1 backstage

Walking by the unpaved road , hardly even a road , full of mountains and oceans

In an unknown place in an untimely time

Somewhere in somewhere

*Picking his nose *

Cries out loud , I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich

By an seemingly old man in shabby clothes torn and full of holes , bystanders laughing, he continues saying,I'm rich , I'm rich.

I got intrigued, however fearful of being late for school, I hurriedly left the scene

Like a normal person I sat ,on my designated place , the class soon begun,

However my heart was somewhere down the words , spoken by the old man , for that I couldn't focus on the lecture

Betrayed by my attention, captivated by cloud of thoughts, unseemingly , unintended, I got lost somewhere, in an unknown place, never seen,

A dark place, with no sound , only my thoughts, outside my brain , written in huge scribbles ,

Which was just 3 words

"I am rich "

Forcibly bought back to the unpleasant world by a friend

Woke up , to find it as another dream
