14 Chapter 14

Clara got a group of adults set up to speak with the council when the time came. It was five adults and she would also be joining for a new look on different issues. Clara was beyond stressed but she had some time to be herself.

School was going good. Working with Brento made her stronger with her inflicting. She was starting to pinpoint people which is hard to do but she found it simple enough. Even when she wasn't at the academy, Clara was practicing as much as possible.

Her unknown ability needed to be named but they were waiting to see how much it could do before they would. At least a year was what the council told her but she called it Light Creations. Unfortunately it wasn't the whole part of the ability. It also used something like a shade ability. So maybe Light-Dark Creations would work.

Avery and Emmett were almost competing with each other to see who could impress Clara more with the world. She was always learning new things and Avery was helping teach her to light leap. It was a lot of fun to light leap.

"I think I'm getting it!" Clara smile at her achievement. It was hard being in this world where she wasn't always the best at things.

"Yes you are. Good job, " Avery smiled and had her continue to light leap a few more times. Eventually Clara became too tired to light leap and wanted a break.

"Okay this is wearing me out, " Clara went and sat down at the hill behind her house. They were practicing on top of it.

"Yes it does after a lot of leaps. You can't light leap as much as others in a row but that's okay. It's probably because you aren't used to it, " He had his hand on her back. She pulled her knees against her and rested her head there.

"How come you help me with this anyways? Isn't it boring?" Clara mumbles as she moves her head to look at him.

"It isn't boring and I help you because I want to. I don't have to explain to you, " He stuck his tongue out and Clara playfully hit him on the arm.

"I asked a simple question. No need to get sassy about it. I just don't get why is all Avery. You could definitely be doing more interesting and fun things then teaching someone how to light leap, " Clara kept her head on her knee but something caught her eye.

"What is it?" Avery tried to follow her eyes but wasn't sure.

"Something flew by I guess. I don't know honestly. Anyways, " she looked back at Avery, "wanna do telepath things that I shouldn't know how to do?"

"What exactly would that be?"

"I don't know. What don't they teach in mentoring classes that you know how to do? I need to learn more about telepathic and how much more advanced mine is," Clara finally had some strength and stood up.

"Well they don't take the time to truly show you how to search someone's mind. I would like to see how much you could get though. Maybe you could even get into repressed memories but who would have some and be willing to allow you to look around with me to guide?" Avery was thinking but an idea popped into my head.

"Maybe my parents or even Councilman Brento. He's always been my biggest advocate and wants me to explore my abilities, " Clara suggested but Avery shook his head.

"I don't think he can agree to that. I guess asking wouldn't hurt but we have to go to the council housing area. No one can really contact the council on their imparitor without permission, " Avery extended his hand to Clara and she took it.

For light leaping they had to have physical contact so Avery could put his focus on Clara too. Once they were there, Avery got them to Brento's house. Clara knocked and a very shocked looking Brento answered the door. "Hello Clara and Avery. What do I owe the pleasure of you two coming here?"

"Well we wanted to see what my telepath ability can truly do and uh we wanted to see if we can well look through your mind for repressed memories and not show you?" Clara kinda stuttered out and Brento chuckled a little.

"You must be quite serious to ask a council member of this. Why me though and not your parents?"

"Well you are more likely to have wiped or repressed memories and I wanted to see if I could find them. I won't look at them and nor will Avery. I can't go in alone because I could get lost, " Clara blushed at saying the last part. He knows that.

"Well some people can find them but not see them. Maybe you'll be able to see them. I guess but only you can see them Clara. Your mind is impenetrable except for Philip and even then you can trick his telepath ability, " Brento stepped back and let the two in and sat them down.

"Mark anything you don't want Avery to see and anything you don't want either of us to see okay?" Clara didn't sit though. She stood against the wall while Brento mentally prepared for a memory search.

"I don't care what you see Clara. The more you know of the world the more you can right the wrongs. I also know your mind can't shatter like ours can," Brento smiled and looked at Avery.

"How dark has your mind gotten from the inflicting?" Avery asked very boldly which shocked Clara. She didn't know minds could darken from inflicting.

"It's like slug but I'm positive Clara won't have a single problem getting through it," Brento relaxed into the chair and sighed. "Take however long you need. Just remember there are over a thousand years of memories in my mind and it'll be overwhelming once you get pasted the part that inflicting has destroyed to protect my mind."

"Will that happen to me? Will my mind become tainted?" Clara asked before she begun and he shook his head no.

"It isn't impossible. You are a healer and can inflict good and bad emotions. It must cancel out. Your mind should be safe, " he patted next to him on the chair. It was a bigger chair and there was room for two. "Sit here so your healing doesn't take part in this."

