
Start of his Adventure

The story takes place in a world, where magic, beast, demons, elves, nymphs, dragons, and many other mythical creatures exist, you name it.

The world was once peaceful and prosperous, until the heir to the throne have gone missing. The realms are raising suspicions to each other, that the other kingdom might seize the power of the throne for itself, which led to chaos of all the realms.

The realms are all fighting each other, seizing the power to be the next protector of realms, each of them fighting on their own belief. Their greed for power have led the war for almost five decades since the heir have gone missing. Elves, Humans, Beast's, Demons, all fighting for the title.

While the realms are in chaos, the Hell is waking up and taking this opportunity to gain strength and numbers to once again wreak havoc to the world.

The world will be in peace again, once the rightful heir have returned.

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The story begins in a small peaceful village where plains, lush forests, lakes and rivers surrounding it, and far from chaos and corruption of the world. People here are living a peaceful life, taking care of each other. The Landlord of the village is very friendly and kind to the people. They do farming, raising animals and etc.

There lived a man named Zebram, he is a half human and half dark elf. Her mother was human while his father is dark elf. He is now living his own life, when his parents got killed in the war 3 years ago. He moved to this village to seek a peaceful life and start a new beginning.

Zebram is just an average guy, he's 20 years old, he has some muscular tone and his features are more to the dark elf. His eyes is of human with dark blue color in it, giving a serious expression in his face, however, he has the ability to see clearly in the dark, just like a dark elf. His voice is cold and deep. He is a kind of mysterious guy, where most of the people don't know about him well or his past. And there is a very dark secret deep inside himself, that he can't let anyone know about it. He also don't talk a lot to girls, since he is very shy, even if the girl starts to communicate first. He don't have any close friends and he is living alone in his house. Even all of that shyness, mysteriousness and not very talkative, he can still make girls dreamy just by staring at his handsomeness. All of the girls in his village are all wanting to be his lover.

His reputation is well known in the village. He is one of the hunters that hunt animals for food. In fact, he is the best hunter in his village. He also makes a good fortune out of it. He also do some Lumberjacking and help building up houses for the village.

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One day, there are strangers visiting in their village, this strangers are human soldiers from Ivarstead, one of the strongest realms that is currently fighting for the throne. But strangely they wore no armour that emphasizes that they belong to an army. Instead they only wear light leather armour and cloaks with an insignia of Ivarstead. They look more like an assassin and spies, because of their clothing.

The Landlord welcome them with open arms, then the captain approaches the Landlord.

The looks of the Captain is not a very muscular man, his beard and mustache gave him a fierce looks and his hair is well trimmed.

The Landlord and the Captain of the soldier talk about the matter on why they are here.

"Welcome Captain, what business brings you to this small village of ours?" says the Landlord in welcoming voice.

"We are here to recruit abled body men that can fight for the war!" says the Captain in commanding voice. and handed up a letter to the Landlord.

The Landlord reads the letter, and sadness can be seen in his face while reading it. "We have only few strong men in here, and this village needs them" says the Landlord.

"I am commanded by the King of Ivarstead to recruit men and have the authority to take men forcefully if needed to." the Captain says with Angry expression.

The Landlord sighs', because he can't do anything to stop them. Because they are under the protection of Ivarstead, and swore an oath to serve them.

"Good, that you understand it clearly" says the Captain.

"Ok, I'll gather all the men in here" the Landlord says with a frown expression.

The Bell of the village rang, indicating for all to gather up.

"All men that age eighteen and up must stay here. And those that is not may go back to your chores." says the Captain.

The other's that didn't belong to are now going back to their chores. And they are wondering what is going on, but the men that are left behind already knew that they are being recruited to an army to fight for the war.

"I will only choose the men that is suit for the war. Those that is not chosen may leave." says the Captain.

After choosing the men. The Captain then nods at the Landlord for appreciation and hospitality.

Zebram is one of the chosen men that is recruited to the army.

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"I will be your Commanding officer and I will train you to be a capable warrior for the war. I am Captain Ralof, and you will address me as Captain!, Understood?" the Captain says at the recruited men.

"Understood!?" the captain repeated to make the recruited men answer to him.

"Yes Captain!" all of the recruited men answered including Zebram.

"Good!, Now, pack up the things that is important to you and say your goodbye's, because we are leaving at dawn. You are all dismissed." says the Captain.

Zebram, is not happy being recruited to the army, let alone fighting for that damned war!. He focuses his mind to keep calm and he thinks that this might be a good opportunity to take some adventure and experience's in his life. He laugh at his mind thinking about the new opportunities. But little did he know, that this is a start of a new beginning, and will be the key to discover himself more and the power and capabilities he didn't know he can do.

After the Captain had given it's orders to them, the recruited men now goes back to their houses to say their goodbye's to their loved one's and parent's. Zebram is just standing there, feeling jealous to them, saying their goodbye's to their loved one's.

The Captain had noticed him just standing there watching the other saying their goodbye's. The Captain then approached him.

"You boy, Why are you still standing here?, Don't you want to say goodbye to your family?" says the Captain in low voice.

Zebram, feeling a bit awkward talking to captain. He then replies. "I have no family or any loved one's nor friends of any, I am but alone living my life. Captain." he says with sadness in his voice.

The Captain, feeling pity on him. "Aye! boy, Don't worry you'll have friends soon when we arrive at the camp where you will train. Now go pack up the things you need and get some rest, because tomorrow will be a long journey." said the Captain, with encouragement.

Zebram then smiles, and nods to the Captain. Then he's on his way to his house.

The Captain glanced at him, with high expectation that he will be one of the best among all of them, because he feel something strange in his aura, like a very strong and ancient one.

# # # # # # # ~

The Dawn comes a new day. The bell is rang, signaling the people to wake up and gather.

The people gathered at the center of the village, and the men that are recruited are now saying their last goodbye's to their family.

The Captain still noticed Zebram, standing there alone doing nothing but glancing at his companions saying their own goodbye's. "This boy, there is something deep inside him, something powerful" he says in his mind while watching Zebram.

The Captain broke the emotional goodbye's of the men and their family. "Hurry your goodbye's because there is still a long trip ahead, and don't worry you will go back to your home when the mission is finished." says the Captain.

"Now gather up in here when your name is called, because we will now depart the village." says the soldier holding a parchment in his hand.

One by one, names are called. Not long after, they are now all gathered up and ready to leave the place. The tears and cries can be seen in those men and their family, because they will leave for a very long time and there is no exact date to when will they return.

Their journey now begins and the new beginning of Zebram's life had just started.

Hi! Please be kind and considerate, this is my first ever story i've made since birth (^-^). Sorry if there are many wrong grammar's and bad english, because english is not my first language. Also this Chapter is just only the beginning, I will promise that the story will progress nicely. This will be a very long story I might add. Thanks!

Do leave a review about this chapter and the corrections. I will appreciate it.

Magus_Apexcreators' thoughts
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