

Morning rays fell on Bella's beautiful face. Fluttering her little eyelids she slowly opened her eyes and tried to shield herself from the harsh light.

'What happened to me?! Where the heck m I right now'. She looks around and finds herself in a hospital VIP room with many tubes attached to her body. Her head was bandaged and so were her legs and hands. Beside her bed was a table with a plate of food on it and 2 bottles of water. She reached out her hand towards the bottle and almost dropped it when the door opened and a nurse came inside. "Madam you are awake.. please have something to eat the doctor will be coming soon to check up on you"

After the nurse went back Bella started thinking.. 'Check up on me? Just what the hell happened?!' She then calmed herself and started analysing things around her. Her head was aching badly also her body felt numb. Her neck was stiff from lying in the same position. It looked like she had an accident.

Then she slowly remembered what happened last night. She was at a party where she encountered a scene that she shouldn't have and that triggered her and she left the party early and started driving home . She was driving recklessly in anger and might have lost control and ended up here. Her brain adapted to what happened and she calmed down 'Thank god atleast I am alive. According to my condition I should be released today since there is nothing wrong with me.'

Thinking thus she sipped on the water and waited for what seemed like 15 mins before the door opened again and an old man around his 40s came inside with a nurse. After doing some checkups he gave her the reports "All the reports are clear mam you have not suffered any major injuries. You can be discharged anytime when you are feeling alright" Bella was more than happy to leave this place and go back home and was going to tell the doctor when suddenly the door opened again.....

Hola readers! What's up? This chapter is officially my first chapter and start of my first novel ? . Please let me know what you think about it, where u think I should improve and other thoughts. Plz support ? Have a good day!?

KyaraKcreators' thoughts