"Okay, " she sat down next to him and faced him. Avery sat on the floor with his hand in her other hand. Once she connected her hand to Brento's forehead she went in.

It was so dark and scary. There was no light and it did feel sluggish. "Clara you got this. Find the light in the darkness, " Avery's words of encouragement helped and eventually she did.

She walked into a web of memories and information. She sat down in the main part of the memories for a second and looked around. She saw a much younger Brento and it was his first day as a council member. He looked so happy and innocent compared to now.

"He looks so different, " Clara spoke as she basically reached out to the memory like she could touch him. The memories switched on her though.

"Mental trigger. His mind is supposed to do that when he is being searched. Keep looking around and don't worry. I am right here if you get lost," Avery's voice was throughout Brento's whole mind. It was so surreal the way it came from everywhere and no where all at once.

"Don't pay attention to these memories Avery. They are marked, " Clara walked over and felt a pull to reality almost. Avery backed away and her mind thought that meant to leave but she didn't want to.

The memory was of Brento as a child. His mother had his eyes but he looked a lot like his father. That was besides the point, this memory looked dark. Like it was a bad memory.

She watched the memory for how long she doesn't know. The memory was when Brento was a third year in the academy. He had discovered he was an inflictor but that's not what tainted the memory... There was a darkness in the day too. Dark clouds rolled over the academy and it started to storm but it never stormed. Something changed that day that caused a storm...

The academy was freaking out and running around. Little Brento was a new inflictor and with no guidance accidentally inflicted more fear into the crowd of students. But that's not what caught Clara's eyes. In the corner of Brento's vision was what looked like a man holding a.. sword or some sort of weapon that was causing the panic...

She couldn't finish the memory. Avery had pulled the connection. She freaked out a little but Brento was the one who hugged her. "You saw it too."

"Does that have something to do with me? The destiny I am to fulfill???" Clara quickly stood up and Brento nodded.

"Yes. I had no doubt you would find that memory that I had long since forgotten. Not entirely but what that day was like. All those emotions," Brento was shaking a little too as if the fear was building up again.

"It's not that day anymore... I would like to look into it more though because that person didn't look like an ability wielder or well one of us.. they looked like a normal human," Clara sat back down next to him.

"It was a normal human. We don't understand how or why they got a hold of such a weapon but they did and that's why we severed the worlds."

"The worlds used to be combined? It makes sense why I've seen that sword before or well it was described in a human tale but that's all it was. A myth..."

"It was no myth Clara. That sword is quite real. You can look through my memories of me studying it, " Brento patted Clara's leg in comfort before getting settled himself.

Avery took Clara's hand but he never said anything. Back into Brento's mind she went to find answers about the sword and why it was her destiny.

Clara and Avery went over everything that Brento researched that night. They scanned his memories fast that morning but both had identical memories so it would be fine.

The next day they went to the library to work on it. "There has to be somewhere the council keeps information like this. If there is a way to do good with the sword it should have been figured out by now," Clara had written everything down and sketched ideas and was still coming up short.

"Let's go get something to eat and maybe do something else for now? Come back with fresh eyes in the morning," Avery was good help with it all but it was definitely time for a break.

"Fine, I guess so," Clara collected everything together in a pile and sighed. She was so used to knowing everything but she didn't know anything about this sword. Clara remembered the books about the sword and there was some information in them that seemed real which was crazy. "I wish I could go to the other world and look at those myths again. They must have something that these books are missing. This is just so annoying."

Avery looks down for a second and smiles back. "I think you can. Philip could bring you back there. He has access."

"No he can't know that Brento showed me my destiny. No one else can know what we know okay?" Clara sighs as they walk to the outside of the library. It was the best place to do things because not many people were ever there it seemed.

"Okay I understand. Why don't we just ask Brento then? He would surely let you go to your world," Avery shrugged and Clara nodded but didn't do anything.

"I could call him. He did give me permission to call him from my imparitor," Clara pulled out the little gadget. It was almost like a phone but use holographs instead of an actual screen. She called Brento and his face popped up on the screen.

"Hey Clara, everything okay?" Brento had a little look of concern but that made sense. They'd only been there this morning.

"Well I need to go to my world to look at the books. They are myths there but I wonder how much of it is actually true. I have read them but looking at them again would help," Clara gives a small smile and Brento sighs.

"I can't send you alone though and you won't be by your old home. I trust you but we can't risk your family seeing you," Brento sighed as he thought for a second.

"I could go with sir," Avery added from the side but Brento couldn't see him.

"Yes I guess that would work. Clara you know the world the best so I can assume you don't need a guide," Brento sat down in his office and Clara could see around it pretty well. "Just come back here and I'll get you on your way. Your imparitor will still work so you can call me once you are ready to come home."

