
Growing Aspirations

Ziro would be sat on his mother Euphorias' lap, enjoying a simple ham sandwich she had made for her child as he looked out the small wooden shack window, watching his father tend to the farm. Five years had gone past since the incident of him being brought to this world. He had no idea how he did since he was young so he thought he was born here all along.

The father, Makarov, worked away with his twelve-year-old son Dakon who would now be working with his father. This was an average day, the family enjoyed the quiet life after all. They worked hard to supply the land with good healthy food and they got paid well and got all the protection they needed.

In this world, at the age of 6, the children have the option to go to the town and have their magic aptitude tested. This was done to test the limits of those who could become a magic caster or commoner. It was rare for a normal villager to have a high aptitude above an adventurer. The sad reality of it all, if you didn't have the aptitude for it you wouldn't be allowed in.

The guild only cared for the skilled, they needed more power every day as the nearby monsters also grew stronger. Even though they trained as hard as they could, they didn't know what laid beyond their world.

Even though Dakon was aptitude-less he refused to believe his limit. He was the same as his father, nothing but trash in the eyes of the guild. Nothing important to them so they are noted as civilians. He still wanted to become an adventurer as he saw them traveling past his farm and could see how strong they were by looking at them. The bulky men in their armour, swords at the side with the occasional companion who would be a magic caster or a rogue to do the small work for them.

But as he saw them and inspired to help people out as they helped him when the comet took place, the father was also hoping for Dakon to have some aptitude at the very least and that he could move on from the farm to live his own life of enjoyment and fame. It was the very least his father could wish for, rather than living on the farm his entire life and rotting away as they are treated as slaves in the eyes of the guild.

Ziro had been checked recently in the nearby town by the doctor, he had ashy grey hair at such a young age it was extremely rare but nothing harmless. His father Makarov had extremely high hopes for Ziro but he didn't want to let him go, the family had been surprisingly more happy as recent years with Ziro appearance. It wouldn't be long till they had him checked for aptitude and learn if this was their lucky moment.

Ziro looked up at his mothers' long blonde hair brushed his face, the child giggled to himself as his hands played with her hair, looking back up at his mother as her sparkling azure eyes. While Ziro stared back with a gawking mouth at his mother with his brown-rust eyes. On closer inspection of his eyes around the pupil, there would be a wheel of colour almost. Starting at dark red around the top then moving into deep dark black that would fade into his pupil then go into the dark ash around the bottom which would go into a light purple on the left then fade back into the dark red at the top.

While with Dakon would have a mixture of his father and mother, his light blonde hair along with hazel eyes. His dad having hazel eyes yet his hair would be black starting to grey out from exhaustion and working over the years.

The family brought back together as the day drew to a close, the sun setting as the family finished their hard day of work. During the evening, they were sitting at the table eating a roast pig dinner together as a treat. They bought the pig fairly cheap as they made an excess of money due to the season being generous to them this harvest.

"Don't drop your food now, Ziro." Dakon would say to his little brother, catching the piece of meat he dropped in his small hands. Giving it back to Ziro as he chuckled.

Dakon cared for his little brother and didn't ever want to lose him, after losing James the family couldn't go through another loss of a child dear to them. It would break their spirits entirely, however, Ziro was their hope. Ziro was like a beam of hope for them, who kept them smiling bright and made them work hard so Ziro could grow up happily with his new family.

"Can you believe it brother, you'll be tested next year and might be able to become a magic caster!" Dakon would say cheerfully to his brother. He was hoping he could become a magic caster and become an adventurer duo with Ziro.

Euphoria, chuckled lightly to herself at the adorable dream Dakon had with his younger brother. Makarov, on the other hand, didn't want to excite his son too much or else it would break both their hearts. He never wanted to see them sad so he hoped for the best he had some talent at least.

Ziro was laughing and giggling as he waves his hands around with a small bone, pretending like he was a magic caster firing spells and making noises at the table as he played with the bone. The family bursting into laughter with Ziro, even Dakon pointing his fingers at him playing with his younger brother as they pretended to be magic casters.

"Come now children, finish eating then go play okay." Euphoria would say, shaking her head as she laughed to herself while eating.

They calmed down with smiles on their faces, finishing their meal and thanking their mother for preparing it. The children were well-mannered to their parents and grateful for everything they did. Moving from the table they ran to their rooms and pretended to be magic caster and swordsman, having a pretend duel together and Dakon playing dead as Ziro laughed and waved his arms around towards Dakon.

Hours went by until the night was but darkness, the family called it a day and rested early so they could get up early and begin their day of work once more. This was their happy life, they got through it together and made it work.

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