
The Love Challenges of Snow Sky-Dog

Snow Sky Dog, a half-god, half-youkai being, was born from a wolf-shaped rock on the snowy mountain and a magical artifact known as the Hammer of Eternity. He was taken as a disciple by the Progenitor of the Gods. However, he became entangled in a love affair with a human girl, which caused turmoil in his life. Challenges continuously arose, bringing him suffering and near exhaustion. Will their love be able to withstand these immense trials? Can they live happily together forever?

Vlad_the_Impaler_9010 · Fantasy
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170 Chs

Chapter 170: Eternal Harmony

Today, an event of monumental importance occurred at the Academy of the Gods. The final battle will unfold this afternoon on a vast plain chosen as the battlefield between two opposing forces. This clash will determine the fate and future of all three realms! The coalition of demons and rebellious youkai has been marching towards the plains since last night. 

Their ranks include a formidable horde of Ala. These creatures are numerous and fierce! So numerous that even the bravest souls, upon witnessing their sheer numbers, would find themselves gripped by an insurmountable fear. This is the mightiest and most numerous force of Hell's faction, led by "Demon Dragon" Kamui. (It can be said that the King of Demons has no choice but to rely on this army of mythical creatures. His other forces, if not annihilated in previous battles against the powerful gods who are students of the Academy of the Gods, have been significantly reduced. These battles were led by his most trusted lieutenants, who directed their troops into fierce combat with the armies of Heaven's Kingdom. Many of these lieutenants, along with their forces, have been heavily punished by the gods, who are the Academy's top students. Now, those lieutenants are either destroyed or imprisoned in the dungeons of the Academy. Thus, 'Demon Dragon' Kamui remains the last formidable servant of the King of Demons — an evil clown king! The Ala are the only warriors he can hope will not be entirely useless, given their numbers and strength.) 

As for the rebellious youkai, their leader is an extraordinarily grotesque and terrifying creature. He commands a vast herd of Oni, resembling a migrating mass of wild buffalo. Not only are they numerous, but their ferocity and physical strength will pose significant challenges for the young gods in this battle. The Oni are divided into three distinct types: Red Oni, Blue Oni, and Black Oni. 

While these malevolent forces hurry towards the battlefield, at the Academy of the Gods, "The Progenitor of the Gods" has gathered his most elite students and a young lady who leads the Kitsune Youkai clan (a former ally of the rebellious youkai, who, after being rescued by Snow Sky-Dog and a goddess, now fights for Heaven's Kingdom). He commands a full mobilization. Notably, the God of Light, Kurogami Masayuki, has returned with the magical artifact he was tasked to retrieve. (With this, "The Progenitor of the Gods" now possesses all eight of the most powerful magical artifacts across the three realms. However, it seems he doesn't need to use them for this battle. His students alone are sufficient to secure victory over the rebellious forces! [It appears that after this fierce battle, "The Progenitor of the Gods" intends for his most favored students to assume important roles in Heaven's Kingdom. Perhaps this is why he has mobilized all his best students for this fight. Although the battle may seem tense and closely contested on the surface, in reality, the outcome is already clear: despite the Ala and Oni's numbers and ferocity, they stand no chance against the gods.]) 

"The Progenitor of the Gods" announces the list of his students who will participate in the battle. They are: 

The God of Light, Kurogami Masayuki, leads the army of Mokele-Mbembe - The River's Obstructor. 

Snow Sky-Dog, commanding a battalion of Griffins. 

The Goddess of Spring and Flowers, Mizuchi Haruka, with her regiment of Taltos Mages. 

The God of Poetry, Utakami no Kami, heading the Aitvaras - Ember Drake Rooster. 

The God of Fire, Hinokagami no Kami, with his legion of Ifrit. 

The Goddess of Dawn, Asahi no Megami, led a squadron of Cat-sith. 

The God of Thunder, Raiden Hayato, with his Roc - Colossal Bird Beast army. 

The God of War, Shirogami Takeshi, commanded a pack of Werewolves. 

The God of Metal, Hagane no Kami, with his Enfield troop. 

The God of Sharks, Kaiyo no Kami, leading the Stiff-leg Bear battalion. 

The Goddess of Youth, Seiryu no Hana, commanding the Ichneumon horde. 

"White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga, leading the Tatzelwurm - Snake-Feline Monster regiment. 

