
The Man in the Black Suit

A Figure resembling the one in my dream, arrived in the car with a chauffeur, he stood there waiting for my arrival.

I peaked in the window, my Dad asked who it was, my Sister curious, and my nephew screaming, the dogs barking, and my Mom, silently wishing he will be my husband in the future. I can feel her sighing in relief, seeing a Man waiting for me outside.

I told her chill, Mother!, he's just a colleague, he invited me to be there as the studio is having a Ball, a Party for all the Employees and Celebrities under contract with them. She just smiled a little and left the living room. I think I heard her sniffing.

"Hi Mike", I opened the door.

He held out a hand to shake my Dad's, he gripped Mike's hand tightly.

Hi, My name is "Mike Esteves" and I have been working with your daughter for 6 Years, but this is the first time I met anyone in her family.

Please take care of our Franz. My Dad said, You take her back in one piece. And nice to meet you Mike.

Oh, that's how my family call me, I cleared that up.

Mike nodded, " I will take her back before 1am, since the party will last for 3-4 hours.

It's alright she is a big girl, she's even old enough to marry proclaimed my nosy Sister.

That's my Sister Elaine, and her son Michael, "Hi" screamed the little boy, and ran around the room in excitement.

Shall we go?it's getting late, I asked Mike.

Your family sure is odd, but it's nice to meet them. You haven't told them you`re my date tonight? Mike was puzzled.

I told them it's a work thing, were not dating or anything, my Mom might think otherwise.

Oh, I understand, Mike walked on. Here let me open the door for you he said, he helped me with my dress, and softly held my hand.

You don't talk much do you? why are you always whispering?

He sat silently, the whole ride to the event.

We passed the gates of the big hall, a tent in the middle of the city, so many lights flashing, as celebrities arrive on the "Red Ball's" red carpet. We pulled up on the side facing the entrance.

We were in awe, as it is not an ordinary tent, since there's a very high ceiling, crystal chandeliers emblazoned at the top. Thousands of red roses, made into an ark at the entrance, and gold trimmings on the tables, with table runners embellished of embroidered Gold flowers and leaves. Arranged neatly are gold tablewares and cutleries, plates and soup bowls in the most fine pieces of porcelain, crystal flutes and whine goblets on the right place. A tall upward centerpiece full of Red Cardinal Hydrangeas on each table, and chairs are the crystal kind clothed in red with big red bows at its back.

I was feeling like my dress was matching with everything. I got quite conscious, good thing Mike looks super dapper in his black Versace satin tuxedo suit. I tried to equal him as I held my head up high and tried to smile to the cameras. They told us to look left, and right, then pose, and led us through the thick crowd now forming a long line into the banquet Tables.

My foot was starting to give me a whole world of pain when we got to our table. A big LED screen flashing the names of programs currently airing with their prospective stars and producers, and directors behind it. Then after them are the names of the support team, in small fonts. I saw mine entitled Assistant Set Designer, aka Props Designer, Prop Woman, coffee fetcher and documents keeper. My heart got pinched, I was so embarrassed, my resume had the most professional, ideal format and my portfolio was perfection, but my job title sucks.

At least they're serving good caviar "Salmon Roe", and "Sturgeon". I can't even begin to spell the words, and the best thing about it is, it's served in a mother of pearl caviar spoon, so as to not taint the taste of the delicacy itself as the advertisements said. Kudos to the sponsors they did a great job tonight. If that's not posh I don't know what is.

Dinner was served, we ate we danced, my heels broke. Mike and I had been sitting across each other, to avoid any rumors, as my boss likes to do is tease his underlings, staffs who work as subordinates, to simply put it, "Us" the slaves to the manager or supervisor. He stood up and left the table, I was concerned but didn't follow him. I asked his friend.

What's up with Mike?, doesn't he speak at all?, I mean normally and not whispering most of the time?

He told me, Mike has dyslexia, he can't spell or speak properly like us, he doesn't like crowds that's why he works in the technical room, he just likes something so badly he had to be here.

I felt guilty, maybe I hurt his feelings by not sitting next to him, when he invited me to be his partner.

I left the table for the ladies room, and saw Mike smoking at the entrance.

Hey, Mike I'm sorry if I didn't sit with you, I just thought...I

He stopped me, and said "I'm only here coz I like You". I liked you ever since I met you, you were introduced to us on your first day, I always fixed your computer. Sometimes I go to your table just to check your phone if its working just to make an excuse to see you. I can't express myself any other way, I had to be here just to tell you this. Even if it's not making me comfortable, even speaking now.

I was frozen where I stand, and mouth shut, with just a sigh, I told him, I'm flattered Mike, I don't know what to say. He left before I could utter another word. 😯

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