
A turkish and a filipina love story, They met thru dating online, and they fell in love to each other until they met.

Jen and Kan is living from a different country, Kan is living in turkey and Jen is in the Philippines, they met through online dating site as both of them has trust issues they hardly trust each other right away until such time Kan fell in love to Jen first and He is always there for Jen and even in a long distance He always make sure he give the full security to Jen so that she can learn to trust him.

Time goes by Jen fell in love to Kan but she was afraid to express it, cause what if Kan will leave her if she will express her love and kan will take advantage on it. And Kan told her " aşkim/my love, love me fully dont be scared, I need your love everyday even though we are away from each other" and jen say's please dont leave me I'm scared to be left behind.. Jen has bad past relationship she was never been lucky to have someone to stay true to her thats the reason why she's scared to love again.

Everyday Kan and Jen always have a communication even staying on the phone until they will fall asleep together. Kan is kind of possesive, he just want Jen to stay at home and he was the one who use the social media account of Jen and he remove unwanted people from Jen's social media which some of her friends too. Kan always want to be the only one of Jen's priority which she always agree to his demand just to make him happy and secured. Sometimes Kan is too jealous by the stories he made up his mind and he kept blocking Jen on social account without a valid reason, small issues Kan cant handle it longer. And everytime he blocked Jen he unblocked the women he spent time with from the past and tried to catch up with again and try to talk some women on social account, without knowing Jen are trying her best to find a way to connect with Kan again, The only way is Kan's Mom as she is always there for Jen she's helping her to catch up to her son everytime Kan blocked her.. and again Kan came back to Jen until they become happy again and Jen found out that Kan was talking to the women from his past and Jen was depressed as she felt like she is never enough to Kan. While talking on face time to Kan Jen was asking him " why did you do that to me? We never break up you just blocked me but we never break up, why you go on talk to anyone easily While I go crazy crying because you blocked me. Why its easy for you to do such things? Am i not enough for you?" Jen say's with a teary eyes. And Kan replied, " We broke up that time and what do you want me to do? Just cry for you? Be lonely? Ofcourse I want to talk someone to atleast find comfort"

Kan insisted that he broke up with her that time but Jen never say that kind of word to him. He just make reasons to get out of the story of what he did.

Later on, Kan got ticket to travel to Philippines to meet Jen, they are very excited seems like they are happy with each other already less argue, because they are going to meet soon. Until such time Kan made up some stories that Jen has another social media accounts, has multiple phone numbers which is never existed, And Kan never listen to Jen's explaination until Jen called the number that Kan insisted it was her phone number, and another women answered the phone and jen recorded the call and sent to Kan a proof that another women owned that number and how could it be there to Kan's phone contact list and named under Jen's name, and Kan still says he don't know why the number is there. And he explained more and more and apologise. And Jen always understand Kan's character, and about the social media Kan want Jen to admit that she has another account and he cursed Jen so much without knowing Jen dont even have any idea whos the person on social media and Kan blocked Jen again and Jen hired someone to investigate whos the person behind that account and she found out its another person its not her account Jen knows very well is not her she just want a proof to show to Kan that he's wrong. And Jen sent all the proof to Kan's mom and Kan's Mom was the one who sent to Kan and Kan came back to Jen again apologise Jen accepted him without hesitation.. and Kan ask Jen why you always accept me? Is your love still the same? Jen replied, " Nothing change the way i love you " Kan always has a doubt in everything and its like in everyday they happy and later on they get problem because of Kan's doubt.

Day they will meet, Jen travelled to Tacloban city Philippines to stay in a Comfortable place before Kan will arrive, the hotel Jen's staying has some technical issues and she cant talk to Kan on facetime and Kan has a doubt again maybe Jen has another man to stay in the hotel thats why she has reasons not to talk to him on facetime. And Kan contacted the Hotel Front desk to fix the issues and until everything was fixed and they were able to talk to each other, Kan was stranded in NAIA İnternational Aiport Manila Philippines, and Jen was there for him on the phone in case he wont feel alone since his first time to be in the Philippines. And another morning, Jen woke early to prepare to go to the Airport to pick up Kan, and she keep updating Kan's mom about the status of Kan's flight time that he will arrive in Tacloban city Airport cause the mom was worried about him. Jen saw the plane is about to land and she knew its Kan inside of it and she felt mixed feeling excited and nervous since its the first time to meet. And Jen was waiting Kan to come out from the airport until they finally see each other and hugged tightly as they miss each other so much.. and they returned to the hotel room and They are both amazed that they finally hold each other and look into each other eyes very closely.. They can't stop hugging each other and being romantic.

Two days later they both go back to Jen's hometown, and Kan wanted to stay at Jen's house, and Jen was feeling awkward cause there's lot of mosquitos and there's no AC she always think about Kan being Comfortable.. and Kan insisted to stay there and they are very happy to meet Jen's sister and cousin's.. Kan cooked turkish food for everyone he's always responsible in everything at home He fixed the sink He cleaned and cooked. He likes to take care of everything.. while Jen was doing laundry she's looking at kan while being busy she's happy how Kan being a responsible man of her life.. she see Kan as her husband already. The next day as they were laying Kan was asking about Jen's past relationship again and jen replied as what his question. And he got mad why Jen didn't block her ex, jen says its a long time ago since we broke up and there's no need to block that person we are not even talking even not friends on social accounts. And Kan are so upset to Jen and told Jen that he want to break up and fly back to his country, Jen cried and hug him begging him to please dont leave her just she love him deeply and its easy for him to leave that fast..Kan dont want Jen to hug him and beg. Still he says were done because you didn't block the people from your past. Jen says the past is past is nothing to do with us now. Youre my present not my past so live now not from the past.. Kan didnt listen Jen almost passed out she lose control she felt like its the end of the world for her losing him. And still they slept together but not in a good mood to each other Jen always beg for him not to leave her.. and Kan is very upset Jen wanna talk to to Kan's mom about what hes doing and Kan dont want her to tell anyone about it. While they sleep Kan facing to the wall and Jen hugging him from behind even tho kan dont want her hand to be in his.. she wanna smell his natural scent and hug him while sleeping kan kept pushing her away but jen never go away from him.