The Goddess of Wind, Fujinomiya Amaterasu, with her Vila - Wind Fairy brigade. 

The Goddess of Secrets, Amaterasu Yumi, leads the Alicanto - Celestial Bird flock. 

The Goddess of Luck, Aika Takara, commanded the Anggitay cavalry. 

Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino, with her battalion of Kitsune Yako. 

Upon the announcement of the participants, all who are to face the rebellious forces use Instantaneous Teleportation Magic to reach the battlefield. 

As they arrive, the rebels have already arrayed their troops. The gods swiftly deploy their formations, and both sides clash with immense power, speed, and relentless determination to annihilate the enemy. 

The decisive battle begins on the vast plain, where the golden sunlight pierces through the clouds like divine swords. The army of the Academy of the Gods, brimming with strength and majesty, stands ready to confront the rebellious forces. From Heaven's Kingdom, the gods advance with unwavering valor, each bearing their legendary powers and armies. 

At the forefront, the God of Light, Kurogami Masayuki, brandishes his Sword of Light, leading the colossal Mokele-Mbembe creatures. These giants move with ponderous grace, each step echoing through time, sweeping away all in their path like unstoppable floods. 

Beside Masayuki, Snow Sky-Dog commands the Griffins, who soar into the sky. With the combined might of eagle and lion, the Griffins dive into the Oni ranks like irresistible whirlwinds, their razor-sharp talons instilling terror in their enemies. 

Behind them, the Goddess of Spring and Flowers, Mizuchi Haruka, embodies the vitality of nature. Her Taltos Mages appear amidst the fray, their eyes gleaming with extraordinary magic. They manipulate the elements, summoning fierce winds and ethereal mists to assault the enemy. 

The God of Poetry, Utakami no Kami, leads the Aitvaras - Ember Drake Rooster, creatures imbued with fiery power. Each flap of their wings sends waves of searing flames, incinerating everything in their path and throwing the rebellious forces into disarray. 

Meanwhile, the God of Fire, Hinokagami no Kami, and his Ifrit army engage with terrifying might. These immense fire demons hover above, generating billowing smoke and raging flames, plunging their foes into chaos and dread. 

The Goddess of Dawn, Asahi no Megami, summons her Cat-sith, fairy creatures in the guise of black cats. They are agile and deadly, appearing and vanishing within the thick fog, each leap bringing forth a fatal curse. 

The God of Thunder, Raiden Hayato, commands the enormous Roc - Colossal Bird Beast. Each roar of the Roc heralds doom and their powerful wingbeats shatter the ground, tearing through enemy lines. 

The God of War, Shirogami Takeshi, leads his ferocious Werewolves. These beasts charge at their enemies with unmatched speed and strength, their claws and fangs slicing through any resistance. 

The God of Metal, Hagane no Kami, marches with the formidable Enfield. These hybrid creatures of lion, eagle, and fox fight with both physical power and the spirit of fallen warriors. 

The God of Sharks, Kaiyo no Kami, stands like a pillar amidst the battlefield with his Stiff-leg Bear regiment. These creatures form an impenetrable wall, shielding against any enemy assault. 

The Goddess of Youth, Seiryu no Hana, directs her lethal Ichneumon. These small but deadly creatures attack the Ala dragons from within, burrowing inside to destroy them from the inside out. 

"White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga and his Tatzelwurm, known for their venom and constricting prowess, terrify the massive beasts of the rebellious forces. 

The Goddess of Wind, Fujinomiya Amaterasu, summons the Vila - Wind Fairies, warriors of ethereal beauty and gale-force power, their attacks like relentless storms. 

The Goddess of Secrets, Amaterasu Yumi, with her gleaming Alicanto, blinds the enemy with their radiant light, making them helpless against further strikes. 

The Goddess of Luck, Aika Takara, commands the Anggitay, graceful and unstoppable centaur-like beings. 

Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino, with her mischievous Kitsune Yako, uses their shape-shifting and trickery to lead enemies into deadly traps, causing confusion and chaos. 

The forces of righteousness charge like a vast tidal wave, unstoppable and overpowering. Kamui — the demon dragon, leading his fierce Ala, struggles to resist but is overwhelmed by the strategic precision and unparalleled strength of the gods. 

"We will never retreat!" roars Kurogami Masayuki, his Sword of Light blazing in his hand. "For Heaven's Kingdom, we must fight to the end!" 

