

Hey Readers,

I thought I would take a moment and explain everything as best I could. I was first offered the contract for these books about two months ago and it took me a while to accept it. Why? Because it would require me to republish my books. I didn't want to lose my readers or your wonderful comments that I have come to look forward to and enjoy. I have loved our interactions and all the great, encouraging things you all have said. Believe me, sometimes it was the only reason I got on my phone in the morning. Whenever I doubted my writing or my career, there was always a wonderful, encouraging comment or review that I could look too! I LOVED IT!

Not to mention, this means that the wonderful readers that I love so much will not have the convenience that I was previously able to give them. The last thing I ever want to do is alienate anyone!

However, this offered contract is an amazing step up for me and, since writing is my full-time job, I couldn't turn it down. I have worked going on ten years for this. Every book has been my pride and joy and all I ever wanted was to be able to share my writing with the world.

But the reality is that I have to be able to afford to keep up with my dream. I'm sorry if this means that it's inconvenient for anyone! That was not my intention. I am just trying to do what's best for my family while still trying to continue pursuing my dreams of sharing my writing with the world.

I truly do hope that you will all be there for my next updates and everything that will come along with it. But, if not, I truly do understand.

For those of you that intend to carry on with me, I would really appreciate it if you could leave a review on the new book. Those, as I'm sure you know, help out immensely and I would be forever grateful. For those of you that have to leave us here, I wish you a wonderful, blessed life and I appreciate getting to know you while I could!

All my love and gratitude,

Leann Lane