
Requirements of a Successful Love Connection

For a love connection to be successful, You have to consider the following difficulties

1. Proximity - How near, are you to your secret love? Are you in the same city, or country, or time zone? The nearer it is, the easier it will be. Just send them a text, then meet. But it can also be hard, since the person doesn't know you like them, so what do you do? how do you break the ice between you two? - Refer to the chapter "How to make a Successful Love Connection", after you confess, what do you do then?, how do you proceed if your love one gives you a positive response. If they outright reject you, then the farther you are, the easier it will be to move on or retract your feelings for them.

2. Timing - When are you planning to execute your goal? Next year, next Summer, before or during Valentines day, since a successful love connection needs to be done in a perfect timing. You might want to research first, if you have a close friend who is willing to find out things for you before you do the actual, love connection it is advantageous. This is quite critical, since they might already be getting Married in a certain month, You can still make your love connection, but it will definitely end in disaster. You get my point?, Timing is everything, and it is very important. I say confess your love if you are already matured enough like in your 20`s to 30`s. If you are still single, you might want to check first if the person is still single too. If they are committed already even if not Married, then it's up to you. Just do it when they are in a good mood, not when they are having problems with their own relationships. You might still not be loved back, even if you confess wholeheartedly and sincerely. Valentines day, is good, but I prefer to confess after Valentines day, it will make them feel more secure about your motives. Otherwise they might think you are only after one thing, and that is to have a date for a day, then dump them afterwards. It is safer to say that Summer is a good time to confess, it is when people are out and about, they are hot and your success rate is higher for a possible fling that will end up into a real relationship. If not then at least you had fun during your vacation period.

For teenagers beware. Timing doesn't mean you have to confess your feelings right then and there, learn to plan, learn to dream first, or it might be too late for your love one to know you are not playing games with anyone. It might have a big effect on your own future.

3. Resource - How successful are you in your career? do you have savings?, Do you have enough Money in your pocket to even call a person or visit them? Being resourceful and having resource is different. To make a successful love connection you have to be ready for it. When your goal is for the person to accept you in general, not just your love, be prepared. Bring your best self, if not you will definitely be friend zoned or be dumped for someone else who has more capabilities to supply their needs. Love is expensive that is the truth. You will go on dates, give them gifts on their birthdays, send them flowers, pay for dinners, go on vacation together. IF YOU ARE BROKE, REFRAIN FROM MAKING ANY CONNECTION PLEASE. It is also for your own good. Do not ghost the person, Ghosting is telling them you love them but cannot manifest into a real relationship. Ghosting is also making them feel as if you like them when you can't have an official relationship. Or sending signals, but not taking action. I think it is the greatest sin for people to do to someone else. Ghosting will make the person feel unimportant, or thinking the other person is a liar and deceitful. Money can't buy Love, but Money can give you the tools to prove them You do Love the person. How can you get married without a plan and resource?, Think about it.

4. Willingness to take Risks - This one is very important too. Love connections can happen even if you don't plan it. You see the person you like anywhere, and you have a choice, speak to them or don't. Speaking is a form of connection. And if you really like that person, you will start a conversation. Digital Love Connection is on trend right now. You add your love one, you see them as your ideal type, you send a message, and you make real friendship and not just trolling. Your success rate might be 50/50, so better try it, and you might find yourself satisfied, and not regretful. Don't blame yourself if they reject you. It is part of the risk. I salute you for your courage.

5. Change - The only constant thing in the world. Change your hairstyle, change your complexion, change your status or your job. But ask yourself this, What are you changing for? Your goal should be for your own betterment. A confident person, and the one who stands by his conviction is like a glowing piece of jewelry. It is enchanting, exciting, and attract positivity. So if You like to make a successful love connection that will turn into, real Love relationship?, then try to change for the better. If your first impression is not good to the one you love, you can prove to them you are worthy of a second look. People's minds always changes, and love can also grow from friendships. So you still have a chance, just bravely make the connection.

6. Emotion - What is your current mood? how do you react to something?, Do you hide it? or be considerate of it? Consider having a plan first before you take the leap. If you think the other party is willing to listen to what you have to say, then do it. If you think it might be hurtful, be cautious about what you will say. Be very careful of the words you will use when confessing or dismissing someone. They will remember how you made them feel. Emotion is temporary, feelings fade away, but what lasts is your impact on their life. If you love someone, and they don't love you back, after doing something good, then it is on them. Go find another person who will truly love you for who you are.

7. Heart - Protect your heart, don't give it all away. The heart is very precious, it is the most important part of the body. Your brain gives you memories, but your heart keeps your hopes alive. If your heart stops beating then it is finished, you can no longer dream and live. If you want to make a love connection, always have contingency. Don't tell them everything, always keep your own secrets, so when you are left behind, you can safely keep it away, until you find someone who you truly trust your whole heart with and they will accept you and your past.

8. Attitude - What does you body language say?, How do you tell a person how you feel? In a nice, rude, or logical way? Attitude should always mirror how you feel, don' shout at the person when you tell them you like them, say it in a calm, collected way. When you hold your love ones hand, you are already saying something, you should look into their eyes so even if you don't talk, Their heart will understand you.

9. Physical - if you improved yourself for your love one, You are already one step closer to having love connection. And if you show them how you take care of yourself, they will realise you can take care of them too. How you love yourself, is how they will perceive you will love them. If you don't like yourself, how can you expect others to like you too? Keep that in mind.

10. Personality - How cheerful are you?, do you love to stay indoors? do you love music? Do you like to banter? are you easy going? these are questions pertaining to your habits, form of thinking, how you behave, and what you do with your time. Personalities either clash or they become compatible. Higher rate of compatibility means the higher the chances you will connect with a person. But there is compromise too, specifically with opposite personalities. One person doesn't speak a lot, and the other loves to talk. They might complement each other by sharing points of views and balancing each other. Unlike highly compatible individuals, they sometimes end up being in a platonic relationship instead of a love connection. Love connection is slightly different from connecting with a person. You want to connect because you want your love one to know you love them, and you will do everything to make them feel it. But a love connection is like turning water into wine. The goal is turning friendship into love relationship. You can only pray and hope they love you in return.

Mike noticed I had a gash on my knees and blood trickling down my feet.

"Please let me help you".. you need to be checked

I let him and stayed sitted, he washed it with clean water from his drinking bottle

and he took out his first aid kit. and disinfected my wounds.

Do you always carry that in your bag?

It's a requirement as a Manager

I always keep it in times like this

So you help out other girls too?

Only when they let me...

I smiled at him, feeling slightly embarrassed for asking

There, let me wrap a gauze around it and then you are done

Do you like to have a drink with me? as thank you for helping me out

Can you get up?, here hold onto my arm..

We walk to his bar, he was pointing at it, good thing he's not looking at me right now

I can feel my face is flushed 😳

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