
Agrabah's trouble

Sorry for not updating guys, 2 months was unexcusable. you can try re-reading to refresh your memory.

also advances chapters on Pat reon

Pat reon.com/RedVoidDoragon


Back in Agrabah...

Jasmine was in the throne room where the daily closed meetings have been taking place since a month ago. Agrabah is in a critical situation as the first eastern land to face now international phenomenal called [Land Corruption]. There have been reports by the sailors that some islands have completely died with no sight of life in them.

Jasmine was very worried, Jahilon Nobles' issued a state emergency and closed their borders, Jasmine couldn't blame them as that was the right call.

Now, Agrabah is fending for its self.

"Today's supplies have been equally distributed, we still have some remaining items that have been returned to the warehouses, Your Majesty." One man in Red cloak spoke with a scroll in his hands. He was one of the few Nobles that Jasmine has trusted with the food supplies for the kingdom, He was Hamiz Ghassan.

Jasmine nodded and looked at the next person standing, Hamiz's son, Mardy "How is the public opinion and the Local security, Lord Marry?" Jasmine asked.

Mardy knelt down "The people have seen your majesty's hard work for them and they feel grateful for you and the Royal Family. Currently, some bandit groups started raiding the weak villages in the south near the Sandhills, General Hassan has dispatched his troops to exterminate them."

"Good, Send a word of appreciation to General Hassan and let him know we like his dedication." Jasmine raised her hands to the Royal court writer to do as she said. She then switched her eyes at the next person standing to the left row of the servants.

"Dalia..." She called. Dalia; Jasmine's personal maid and protector walked forward. She knelt down with her head low.

This time, Dalia was not in her usual maid clothing, but rather, she was wearing a light leather black armor.

"How is the situation in the noble houses, have you found anything?" Jasmine asked.

Dalia sighed and nodded "Yes, Lord Mansor from House Alfakhir is claiming a big portion of the supplies of food and items sent to his territory for himself. Dead bodies have been reported near his territory, after a little investigation, it seems that they are locals in that area who died from starvation."

"Alright, Summon him to the palace and wait until he arrives and then imprison him immediately." Jasmine stood up and ordered.

"As you wish." Dalia smiled and replied.

Jasmine sighed and ran her fingers through her black hair. "As always, keep the content of this meeting a secret, dismissed," Jasmine spoke. With her words being final, everyone retreated and returned to their work.

Jasmine leaned on the throne as she massaged her head 'This is getting tough with each passing day, we are running low on supplies, soon people will start to starve and die, riots can't be avoided at that time. Father has been sending me messages from Jahilon, in this difficult time, I suspect that some Nobles are holding him in their custody, which is a nice way to say "Hostage" they must be waiting for our fall.'

It has been a hard time for the young and the only available Royal family member in Agrabah. But she was managing herself, but not for long if the situation continues like this and the Land Corruption spreads even further in the kingdom.

'I hope Ace found the cause of all of this...' at the thought of her husband, Jasmine's eyes watered down, they have married, and she got to only spend one day with him. Sometimes she finds it ironic and takes a good laugh at herself.

But the truth is that Jasmine misses Ace so much, Every night she dreams of his return and how wonderful their life would be together, but the morning sun always brings her back to reality.

"Your Majesty." While Jasmine was deep in her thoughts, a guard entered the hall and knelt down "Aladdin from Morjan's company request an audience." He said.

Once she heard that name, Jasmine snapped out of her thoughts and quickly gestured for the guard to let him in.

The door opened and Aladdin entered wearing high and fancy clothes, he walked to the center and knelt down "Your majesty." He spoke.

Jasmine clicked her tongue "Aladdin, I have sent many calls to you, but you did not reply, and furthermore you disappeared for 3 weeks. The order for the food supplies I demand got delayed because of you." Jasmine was clearly unhappy "Should I remind you that the company that you work in belongs to my husband, thus to the royal family, our request should never be delayed."

Aladdin did not speak and let Jasmine say what she wants. In fact, he couldn't dare to, from her tone, he knows that he would make the situation worst if he spoke.

"I see that you have come on your own without a summon this time, You must have something to say..." Jasmine leaned on her throne and coldly said "...Better be good, speak..."

Aladdin smiled as he looked up " I bring you good news, your majesty." He said.

Jasmine nodded for him to continue, she really needs some good news at the moment.

"I have taken a few ships and sailed into the sea in order to search for resources, and on our way, we have discovered something great, especially in our kingdom's situation!" From his tone. Jasmine concluded that whatever Aladdin was about to say must be related to the land corruption problem.

"For months, no fish have been spotted near our coasts, we have concluded that corruption must have killed the fish, but we were wrong!" Aladdin said. Jasmine stood up as she started to catch up to where this is going.

"The Fish did not die, but rather has retreated back into the sea from the coasts away from the dead land, As we speak right, my men are emptying the ships from a huge load of fish."

Jasmine's eyes widened "Yes...This will do!!" She spoke with an ln excited tone. "Although the fish's lifespan is short and will go bad if not preserved, that will do. Call for the Magicians that came from Jahilon and order the Ice Magus to freeze the fish so it won't go bad soon!" She ordered.

The guards around her moved fast and immediately the castle and the kingdom return to life, once again to fight for survival.

Jasmine looked at the happy Aladdin who was looking at the guards running around "Aladdin..." She called.

Aladdin looked back "Yes, your majesty."

Jasmine smiled "We will not forget this, You shall be rewarded when all of this over, at that time, wish for whatever you want, and it will be yours."

Aladdin knelt down and spoke, "I only wish to serve." He said. That was just a polite response. Of course, his mind was drunk at the mention of a huge reward, Aladdin was already thinking about what he should wish for.

'Land? A Noble Title? Money? Or perhaps A Harem of beautiful women?' Aladdin thought in his drunk mind.

Next chapter