1 First year

Bang bang bang. I shivered inside, Gabe was back. I silently removed the phone under the pillow and checked the time. It was well after 4am. I was sure he was drunk and as always filthy. This man who had made me feel so special some months ago was turning into a monster I could not recognise. Bang! bang! bang! This time the sound was louder. He started cursing and I knew I had to act fast. I quickly wore my nightgown and ran to the passage door. I unlocked it making as much noise as possible. When I was done I quickly ran back to the bed and covered my head. I was scared and my heart was beating fast.

I heard him walking towards the door, fear gripped me as I went through yesterday's ordeal. I could hear my breathing and my heart beat. This level of fear was unhealthy and not good for the baby. I had to be strong for my angel.

He opened the door with so much force it banged and screached violently. He cursed and started fumbling with his clothes. It felt like eternity had passed when I heard him slither into the bed. Breathing into my ear he snarled ..... Hie darling

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