

The rune crafting lessons are nearing its end and his ties with the princess was also growing, restless and stuck in his conundrum, he opted to tell the princess of what he knew. It might have been too late, but he was guilty of the thought.

The princess wide eyes was unable to reply after hearing Pedro, she stared at him deeply and assessed the situation. "Sekani, I have a favor to ask." While the year-end was getting closer Pedro was also out of time, but he could not neglect this damsel in distress.

Pedro nodded as they both stared at each other awkwardly.


Cusme Plains

On the vast Cusme plains, an army of 50 thousand camped during the night. Composed of the Pharaoh's elite men of 10 thousand and the remainder was from the loyal nobles and royal members of the south. These men are battle hardened and willing to die at the call of their Pharaoh.

On the Pharaoh's camp his two general and his personal aide Kefennu was busy planning their point of approach. "Sire, If we cross this side it would likely that they will see us, but we can haste the march during the night and surprise the border while this side would be much safer, but we would most likely deplete the resources, and we will have only a single strike to decide the victory." The general who has black hair, broad built, tall and very dependable aura said to the Pharaoh.

"You know already our purpose here, even if I will die, I will not let that bastard run free. We choose this path." The Pharaoh choose the latter and does not plan to escape. He already set his son to rule after him and told him everything. They were now on a suicide mission to cut the head of the snake that lurks in their kingdom.



Before dawn arrived; men are gathere in the nearby farm land, hiding under the dark sky. Equipped with Kopesh, a sickle sword that was developed from a battle axe, and a small shield just enough to defend and do not impede agility and movement. They wore light leather armor and helmet made of light materials. It was evident that their plan must be swift to startle the guards.

As the large gate opened to signify the start of the new day, the 50 thousand men light equipped charged silently and when they got close they killed all the guards wildly and the whole city was alerted.

Inside the palace of the vizier the guards shouted and warned the people. In just a few minutes the soldiers were deployed and city was in chaos, battles everywhere and the civilians did not get out of their homes which is a big favor for the Pharaohs men.

The main group composed of the best men and the Pharaoh himself penetrated the palace and they were now inside the viziers room. "Damn you traitor, I will offer your soul to God Osiris." The Pharaoh who was covered with blood and his generals captured the palace quickly, but they are thinning out by the minute. Even if they succeed it would likely that they would be annihilated after.

"Your Highness, this is a misunderstanding." Nes-a-hor the Vizier was half naked with his wife also preparing for the escape, but the Pharaoh's men was so swift to penetrate that they left no time for the vizier. "I build up all this to conquer the Walamians and not to oppose your majesty. Please reconsider."

The Pharaoh enraged was about to attack but a loud laugh echoed in the room. The silhouette of a man appeared with other person also from the back door of the room.

"Hahahaha, our great Pharaoh came." The confident and scheming voice belonged to Ma-nefer's father Papi. He stood there with his weapon and some men at his back.

"Papi, glad you came. I will end this rebellion once and for all." The Pharaoh smiled, pointing his bloodied Khopesh at him.

"Papi, give me a wea.." Nes-a-hor stumbled to the ground as Papi slashed him with his Kopesh shrouded with Sould Energy, the unsuspecting Nes-a-hor was almost cut into half while blood splatter on the ground. His wife could only shout in horror of the abrupt event and could not understand the situation.

The Pharaoh and his man was also startled of what happened. They looked at Nes-a-hor's lifeless body and Papi and slowly understood the situation. "Damn, you." The Pharaoh shouted.

"Yes, I guess you now understand. This was all a trap, and this useless men of yours is my bait. Hahahaha" Papi laughed wickedly oozing with his Soul Aura ready to end the Pharaoh.

The battle started, sound of clashing metal, explotion and shouting echoed in the area, destroying everything. The battle got into the spacious garden beside the room of Nes-a-hor.

The sky was slowly illuminating as the Sun from the horizon was gradually rising. Under the beautiful sunrise, the comotion was nearing it's end. Panting and bloodied, only two men survived. The tall general and the Pharaoh back against each other and sorrounded by many enemy including Papi.

"Surrender and I will let you live." Papi was serious and offered a deal. But the Pharaoh just smiled and spat some blood to mock Papi. The Pharaoh knows that his life will be a big asset for Papi and can be used as deterent factor for the kingdom.

"My Pharaoh, It seems the Sun God Ra blessed as with it's light for the last time. May our souls be blessed by God Osiris." The general smiled as he also knows it was the end.

"It was a great honor to fight with you my best soldier and friend, may our souls be noticed by God Montu." As the Pharaoh said that they both shouted and charged like wild beast.