In the sky, the Griffins and Roc plunge into the enemy formations with indescribable force. On the ground, Werewolves and Stiff-leg Bears clash with the Oni, blood spilling and roars echoing in the frenzy of battle. 

Despite the desperate resistance from the rebels, the gods remain steadfast. The Progenitor of the Gods watches from afar, orchestrating every strategic move, his gaze fixed on the unfolding conflict. His strength and determination seem to flow into each of his students and their mystical allies. 

Ultimately, with unstoppable might and unyielding courage, the army of Heaven's Kingdom dominates the battlefield. Kamui and his Ala are defeated, and the wild Oni are eradicated one by one. 

The Goddess of Spring, Mizuchi Haruka, stands tall, overseeing the field where her Taltos Mages cleanse the remnants of the enemy. "We have triumphed," she declares, her voice gentle yet resolute. "And this marks a new beginning for all three worlds!" 

Cheers from the gods echo across the battlefield, blending with the radiant sunlight that illuminates the sky. The final battle has ended, and with this glorious victory, Heaven's Kingdom has brought peace to all three realms. 

Eternal Peace Restored 

After that victorious battle, peace and order were restored across the three worlds. Now, the reign of the Kingdom of Heaven is stronger and more steadfast than ever. The Progenitor of the Gods used his ultimate magic to unite the eight magical artifacts that his student gods fought valiantly to retrieve for him. A brilliant blue light flashed. When the light subsided, the eight magical items merged into a single artifact—the one with the greatest magical power: "The Stone of Destiny." 

The Progenitor of the Gods placed his hand on the stone and declared: 

"O 'Stone of Destiny,' the most powerful and wise magical artifact in this vast world! Engrave this upon destiny: From this moment on, order, peace, and the steadfast rule of the Kingdom of Heaven shall be eternal!" 

A blue light from the Stone of Destiny illuminated the surroundings. Words echoing the Progenitor's declaration appeared on the stone's surface. All who witnessed this knew that the Progenitor's wish had come true. 

He then turned to Snow Sky-Dog and said, 

"My finest student, there is still one more task to fulfill! The Stone of Destiny is not just a wish-granting artifact; it is the embodiment of supreme wisdom. The war is over! Now, the most important task is to let the Stone of Destiny choose a wife for you from among the six most significant women in your life. Each of them shall place her hand on the stone and express her deepest view on love. The stone will select the most suitable one to become your bride!" 

The Selection of the Bride 

The Goddess of Spring and Flowers, Mizuchi Haruka, was the first to place her hand on the stone. 

"We only become truly whole in our character, abilities, and virtues through the crucible of love and the trials of pain!" 

Next, Seraphina Frostwind stepped forward and spoke to the mystical stone. 

"Fearing love is like fearing life itself! But without love and life, what do we have left?" 

Then came the turn of the Goddess of Wind, Fujinomiya Amaterasu. 

"When I am with you, I do not think of the future or the past. I am simply happy! Perhaps that is love!" 

The Goddess of Secrets, Amaterasu Yumi, approached with a confident demeanor, though a hint of insecurity lingered in her mind. 

"Sometimes, I feel so lonely that I want to cry! But then I remember that loneliness is also a gift. It allows me to feel the world more deeply, and when love finally comes, I will cherish it much more!" 

Next was the turn of the Goddess of Luck, Aika Takara. She appeared slightly anxious. 

"When in love, every day is a victory. We should count each day like that!" 

Lastly, Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino stepped forward. 

"My heart is not like a box that gets filled; it expands in size the more I love him with the deepest sincerity of my heart!" 

The Stone of Destiny glowed with a brilliant blue light. And then, the name of the chosen bride appeared clearly and beautifully on the stone's surface: Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino. The blue light from the mystical stone seemed to reflect the joy and happiness in the eyes of everyone present. 

Snow Sky-Dog, with shining eyes and a heart beating faster with every step, approached Hoshiko. He bowed before the stone and gently took her hand. 

"Hoshiko," Snow Sky-Dog began, his voice deep and filled with emotion, "From the first moment I met you, I knew you were special! After all the trials and tribulations, my love for you has only grown deeper. You fought bravely by my side, and today, the Stone of Destiny has affirmed that we belong together. Will you be my wife?" 

