

A snow storm whipped around the ice kingdom as the very pregnant queen who had blonde almost silver hair and blue eyes, was close to giving birth clunched her husband's hand tightly the king had brown hair with a short Beard and green eyes. The Nanny dabbed a rag on the queen's sweaty face and neck. "Breath my lady" the Nanny said as the doctor rushed into the royal quarters of the queen and king. The queen nodded concentrated on her breathing "doctor why is the birth taking this long, the child should have been born by now" the king said still holding his wife's hand and turned his attention to the doctor who set their bag down and sat at the end of the bed, pulling the blanket up to check how dilated the queen was.

The queen let out a yell of pain as her body jolted "your highness I see the head" the doctor said motioning the maids to step forward with towels, to the left stood two mage's, one male and one female they shared the same resemblance as each other. "Now my lady, when I say three push" the doctor said getting in position, the queen nodded again sweat rolling down her face as she continues her breathing "your doing well my love" the king said kissing the queens sweaty hair.

"One, two, three!" The doctor counted placing her hands in front of the queen's vigina waiting to grab the child. The queen took a deep breath and pushed with all her strength, she screamed and moments later there was a small cry as the doctor lightly picked up the child and handed the baby to the maid to clean it up. The mage's stepped forward and stretches out their hands on both sides of the bed as a light glow appeared from their hands, going to the queen.

The queen's head fell back from relief of the pain "you did so well" the king repeated in his wife's ear as he kept a close eye on the mage's as he sat next to his wife."C-can I see my child?" The queen spoke up as the mage's finished their work healing the queen with their magic. "Of course my lady" the Nanny smiled walking over with the baby wrapped in a small pink blanket, gently laying the baby in it's mother's arms. A smile formed on the couples face as they looked at their creation for the first time "congratulations your Majesty's, it's a girl" the Nanny said stepping back so the couple could have a moment with their child.

"Her name will be Eira Dina Winter's" the queen spoke after rubbing her newborns cheek lightly making her sturr in her arms "perfect" the king said rubbing the child's brown haired head lightly.

"She is perfect, she is ours" the queen smiles up at the king.

-19 years later-

I stared into the mirror at my reflection as my Lady in waiting pinned up the last strand of my brown hair in the bun, she put a few loose strands on both sides of my face, my top part of my hair pulled back and in a bun, while the rest was left down my back to my waist in curls. Sonia smiles and stepped back nodding in approved at her work "all done" Sonia said.

"Thank you Sonia" I said turning to her.

"your welcome lady Eira" she replied helping me up from the stool and stepped back as I walked to the mirror on the wall to look at my reflection. My hair curled around the frame of my face, my blue eyes stared back at me in the mirror, I wore a blue ball gown with matching heels, flower designs along the sleeves, the dress worked into a corset around my stomach and flutters out at my hips. I touch my the dress, Snowflakes form from my hand and sticking onto the dress then I touch my hair and I watch the snowflakes flow onto my hair. "You look stunning my dear" my mother said as she walked into the room holding my third brother who is three on her hip, a smile on her face "thank you mother" I say.

"Your welcome, now we must go before we are late" she said before turning to the door with my brother leaning his head on her shoulder then she gave him to his Nanny. I sigh and follow her out of my room, as we walked down the hall to the main hall where maids quickly cleaned and bowed to us as we passed before getting back to what they were doing. The doors to the entrance of the palace opened, the guards stepped to the side letting us through, a few feet in front of us had two carriages, one for the king and queen, then the second one for me. Mother turned to me and hugged me before kissing my cheek "you will do great" she whispered in my ear before walking to my father who waited by the first carriage. I smiled as I walked to the second carriage, the butler opened the door and helped me up into the carriage, I thanked him and sat down as he shuts the door, I play with my ring on my finger looking out the window waiting to get going.

Moments later the carriage jerked forward and begins to move out of the castle gates, the chip Choping of the horses hooves slammed against the stones as they pulled the carriage, letting out a neigh every few minutes. The castle slowly shrunk from my view as we moved away from the castle, my hands played with the fabric of my dress "we will be okay, we were waiting for this since we were a child" I say to myself over and over making my nerves settle.

Outside the window the lands was covered in snow due to this being the Ice kingdom it is always snowing, which I love. The royal family is known for their ice powers that you can only claim through blood, it's not something just any person could have, it's sacred, it's history. The carriage jerked to a stop pulling me from my thoughts, the door opened revealing the guard who held out his armored hand for me to take "we are here my lady" he said, I got up and took his hand stepping down from the carriage and looked up at the church that was half the size of the castle. "Thank you" I say politely walking to the stairs of the church, the doors opened slowly as the king and queen walked inside ahead of me, I waited until they were at the stage of the church before walking inside, the politics of the kingdom turned to me bowing before standing up "welcome lady Eira Dina Winter's" the butler called out.

I slowly walked to the stage keeping my head up and my gaze focused on the Archbishop who stood on the center of the stage. Once I stopped in front of him he smiles and started the ceremony.

"Today we gather here for the ceremony of crowning the first and rightful heir of the royal family, lady Eira Dina Winter's" the Archbishop spoke, I stood on the second step under him. "Do you Eira Dina Winter's take this oath to the royal family and to the kingdom?" The Archbishop raised his hand over my head, I lower it with a nod "I Eria Dina Winter's swear to take this oath" I say lowering my eyes to the floor. He places a crown on my head, which would belong to the princess of each century that passed. "I now precent Princess Eira, of the ice kingdom" the Archbishop backed up and I stood before turning to the room, the room filled with the sound of clapping. In the corner of my eye I could see my parents smiling at me.

I smile and walk down the stairs to my parents my mother gently placed her palm my my cheek "you did good my child" she said

"Thank you mother, father" I say