

Men are like dogs, I meant that not in a negative way.

1. Dogs are extremely loyal, but they also need time to be by themselves, like Milley, she doesn't cling to me so very often, but she knows I love her and she loves me. Milo needs extra care, he always needs to cuddle, he wants to be the first to be fed, and he even finishes off the left covers of Milley. They will love you until the end. Men will love you until they don't anymore. Men will be loyal to you when they need something, and they will cast you aside if they feel like they don't need you anymore.

2. Dogs are happy when they are with you, and sad when they are not. My Ex boyfriend, he always travels, he tells me before he flies the next day, he always thinks of me, he misses me when I'm not with him. He is also happy when he sees me doing the things I like, and he was proud to see me became an Engineer. We met while he was on the bus, he was asleep, I sat beside him, not knowing we will be going to the same University. He also didn't notice he was already leaning on my shoulder as he was in deep sleep. I was looking at him touching his head with my forefinger 👈 pushing his head back to the other side towards the window of the bus. I kept pushing him when his head lands on my shoulder. Then I just stopped, just let him sleep. I woke him up, telling him that were in front of the University, inquired if he's alighting here? or else he would be left to descend at the other station 1km from this bus stop. He quickly fixed himself and wiped his mouth from drips of saliva, as he slept his mouth was open. I gave him a concerned look, and I stepped out of the bus, he was hurrying and walked behind me. That was then and this is now, were broken off for two years already.

3. Dogs are selfish. They love you dearly, they don't want to share you with anyone. I saw on TV, the Dog whisperer, he said when you cuddle a dog like a baby, they tend to think you are their possession. As their property, they must protect you, they start to growl, they quarrel with other dogs when a they see you touching other dogs. The sign of selfishness is peeing. They pee on everything that you own, on your bed, on your couch, on your food, the worse is they pee on you the owner and their parent. Usually people get angry at the dog as they are seeing themselves they don't see it from the point of view of the dog. They are only marking you to begin with because they love you. So by directing their love through obedience and being a calm presence and a pact leader "You", "Us" the parents of the dog, they will also begin to be calm and submissive. Men are selfish, they quarrel and get jealous, they want to control you, twists your thoughts into thinking it's your fault when you catch them join the act of cheating, they will give you excuses such as "You were never around Babe", "You don't satisfy me anymore", "You never support me with my goals", the worst I have ever heard is "Because You changed". How the hell is it not Your fault too?, why is the Woman have to be always blamed. I cut my hair, and he tells me you don't look like you anymore, I don't like it change it back. When you were the one who slept with other Women, that is not me. Why do I have to forgive you for it and let you back in my life?. Think about it before you ask to get back together.

4. Dogs need 24/7 care. They will call you early in the morning bark at you when you don't feed them, when they are sick they will die if you don't get them to the vet, and if they do get critical, the vet will ask you if want to euthanize them. I wished I could have done more damage to the guy who hurt me, rather than just yelling at him or cursing at him, but I do love him, I loved him, did all his biddings, gave him gifts, gave him respect, freedom he needs, then he will eventually leave me like a dog dead from a humane lethal injection, at least the dog was in peace, unlike my Ex. He keeps on waving his ego that he was the one who dumped me.

5. Dogs are so cute. They can do no wrong in your eyes. You are bitten you still love them, You are left behind you are still going to take care of a new dog who needs you. The cycle goes on and on because they are so damn cute.đŸ¶â€â€â€

These are just words, I was confused by Mike, but I don't know if I can connect with him in any level. if we don't talk, then what do we do when were together? I'll talk and he won't?, how does one express his feelings without words?đŸ˜Ș

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