Hoshiko looked deeply into Snow Sky-Dog's eyes, where she saw boundless sincerity and love. She smiled brightly, her fox-like eyes sparkling like stars in the night. 

"I do," Hoshiko replied, her voice soft but resolute. "We have faced so many challenges together. I promise to always stand by you and love you for the rest of my life!" 

Cheers erupted across the plains as all the gods and mystical beings witnessed this sacred moment. The entire scene seemed to brighten under the golden rays of the setting sun, illuminating the joyous faces of everyone. 

The Grand Wedding 

The next day, at the Academy of the Gods, a magnificent wedding was held to celebrate Snow Sky-Dog and Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino. The vast plains, once the battleground of the final conflict, were now splendidly decorated with golden ribbons and blooming spring flowers. 

Gods and mystical beings from all three worlds gathered to rejoice with the happy couple. Griffins soared in the sky, Alicantos gleamed like stars, and Wind Fairies, Vila, danced in the gentle breeze, carrying music and joy. 

Snow Sky-Dog stood beside Hoshiko, dressed in a pure white outfit, a symbol of purity and true love. His eyes shone with happiness as he looked at his bride-to-be. Hoshiko, in a splendid kimono embroidered with intricate fox patterns, walked gracefully and elegantly, each step reflecting her poise and charm. 

The Progenitor of the Gods stood before the couple, smiling warmly with a proud gaze. He held up the Stone of Destiny, the stone that had chosen the perfect bride for Snow Sky-Dog. 

"Snow Sky-Dog and Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino," he said, his voice resonating like a bell across the plains, "Today, before the witnesses of all three worlds, I bless you. Live with love and fidelity, and always remember, that you are an integral part of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let the light of love guide you throughout your lives!" 

Both bowed before the Progenitor of the Gods, then gazed at each other with eyes full of love and respect. Snow Sky-Dog gently took Hoshiko's hand and placed a kiss on it, a simple gesture that held all his affection for her. 

"Hoshiko," he whispered, "You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I promise to love you, protect you, and build a beautiful future together! You are the brightest star in my sky!" 

"Snow," Hoshiko replied, tears sparkling on her cheeks, "I have found love and comfort in you! I promise to always be by your side, sharing joys and sorrows, and facing all challenges together. I love you with all my heart!" 

These vows were not just words but heartfelt promises from the depths of their souls. The gods and mystical beings cheered and congratulated the couple as they shared their first kiss under the radiant sun. 

Eternal Happiness 

After the wedding, guests gathered under the shade of lush trees, where a sumptuous feast was prepared. Long tables were laden with delicious food and fragrant wine. The gentle breeze carried the scent of spring flowers, and joyful laughter echoed everywhere. 

Snow Sky-Dog and Hoshiko sat together, holding hands under the romantic moonlight. Other gods came to congratulate them, sharing the joy and happiness of this special day. 

"Snow," Mizuchi Haruka spoke up, "Congratulations, you have found your true love. Hoshiko, you are an amazing woman! I am sure you two will have a happy life together!" 

"Thank you, Haruka," Snow Sky-Dog replied, a radiant smile on his face. "We are very grateful for your presence and blessings!" 

"Yes," Hoshiko added, "Thank you all for coming and celebrating with us. We couldn't have had a more special day than this!" 

Music played, and couples began to dance under the stars. Snow Sky-Dog and Hoshiko joined in, moving gracefully and rhythmically like a pair of angels. The shining lights from the Alicantos and the gentle breezes from the Vilas created a magical ambiance, making the night's celebration luminous and enchanting. 

That night, under the starry sky, Snow Sky-Dog and Hoshiko sat together, basking in their happiness. They knew the future would not be without challenges, but they would face them together, building a life full of love and joy. 

Hoshiko rested her head on Snow Sky-Dog's shoulder, her eyes closed, savoring every moment. She felt her heart race, but not from fear, rather from joy. She knew she had found her perfect partner, who would always be by her side, protecting and loving her for life. 

"We will face all challenges together, Snow," she whispered, her voice sweet and gentle. "I love you!" 

"I love you too, Hoshiko," Snow Sky-Dog responded, softly kissing her hair. "We will always be together, forever." 

The stars glittered in the sky like tiny lamps, witnessing and blessing the newlyweds. And in that peaceful night, the Kingdom of Heaven shone brighter than ever, illuminated by the love and happiness of Snow Sky-Dog and Hoshiko Tsukino. 

