

Let's get one thing straight. Even though Marie Lee seemed as if she didn't like love, she absolutely desperate for it. Ever since she was little she would imagine falling in love with a man that had no flaws, and would truly care for her. But as she grew she got caught up in her studies, and people started to see her more as a friend than anything. But soon that would change....

"Why don't I set you up on a date, I think it would be nice for you." Lily exclaimed. Marie Chuckled even though she trusted Lily with her life she knew that Lily had some bad taste in men in the past. " Lily it's truly fine, even though I love you i don't think that you can actually find the one I'm looking for." Marie smiled awkwardly, as if she didn't want to hurt Lily. " Well anyway Lily I really have to go this time, I need to study to an exam that's coming up. Do I'll head out first Okay? Take care of yourself see you tonight." Marie waved goodbye to her friend and began to walk back home.

On her way home Marie felt as if someone was following her, they had a dark aurora to them and seemed as if they wanted to snatch her away. Marie turned into an alleyway and started to walk faster, and then all of the sudden there was a loud crash and Marie was against the wall. Everything was blurry when she blinked a few times she saw something....it wasn't human..... it had black monster like wings and horns right in top of their head.

" Well hello your majesty. How long has it been since we last met? hmmmm I would sayyy 100,000 years? My, My, you seemed to have gotten even more beautiful." Marie was horrified she couldn't speak, the only thing she could hear was the monster in front of her . Her voice seemed to have run away.

" What? the cats got your tongue? Well since you haven't exactly remembered your past just yet, let me explain it to you. There are Three Worlds, one for where all these humans live, and one where the almighty God's and goddesses exist... you see they are royalty up there, it's what humans would say heaven. And down there.... that's were I come from were all the demons and devil's scurry around were nothing but scum to you... But now that I have you... That's all going to change. Do you understand? Ah yes how could I forget the most important part. A 200,000 years ago a baby was born, she was one that everyone would bow down to. One that everyone would love. She was the Heaven goddess. The goddess that would once rule all of heaven.... but one day she was kidnapped by one of us scums. She was placed in the human world, so that no one would ever find her, but they did both the Heaven world and the hell world have been at war ever since she was found, everyone was trying to get her. And now I finally have." Marie was stunned with both horror and confusion *What does this have to do with me?* Marie thought. " Ah I see you still don't understand... Well Marie Lee.... You are the Lost Goddess."

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