They both travelled to Tacloban city, and that moment while they were having dinner at Greenwich Pizza, Kan stared Jen and says, " I love you so much and Im happy to be with you" Jen was very happy that Kan is not upset anymore, and they spend more time in the city they go tried different restaurant visit the famous longest bridge that connects Leyte and Samar the 'San juanico Bridge' they go on dates often. Kan is arrogant but sweet they spend time to each other more Make love often that time Jen learnt many things about Kan that made her love him even more.. Kan is jealous type he dont want anyone to even look at Jen.

They travelled to Higatangan island to spend some days left for Kan's vacation. That island that the went and the beach house that they stayed in is way perfect very peaceful over looking to the sea, very relaxing and fresh air. No wifi no electricty during day time just they go for swimming, they cook together and visit some beautiful spots and take pictures.. they are both happy, and day time they will be sitting under the cottage over looked to the sea and smell the fresh air and listen a romantic music, and Jen is laying on Kan's shoulder and Kan say's, ' I love you to much I just want to see you happy.. Jen replied, "You have no idea How much I love you please dont leave me if we have problems we will fix it not give up easily. "

One night Jen was on Kan's Phone, and she mistaken saw that the women from Kan's past is unblocked and she asked Kan why? And he explained he never unblocked that women and jen wrongly thought that and she cried and stay alone in the cottage while Kan already sleeping she can't get that women out from her mind she feels she never been enough.. and Kan came to the cottage and take jen back to room and explained again sweetly looking at Jen's eyes.. and Jen just stayed silent until theyre in bed and Kan was very romantic that night, and they slept well happily after.

The next day after staying 4 days in the Island.

They travelled back to Tacloban city cause Kan need to be near at the aiport cause he will be flying back home those remaining days that Kan has before he fly back he spent it with jen by taking her to dates making her happy, Jen taking care of Kan she always bath him even tho while kan at her house she bathed him and put cloths on him and make sure his back is not wet by sweat. They take care of each other very much just Kan has anger issues oneday he was angry at Jen for some reason and he pushes her away again and Kan are still living in the past thats a big problem cause he maked story that never existed until it makes him so angry.. jen thinks that days was the last day she will be seeing kan cause hes agressively pushed her away. But later on they are fine again and create more memories with each other. They were counting the days left for Kan's stay with Jen, Kan took Jen to ring store and he brought ring for both of them.. Jen never expect that.. they promised each other to never leave and always be together. No matter what the challenges may come along the way.

The day came that Kan need to fly back, and they both crying already cause they already miss each other so much. Jen accompanied Kan to the Airport and she's holdin up her tears looking at Kan and smelling his scent.. she dont wanna cry cause Kan will cry too if she will.. until they need to say goodbye, last word, last hug, last touch, last kiss. Kan's words while hugging Jen, please dont cry ok? But hes eyes are teary already.. Jen walked away from the aiport holding up her emotions cause she dont want Kan to be sad seeing her sad.

While Jen's way going home they texted each other they miss each other so much.. and Jen cant stop crying while in the van until she reached home she misses kan very much she has Kan's used shirts she smells it while she sleep as if its Kan she already used to sleep with Kan and its hard for her to be away again. They kept the communication always they cried on face time until Kan plan to take Jen to overseas and marry her and stay with him. But unfortunately there's some problems came up its not heavy problem is just light but Kan give up Jen never give up on him she tried to talk to him and ask him to solve the problem together but Kan never want to again he accused Jen of something she never and cant do. He insisted to break up with Jen because he believed in his own understanding that Jen is fake to him. Which is Jen already there for him through ups and down of his life and their relationship...but small problem he give up very easily. He pushes Jen away and threaten her. Jen was broken into pieces she go on depression, she has informal blood cycle like spotting that even she think she was carrying a child and has a miscarriage.. she told Kan that she has informal cycle only but the painful words she got was, " even you are pregnant I wont marry you" its very tragic to hear those words from someone you love more than anything in this world.

Until the days go by, Jen was so depresed and she finally agreed what Kan wants, she told Kan, I will let you go wherever you feel happy if she/the other women can make you happy I will be willing to give up your happiness is important more than mine.. just I will continue loving you from afar and will be wearing the ring you gave, the day i stop wearing will be the day i move on.. be strong and I will be as well.

After 4 months, Jen still love Kan even though they dont have any communication, she still wearing the ring, still keeping Kan's photo in her phone cover. She still hope they can be together again. Everyday she misses Kan so much she just cry and try to accept the fact that they are not meant for each other. Hoping oneday Jen can move on by him..

Its hard when we love to much and if that person will leave, it can caused us more pain and make us scared to love again.. give us traumas, and inability to love someone else again, how could we love someone else if we are still stuck loving someone we used to loved..