Trials and Justice 

After that joy-filled wedding, all the gods who played pivotal roles in quelling the rebellion of the demons and rogue youkai attended the trial of those who conspired against the Kingdom of Heaven. 

"The Slayer of God" Raiden Kazama was sentenced to death. Lilith Nocturna, thanks to the pleas of Snow Sky-Dog (one of the key figures in securing the victory for the Kingdom of Heaven), was spared from execution. She was stripped of all her magical powers, had her memory erased, and was reborn as an infant in the Human World. 

The Progenitor of the Gods then learned that his friend, the King of Dragons, had boasted about an impending awakening of a powerful entity when the dragon god proposed an alliance with him. 

The Progenitor of the Gods was fully aware of the machinations of the Dragon King, who had a penchant for exploiting chaos to elevate his dragon clan. Despite this, he showed no sign of discontent toward his old friend, whose cunning ways he had long grown accustomed to. 

In light of recent events, the Dragon King proposed to The Progenitor of the Gods the idea of hosting a second wedding for his grandson, the "White Dragon" Ryushi Yukinaga. Ryushi, one of the war's greatest heroes, had recently won the heart of Seraphina Frostwind, the beautiful human who had once been Snow Sky-Dog's beloved. Now, with Snow Sky-Dog wedded to Kitsune Youkai Hoshiko Tsukino, Seraphina found herself free to accept Ryushi's proposal. 

Soon, preparations for the second wedding were underway. This time, the venue was chosen for its breathtaking beauty and romantic charm, nestled within the most picturesque landscape of the Heavenly Kingdom.

On a radiant afternoon, golden sunlight gently poured over the vast gardens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Pure blossoms emitted sweet fragrances, and the lush green fields seemed to immerse themselves in a scene straight out of a mythical painting. Here, amidst the soft breezes, the second wedding took place, celebrating the union of heaven and earth. Ryushi Yukinaga, known as the "White Dragon," donned pristine white attire, symbolizing the purity and nobility of the dragon lineage. Beside him stood Seraphina Frostwind, in a breathtaking wedding gown of shimmering silver silk, sparkling in the light, as if she were a part of the very sky radiating above.

The ceremony was held by the edge of a turquoise lake, where the clear blue sky mirrored the water's hue, creating a perfect scene. High above, white clouds swirled into marvelous shapes, as if to welcome this momentous event. Gods, friends, and family of the couple were all present, sharing in the atmosphere filled with love and joy.

In the sacred moment when Ryushi and Seraphina stood facing each other, hand in hand, their eyes locked in a gaze that contained the entire universe of commitment and loyalty. Ryushi, with a warm, powerful voice, whispered:

"Seraphina, you are the flame that illuminates my path. In this life, from the very first moment I met you, I knew we belonged together! Today, I vow to love and protect you for all my days!"

Seraphina responded, her voice soft yet carrying the strength of her heart:

"Ryushi, you are my dream come true. In your embrace, I find peace and the strength to face any challenge. I promise to stand by you, no matter how life changes!"

These heartfelt and profound vows etched themselves into the hearts of all those present. In that instant, time seemed to stand still, and nature rejoiced in the joy of the lovers.

The Progenitor of the Gods, with a warm smile and proud gaze, stepped forward. He gently raised his goblet and proclaimed:

"Today, we witness the union of two noble souls. This wedding is not just the joining of two hearts, but a symbol of harmony between different worlds. Together, like two rivers merging into the great ocean, let us write a new story of love and courage!"

As his words resonated, the space seemed to expand, and a sense of peace permeated the air. The sky grew brighter, and light flowed everywhere, carrying hope and faith for the future.

The wedding celebration continued with joy and laughter. Gods, fairies, and mystical beings danced under the moonlight as if the entire cosmos were united in an eternal melody. Everyone raised their glasses to toast the newlyweds, sharing stories of life and hopes for tomorrow.

Ryushi and Seraphina, hand in hand, looked toward the future with trust and hope. Their love stood as a testament to the power of courage and faith, affirming that even in the darkest times, the light of true love can illuminate the path ahead.

And so, amid the shimmering spectacle of that evening, in the grandeur and mystique of the cosmos, their story came to a close, yet also opened a new chapter—a chapter of love, trust, and eternal harmony.