
The Lost Humanity

Imagine being forced to improve yourself for eighty years. And allowed to return as a 16 year old who know pretty much everything... This is the story of Ye Tian and Ming Yue and their journey to regain their lost humanity. How will they regain their lost humanity?

ChillCultivator · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Chapter Revision as of 25 March 2022

Yes! Only D Rank!

You might think that this is too slow. But you have to know, although they have the best theoretical knowledge, techniques, being naturally born S+ Talents. And they have been meditiating for nearly 3 days - today being the third. The teacher might have not mentioned it. But even though only the lowest D Rank is mentioned, that is because the first generation of humanity has been boosted in terms of talent. Ranks below D do exist, and normally everyone starts below F Rank in terms of body, mana density, mana storage etc.

Luckily, or unluckily. Beyond A Rank, will take some time to progress. By some time I mean years for people with A Rank.

So maybe a few months for the main characters...

"Ok, thats it everyone. Remember to be in class hall on time tomorrow, we will have a very special guest." Tian Yu said as she left the class.

Ye Tian, Ming Yue and everyone left their classes to go to their respective dorms.

As they were about to part ways..

"You two weaklings! I heard you are the strongest of the year! Come fight me!" A decently buffed and have a total gangster look guy appeared.

This guy is quite unordinary. He is secretly called "Hell's Blessing". As he had awakened twin blessings upon his awakening.

Blessings? Those are a rare type of blessing that someone can gain when awakening their magical talent. They usually only give one a early start only. Thats why talent grade is still favored more... And this guy only had A Rank and was placed into the A Class.

So what is with his "Hell's Blessing"? His first talent is basic fire mastery. He can cast some basic fire spell due to his natural affinity to it. And his 2nd blessing is a natural C grade magic core. Meaning he has a natural C grade mana density and mana storage.


Author's Notes:

Class Hall - Basically the S Class will have a special hall for training class.

Mana Core - A word to represent both mana density and mana storage.

Blessing - A gift that is blessed upon the individual giving them a headstart over the others.