprayed my deo meant for special occasions and lightly applied a bit of makeup. This was meant to impress the Gabe.

We all left the house and headed out for a crazy night of drinking dancing and ulalas. We got to a popular bar and we seated ourselves comfortably at a small table in an isolated corner. It was positioned with a great view of the hanging television which was currently streaming Gabe favourite football team. He lost interest in all around and started concentrating. since I also love football I was able to comment throughout the game which I am sure scored me marks. Durimg half time he turned and locked eyes with me. I could only stare back and in my head pop out a million questions.

Gabe then gave me a huge smile and said 'its good to finally meet you.' I melted inside and did a little victory dance.

I replyed in a timid voice....it's my pleasure though I thought you had forgotten about me. I tried looking down but the alcohol had taken over and my body seemed to be acting on it's own accord

He laughed showing his white teeth and the smell of alcohol from his breath was sweet to my nose.

He stroked my face then whispered in my ear, I could not forget you even if I wanted to. this sent shivers of delight throughout my whole body.

I wanted this man to posses me. I could feel every inch of my body screaming for his touch. I had to wait for the right time otherwise my craziness could ruin it all. so I excused myself and went to the ladies. I drank loads of water and washed my face. I didn't care about the makeup since I normally don't wear any.

upon exiting thw bathroom I noticed the game had already started and there were more guys at the table. fortunately Gabe had reserved my chair but Xas was nowhere in sight. I assumed hehad also gone to the gents or outside for a breather since the club was hot and smokey.

Gabe flashed me a smile as I sat down and continued with the game. afterwards he told me Xas had gone to another club to meet his girlfriend and we had to follow. the club was noisy and full of dancing drunk people which was just ideal for my current state. During the last half I had internally resolved to take things slow and see how it goes.

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