

Year 1991 of December 20.

The whole kingdom of Allen was celebrating for the birth of the crown prince whom they named prince Eliezer. Everyone knew that he would succeed the throne someday. But the main reason why the whole kingdom was celebrating, both young and old was because of their faith that the birth of the crown prince was not coincidental but was a sanction from above.

They believed that the prophesy passed down from their great ancestors about a peculiar king born on the advent lantern feast will rule the kingdom. He will rule with iron scepter; he will be cloth with wisdom and strength. He will bring abundant blessing, and peace will rule in the land all throughout his reign. He will open a way for the whole world to know, see and experience the beauty of the almost lost and forgotten kingdom. It was written in his fate and he is destined for greatness.

The people of the kingdom adored him so much. They were all rooting for the crown prince. They have placed their hopes in him. But looks like the kingdom had forgotten the other six sons of the king.

Year 1994

The news about the death of Crown prince Eliezer swept all throughout the kingdom like an epidemic disease. The whole nation had mourned over his death and for how many days, the royal guards restlessly tried to locate the young prince's body but to no avail.

The crown prince was four years old when he went hunting with his archery instructor in one of the kingdom's owned forest. Unknown to everyone, someone in the palace paid a mercenary to kill the young prince. The mercenary spared the life of the instructor but didn't took pity on the young prince life.

His archery instructor didn't know what happened. The last thing he remember was that someone knocked him from behind. When he woke up, he tried to find the young prince but he only found the purple robe that the queen made the other day. it was drench in blood.

The royal guards had been searching for the prince for two whole weeks, however, they only found one bloody shoe that belongs to the prince. A wild animal must have devoured his entire flesh. Sorrowfully, the king declared him dead.

Yearly, on every advent lantern feast, the whole kingdom never failed to commemorate the crown prince's life. And every year, the whole kingdom kept anticipating a new son from the king and queen that could fulfill the prophesy of old. But many years had passed yet no other son was born. Instead, a beautiful princess was born.

Now, some hearsays implied that the crown prince isn't truly dead since no one had ever saw his body. therefore, few hearts were hoping for the return of the lost heir. But some have lost hopes and believed that among the king's six son, one will usurp the throne and his generation will be the fulfillment of the prophesy. It might not be the time yet for the prophesy's fulfillment.

But destiny has its own story…

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