
Whispering Voice

Shi Mei looked at her surroundings but she saw no one neared her. So she took a step again but she heard the whispering again.

["No. No. No."]

["No. Don't!"]

Shi Mei couldn't help but closed her eyes when the voice outcried.

["Stop longing for him, don't harbor any lingering feelings toward that man, don't love him again!"]

"Stop!!"Shi Mei shouted as she covered her ears.

Everyone in the filming site was shocked, a second passed before they rushed to Shi Mei.

["You will regret everything again."]

"I said stop!"Shi Mei yelled but no one heard it because her voice was as if a soundless one, she was again trying to open her lips but it froze as she felt her body was being sucked up by a mysterious force. Everyone was in horror as they tried to talk at Shi Mei.

"Shi Mei, what's wrong?"Luxian asked with his worried eyes.

Shi Mei remained silent but she eventually opened her eyes when she didn't hear the voice anymore. She felt weak but she tried to fix herself as everyone continued to ask her condition. Now and then, someone would approach her and asked her condition again then eventually asked about what happened to her. Gladly, she's next to shoot in the filming area.

"Shi Mei, the main director asked you to change your clothes."Shi Mei arched her eyebrow as she looked at the assistant director then she checked herself, she's wearing all-black clothes and she thought that it was perfect for the role.

"You need to wear this one." the assistant director said as he handed extremely feminine traditional clothes to Shi Mei.

"Assistant Director, I guess you didn't read the script. Do I look like I'm going to meet the crown prince for a tea party?"Shi Mei asked with sarcasm in her voice, the assistant director chose to remain silent.

"I'll go flying here and there to fight those black men. This is not a lovey-dovey scene, it's a fighting one so put that clothes away from my eyes or else I'll burn that here."

"Shi Mei, you know our main director. I cannot bend his decision."

"You know also, I'm really on the edge of spanking your boss. He changed my schedule without any notice and now he wanted to change also my clothes. And on top of that, he never approached me and talked about this matter. Do I look like a joke to him? I need to talk to him."Shi Mei started to walk towards the main director but the assistant director stopped her.

"Shi Mei, he's busy monitoring every scene." although the assistant director knew that the main director was also avoiding Shi Mei.

"What's going on? What's wrong?"Luxian immediately walked towards Shi Mei and the assistant director when he noticed that there's a tension between the two.

"Luxian, our main director wanted Shi Mei to change her clothes by this one." the assistant director turned to Luxian. Shi Mei looked at her manager and she gritted her teeth as soon as she saw that he was considering it.

"No problem. But I need to borrow your stylists. You know, Shi Mei needs to be in the standby area not later than ten minutes.

"Sure!I'll call our stylists."Shi Mei was about to spit fire on her manager but-

"Let's just end this one. Don't make it complicated anymore and just follow them."Luxian pleaded and led her to their tent.

Shi Mei couldn't count how many times she let out a deep sigh.

"I'll just put the ornamental hairpins and we're done."Shi Mei was on the verge of rolling her eyes. How many times she heard the stylist that's it almost done yet a couple of minutes had already passed, they were still busy putting rubbish things in her both body and face.

"You can relax now Miss Shi Mei."

"You are unbelievably stunning." one of the stylists exclaimed as she stared at Shi Mei.

Shi Mei disregarded it as she stood up. But someone pulled her to the full-length mirror. She had no choice but to look at herself in the mirror, of course, she's wearing traditional clothes, the color was a mix of pinkish-white with peach blossom flowers scattered in her blouse.

"How about we take a picture of you Miss Shi Mei. We still have a lot of time."

"Yeah right. You guess the main director is about to call me in the standby area-"

"Miss Shi Mei! You need to be in the standby area now!"The stylists glanced at each other.

"See."Shi Mei arched her brows before she left the tent. She groaned for she had difficulty carrying her long skirt and even her white cloak. But she stopped when she heard the whispering in her ears again.

["Run. Lady, you need to run."]

Shi Mei clenched her fist but she decided to ignore it. She continued to walk but she heard the voice again.

["Why do they need to experience a heart-wrenching pain again? How long they must suffer to satisfy the will of fate."]

Shi Mei tried to focus as they started to shoot the scene. But the words she heard kept bugging her mind.

"We will film two scenes in one shot so it will be continuous from the attack for the crown prince to the appearance of the woman. An arrow will be shot towards the crown prince and that's the signal of the woman to appear in the scene." the main director briefed and Shi Mei tried to listen from it.

Shi Mei stood five meters away from the first scene. She would run towards it after they shot an arrow to the actor who played as the crown prince. She placed the fabric below her eyes and tied at the back of her head, covering half of her face. She gripped the fake sword as she was busy watching the scene.

But everyone stopped when a sudden strong wind blew the area. The wind was so strong that it could shake the ground and the leaves from the trees. Shi Mei tried to walk towards the team but her vision became blurry and there was a whistling sound as she heard a voice.

["From now on, your road ahead of you might be unfamiliar. You'll find it strange, difficult to accept."]

Shi Mei covered her left ear for she felt that someone was whispering in her ear again. She felt a chilling inside her body.

["You'll be confused about what and whom will you trust. Some will adore you, others will loathe you. So you need to be careful always, your words and actions. You are bound to choose and I hope you will pick the right thing. Stay with the owner of your heart and you will return to your life."]

Shi Mei dropped the sword in her right hand as she covered also her other ear and closed her eyes.

"This is your fate."

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