
The School Days Of Youth

Luke knocked his pen on his large, hard cover text book as he studied in his room for his mock exams tomorrow. The words from Mr. Benjamin's text that he received via his cell phone, resonated in his mind.

Text message from Mr. Benjamin reads:

"Everyone, meet me in the Blitz mall for this Saturday. From what I have gathered so far in my research for our future endeavor, the Blue Perigean Moon is in six weeks so we do have some time. I will explain all of this to you guys on Saturday. Do be on time"

With what is too come, we definitely need to be well informed, Luke thought to himself. Thankfully the test exams will not be in the way. Whatever happens, everyone will need to make it back safe from this future journey. I will make sure of that, he said confidently. Luke's thoughts began to stray off of his exams and on the woman that he was interested in. On Melinda, wondering what she was doing at this point in time.

'Across town'

Fixing her ear phones in her ears, Melinda turned the pages of her text book for Cultural History and Intellectual Change in Early England.

"Even though she knew most of the information needed to pass this mock exams, it would never hurt to go over the topics again, she said to herself. Familiarize herself on the subject matter again, was the statement for the night."

Removing one of her earphones, she listened to the deafening silence and tension in the house, coming from downstairs. The plunge of a pin hitting the floor would have been enough to start an argument, she thought as her father had just returned from a trip with his friends at the local pub.

He had opted to sleep on the couch as her mom said that she didn't want him in the bedroom. He surprisingly complied tonight, but who knows for how long, Melinda thought to herself.

The thought of moving out had crossed Melinda's mind a few times however without a proper education or a stable job, she would not reach very far in her life.

"I have got this, she said as she thought about the upcoming mock exams. They are all tests that I will pass!"

'On the coast!'

The sound of the waves smashing against the rocks made Greg pause for a bit, in his nightly run.

"The possibility that all life could become frozen in time for an infinite period wasn't a far fetch scenario but a close possibility if they don't return the gemstones to the place that the are suppose to be!"

Everyone was equally ready to do it, but he still had reservations about it. It is the right thing to do but is it 'good.' Handing over a possible future of fame and stardom does not seem like something in his best interest.

'A great life for Greg's mom!'

The words of his mother has always been too

"Do your best and also, do good and good will follow!"

The greater good, he laughed to himself with a hollowed laugh. Then he turned and continued jogging to head home because he had to study for his upcoming mock exams.

'In the center of town'

Mr. Benjamin sat back on his sofa looking at the laptop that he had placed on his wooden table. He had just ordered products from Baba from the Internet. They should arrive at the end of the week and would be helpful for their trip. He would also need to make a trip to the supermarket for food items.

"This is exciting, he thought to himself! I wonder what historical discoveries that we would find!"

Thank goodness that I am not the one who has to correct the mock test papers, he joked.

All the time in the world, he continued as he got up and headed to the kitchen, meditating on all the information that he had found out. He would have all the information ready for the students by Saturday, he affirmed to himself.

Though it felt like a historical field trip, he knew that it would have dangers ahead and that they would have to be ready for anything that could take place.

Picking up his cell phone from on the kitchen counter, he decided to call his close friend who would definitely prepare them for anything that may lie ahead of them in their upcoming journey.

'In a castle on the hill'

Madam Fiora! Your timetable says that your six exams are carded for next week, said her maidservant.

Yes, answered Fiora.

So why are you packing your books tonight, she asked?

I am going to see my parents! I will return before Saturday. Where is Fredrick, asked Fiora?

The butler is downstairs, responded the maidservant.

Fredrick, shouted Fiora. Do come in here?

Yes, madam answered Fredrick as he came to her room as quickly as he possibly could.

Frederick, call my uncle and tell him that I am borrowing the jet tonight. Need to fly to the United States Of America.

Wouldn't it be better to leave to go at the airport in the morning, asked Frederick?

Frederick, sighed Fiora. What's the point of having these amenities if you can't use it whenever you want to? Besides, I want to be there in the morning. Also call my parents and let them know that I am coming to see them.

Yes, Madam answered Frederick as he left the bedroom to do the tasks assigned to him. I will start up the Rolls Royce for us to leave for Cardiff Wales International Airport, right away continued Fredrick.

Seeing my parents would do me good, she thought as no one knows what the future holds.

Shall I pack you a sleeping bag, the maidservant asked Fiora?

Please do, responded Fiora as her eyes looked down at the armband that she wore with the yellow gemstone gleaming in the center of it. I'm ready for an adventure, she said softly.

They left the castle and headed for the International Airport arriving there after midnight. The serious looking security guard at the booth, eyed his partner who was looking at the roster of names that were written down on the sheet of paper. After finding her name, they were allowed entry to hanger bay fifteen where two individuals were already standing outside the by a white Range Rover.

When Fiora arrived, one of the individuals handed her a bag with a box of Guylian chocolates for her and a bottle of Chateau Lafite 1787 for her parents.

"A small card said, With Love, From Your Favorite Uncle!"

"Fiora let out a short titter as she said, favorite!"

After she accepted his gifts she was ushered to the private jet that was already primed and ready to leave the hanger. Waving goodbye to Fredrick, she entered the jet and secured herself inside as the jet moved out of the hanger and taxied down the runway as they were given clearance from Control Tower.

The lights of the jet disappeared into the night as it headed towards their intended destination. Fiora moved her gaze from the window and reclined in her seat after watching the ground disappeared from down below.

'United States, here I come!'

Mock or test exams is exams that may or may not award marks but its sole purpose is to provide practice for the future exams, for the student.

Baba - a reference to a real online website in China known as Alibaba. Used for the online sale of goods across China however Baba is across England.

Kerron_Masterscreators' thoughts
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