
Meet Up

Reina has finished school and before she left the school ground an order came in, she needed to deliver a package to one of the boys at the basketball court, she starts to head to the basketball courts.

Girls cheering surrounded one of the courts which had a game on between the boys. Reina pulled out her phone and texts,

'To xxx:

"Where are you?"'

'From xxx:

"I'm the one in the red hoodie."'

'To xxx:

"Ok I see you."'

Reina spots the boy in red and heads over to him, pulling out the package that's in her hoodie pocket she does a quick exchange when walking by him, she slips the package in his hoodie pocket and grabs the money that's in his hand, walking away she starts to head towards the school gates.

Before she exits some one grabs her arm she looks at the person.

"What do you want?" She spills out looking at the boy who grabbed her, the one and only Hiro.

"You know a girl like yourself shouldn't do such things" Hiro says with a tint of concern in his voice but with a aloof expression on. Reina eyes him then grabs his hand and throws it off of her, she turns around and walks away, before she takes more than two steps Hiro grabs her hand, "I know I should mind my business but be careful, selling stuff to gang members is putting yourself in danger."

"Is this coming from a gang leader? You don't act like one, how did you get your reputation, tch you're too innocent" Reina looks at him, "and it isn't your business, your should return to your dogs before they come looking for you." Reina leaves him standing there shaking his head.

He was someone new to the area so not many people knew anything about him.

Though Reina knew how he got his reputation, he is not actually innocent allegedly he has a powerful background something to do with military affairs. Not only that rumours says he is an undefeatable opponent. As well as someone who you should not get on their bad side or you'll face misfortune.

Then again what's this got to do with her?

Reina returns home before the sun goes down, she enters a small rundown Chinese compound which is her home, when she gets to her front door she swaps her shoes with some slippers.

"Tadaima!" Reina announces her presence.

*I'm home*

"Okaerinasai" Reina's grandmother greats her, her only family member she knows.

*Welcome back*

Reinas grandmother continues, "Yūhan tabemashita ka?" Her grandmother looks at her.

*Have you had dinner?*

"Hai o bāchan" Reina replies politely, "Anata wa dōdesu ka?" She asks as she takes her mask off and school bag. *Yes grandma, what about you?*

"Hai, watashi wa sudeni tabemashita" Reina's grandmother continues what she was doing which was painting. Reina looks at the painting which was a mountain in the fog with a little hut at the bottom of the mountain near a river with a woman and a child sitting at a bench. As a sign Reina leaves her grandmother and goes to her room. *Yes, I have already ate.*

Hours go by and it's already dark out, Reina is at her window looking out, she puts a white mask on as well as a black hoodie with matching pants, she jumps out of her window she leaves her small house compound quickly not to disturb her grandmother.

Reina ends up going to a 7-eleven near her house, walking in she grabs a cup of noodles and a soda paying for it all, she cooks the noodles and goes outside to one of the table and chairs to eat.

The chair opposite of her scrapes on the concrete ground looking up she sees a body of a boy, his face covered with a hat and a black hoodie over the hat he sits down across from her and looks at her.

His face has fresh wounds on his nose and edge of his mouth, looking at his hands that were placed on the table they had marks of blood and tiny cuts, image of someone that had just fought, not only that but there were blur images of tattoos on his fingers.

"Rough night?" Reina asks the boy in front of her, looking back at her food she uses her chopsticks to grab hold of her noodles slowing eating.

"Mhm, as you can see" the boy responds watching her every move.

"So what are you doing here Hiro?" Reina responds as she finishes her mouthful.

"I'm not allowed to be here?" Hiro responds snatching her soda and taking a sip, "Sorry I need to rehydrate." Hiro says and he sees Reina glaring at him.

"Whatever, who did you fight with?" She asks snatching her soda back.

"Are we that close? Heh it was another school gang, no need to worry." Hiro's face had a tiny smile on his face looking at Reina in the eyes.

"Who's worrying? I just don't want to be involved in your problems." Reina continues to eat annoyed at the fact he has disturbed her precious time.

"Alright then I got to go so stay safe, it's dark out." Hiro gets up from the chair and walks away as Reina watches him leave.

Heaving a sigh she finishes her dinner and starts to head to a nearby park.

At the park behind a bush an envelope is on the ground, she opens it and starts checking it, it had the right amount of money for that she grabs a sealed package and throws it on the ground walking back home.

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