"Oh I didn't know it worked like that," Avery was curious but that would have to wait. "We are heading over."

Brento hung up the call and the two headed over to the council living area. There were always guards but none ever questioned the pair like they did others. Brento must have given clearance or something for that to work Clara thought. Avery knocked once they got there while Clara stood behind him.

"You definitely came fast. I have some clothes from the other world you can change into," Brento stepped aside and both walked in easily.

"I guess I didn't think about that," Clara smiled and looked over. The clothes were already laid out for them. It was nothing Clara would ever wear but it would do. It was a skirt that went to the knees that was black and a blue sweater for the top. "Oh it must be winter there right?"

"Yeah it'll be quite cold. Avery you have a lot more clothing but Clara is used to the cold temperatures so she can be a little more with the fashion to blend in," Brento showed them to an area to changed.

They both changed quickly but Clara was a bit uncomfortable. That was what was needed though so she dealt with it. "I always hated clothes like this," she sighed as she stepped out. "By the way Avery, since we are going to be out in public you might want to hold my hand. Girls there can be a little forward sometimes."

"You better remember Clara that guys can be more forward there," Brento was concerned about that.

"Yes I know. Having a guy around typically stops that but girls sometimes don't care when they see a handsome person," Clara shrugged and looked over Avery quickly. He was a ladies man or that's what he would be seen as.

"Oh that'll be interesting," was all Avery could say. He couldn't stop looking at Clara and she could feel it.

"What city are you putting us in?" Clara was blushing but she tried to focus on the task. She needed to get this done.

"New York City. It should have everything you are looking for correct?" Brento began to open a portal and Clara sighed.

"Yes it should but it'll be busy and crowded. It is gonna give a headache," Clara touched her forehead but not for too long. "Avery try to not focus on all the voices. There will a lot and it be overwhelming. It is for me as well so it could be even worse for you," Clara held out her hand for him.

"I can ignore voices better than you Clara. Don't worry about me," he stilled grabbed her hand and pulled her a little closer to him. He didn't want to have to go with her but Avery doesn't know this world like she does.

"Oh just wait," Clara smiles and turns back to Brento. He had the portal opened.

"This will put you in a secure place. Please be fast you two," Brento stepped out of the way of the portal.

Avery and Clara stepped into the portal and looked around. They were in an ally but Clara didn't know where.

"Ready?" Avery whispered.

"We are already here, so yeah I better be ready," Clara led them out of the Alley and onto the main streets. They were on the outskirts of the city. "Alright we are gonna have to walk a bit."

"That's fine just lead the way," so Clara did. They worked their way to the Times Square since that was the only way Clara could get to a library.

There was a group of what Clara believed were college girls drunk. It was after dinner time so that didn't surprise her. "Stay close okay? Wouldn't want you to get dragged alone with them," Clara pulled him a little closer to her.

It didn't seem to work though. They came over to them anyways. "Hey you are a cutie you know that," the one talking didn't seem all that drunk.

"Back off lady. He's my boyfriend," Clara stepped in between the two but still held Avery's hand. "He isn't interested. Go bug someone else."

"Oh you are so young to have a boyfriend. You just don't want him to have any fun," the woman laughed and gave a grin that didn't sit well with Clara.

"Fine then. You'll be a pedophile. He's only fifteen after all. He looks so old doesn't," Clara smirked at the shock reaction and they stormed off. No fun with children... whatever less of a hassle for Clara.

"Uh what was that about?"

"They wanted you to go party with them. I thought girl code would work once I realized the one talking wasn't drunk but apparently she didn't care," Clara was blushing and pulled Avery forward.

Even when Clara had the ring on, her looks had improved a lot. Elijah said it had to due with the air being so much better there. Guys kept staring but Avery's got muscles so they'll look away quickly.

They quickly made it to the library and she went over the mythical books section. It was a very old tale but it was still told to everyone that she knew at least.

"This is a lot smaller then our library back home. How come the book isn't there?" Avery stood next to Clara and looked at the books even though he didn't know what they were looking for.

"They called it the sword of destiny. Ironic right?" Clara sighed as she kept scanning the books. She didn't want to ask the librarian because it would draw attention to them when they were looking the book. "It was said to bring life though not destroy the world."

"That is strange. Maybe they didn't know what it could do?" Avery suggested.

Clara suddenly stopped looking and had a panic look which Avery noticed. She heard a voice she recognized. "Oh no. Someone is here I know but I've never been to New York City!" Clara kept herself behind Avery and focuses on where she was hearing the voice.

"Okay. We need to hide you then," Avery looked around. There was no where to really hid in a library.

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