The sun rose high and illuminated the lifeless bodies. The Pharaoh's and of both the Pharaoh's men and the city soldiers and guards. It was the biggest shame for the Pharaoh, he entered a trap and even wrongly accused his vizier. He died with honor in battle but regret in his heart for the miscalculations.


Meanwhile when the chaos broke out, Pedro, the princess and all the Walamian residents in the city also escaped but they were intercepted by Ma-nefer himself.

"Finally, So you are in Cahoots with the Walamians." Ma-nefer riding a dog like beast as large as a horse caught up with the escaping group. His men was grinning and looking lustfully at the princess and other woman.

"I warn you now, if you do not go back. The Walamian warriors will not hesitate to defend themselves." Pedro stood up cofident in front of the escaping group and then gestured to Sharifa. The woods was silent and the bushes were calm, but something was lurking around.

Ma-nefer was startled and looked around but did not find anything, then he realized something. "Hahahaha. This brat is fooling with us, anyone who take his head will have a gold coin. You can also have as much woman as long as the princess is captured alive." Ma-nefer commanded thinking it was a bluff to delay time.

The other riders was elated of those words and wildly charged, and the group started to scatter and run. A rider leading the charge holding his spear was grinning of excitement targeting Pedro who was near the princess. He was about to throw his spear but an arrow struck him in the chest.

With a loud thud, the soldier stumbled into the ground while his feet was stuck in the mount dragging his lifeless body. Volleys of arrows then succeedingly hurled towards them.

"AMBUSH, P-P-PROTECT ME. RE-RETREAT." Ma-nefer stuttered as he saw an arrow lodged in his arm; panicked he escaped with all his might leaving his men.

Pedro breath deep and concentrated, he then throw his dagger shrouded with black flame towards Ma-nefer but he unfortunately missed.

Some Walamian died but most of the enemies was killed or either injured and escaped, they did not delay any time and escaped with the Walamian warriors.

It was just coincidence that Pedro opted to help and did not know of the overall plot. They did not even know what happened after and just escaped with the Walamian warriors. But all in all it ended quite well for them.


When everything was settled, Papi with Ma-nefer meet inside a room in the palace. "How did the princess escape." The fuming Papi was supposed to celebrate but upon seeing his injured son and the princess escaping; his mood changed drastically.

"Father, that boy Sekani help the princess and even taking all the Walamian people in the city." Ma-nefer could only explain with low voice and head down as he knew his fathers attitude.

Papi could only smash the wooden table in rage. "Did your men pursue them?" Yes but, Walamian warrior was already in wait as if they knew everything we have plotted. Papi looked at the injury of his son, and he now knew the situation.

"That Kefennu was behind this, how I wished he was part of this attack but it seems he was lucky or he already calculated this far. Now that the princess is gone, we could not proceed to the plan. We must find other ways to make them submit."


Kezukhen Village

They now arrived in the village where the princess live, and they are welcomed. The elder and Sharifa's grand father already knew from the advance warriors that came ahead and her family was quite worried. Though it was a worrying situation, the village was still glad their princess was alive and safe.

"Young man, I am elder Sua, we would like to thank you for saving our princess, welcome to the village of Kezukhen." They bowed deeply to Pedro and a woman elder attached a bone necklace which some other warriors and elders also posses.

"Thank you, You can call me Sekani, I would like to burden the chief for a while before I found somewhere else to settle." Pedro also respectfully returned the good gesture and received the necklace.

"You do not have to worry of the shelter, you can live here as long as you want. My daughter will provide your living." Sua looked at his daughter Sharifa and the princess just bowed.

As they entered the village it was not that small, infact it was more of a town than a village. The road is bare soil but it was clean, the houses are made of mud bricks and stones just like the Egyptians but they have different style. Their houses are more curvy and stylish, they also has flower around the houses, and hanging flower pots.

It was different from the village he first saw which is a bit unorganized but still observed cleanliness. The village has also a mudbrick and stone wall around 5 feet tall encircling the village, guarded by proper warriors armed with bows.


Djansumunein Capital City

On the capital. Kefennu knows what Papi was brewing in connection with the Walamian, and he hoped that the Walamian tribe would be angered, but he did not anticipate the escape of the princess and need another plan. He was a scheming person, but the warning he gave to Pedro which he only thought as a pawn and an act of pity ended up changing the situation.

"That boy sure is interesting, I need a toy like him." Kefennu smirked as he read the report from the battle. His day dream ended when a servant called for him to see the new Pharaoh. "For now, I will play with this Pharaoh." He smiled as he walked out of his office.

Next chapter