
Meeting little suji and a man in crimson red (pt1)

During the 3 days Jae Hwa trained vigorously all day long without a single breakthrough in sight. It was as if she was incapable of shooting through her ranks. "Ughh stupid...stupid hmpf why can't I concentrate?!" Jae Hwa was mumbling to herself, looking like a little child throwing a tantrum. "How about you go for a small walk up the mountain to relax a bit?" The old lady giggled and pointed towards the great mountain to the north. "I heard there are natural hot springs there... maybe go there for 2 days and try to train there. I heard many skilled soldiers trained there"

As soon as Jae Hwa heard this she ran into the little cottage and started packing her bags. "Ok! I've got my money... some spare clothes, food and water. Anything else?.... ah yes my spell book and sword" excitedly, Jae Hwa left her cottage waving goodbye to the little old lady and started making her way up the mountain.

On the journey up the mountain Jae Hwa encountered level 1 little demons which weren't a threat to her at all. They were like mere insects bugging her, "well at-least I'm gaining some Battle skills, though their hardly even challenging me..." looking disappointed at all the demon corpses below her she continued to make her way to the top.

Finally Jae Hwa made it to the top, out of breath she reached for her water container and gulped down massive sips of water. A small breeze passed her as she stood at the edge of the mountain looking down on the little town beneath her... she looked like a beautiful, young blossoming flower. She stood there taking in a deep breath of fresh air before turning around and started exploring the mountain top.

"Hmmm~ there's nothing worth my interest here... just some low leveled demons and some hot springs..." disappointed, Jae Hwa made her way back to the edge of the mountain once more, however, just before she was about to leave, she heard loud sinister laughters coming from the back of a large stone...

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