
Chapter 2.2

"Welcome Mister Wayne, they are waiting for you in the conference room. It's on your left around the corner, you can't miss it". The secretary we met at the first floor directed us.

Entering the conference room, I admitted it was a little out of my element. I had no idea of what to do. I only knew that it would be best not to delay this.

There were about only 5 of the shareholders in the room and apparently the rest couldn't make it. In all honestly, I think that had to do with the fact that I was a child and they saw no need to curry favour with me just yet.

The meeting was more of an introduction to Wayne Enterprises and its current divisions and investments. I thought I knew a lot of my history before, but I was barely scratching the surface. We had hands into almost every business in Gotham and beyond, it was quite daunting. Then there was the issue to settle who would be the acting CEO. As I wasn't that familiar with the names recommended, the best option was to think more about it. They agreed and were surprised at my answer, giving me a deadline of a week. I could already feel the massive headache coming.

But alas, the future of the Wayne's rested solely on me. I needed to preserve my heritage and lead the company in the name of my father, my father's father and most importantly mine. I will now be scrutinised on my every move and actions and be accountable for them. And damn, I was already feeling the headache.

{This level of self-pity.....}

I exercised patience with the voice in my head even though I just about had it.

"Dr. Leslie has recommended a friend of hers and I have scheduled a therapy session with her for tomorrow at 11 a.m.", Alfred said folding my clothes as I was getting ready for bed.

"Thanks Alfred".

"Sleep well, Master Bruce", he replied as he switched off the lights.

"And Alfred…. thank you", I said hesitantly just before he exited.

"Of course, Master Bruce". He seemed to understand what I was trying to say.

Fast forward a couple of days later…. And here we are.

At least it was now established that I wasn't going crazy. I had something called a system ad it had to do with games. Not sure where to begin, I sighed thinking about the presence of so many zeros and the disappointing remark from my status.

"Is the taste not to your liking Master Bruce?", Alfred asked about the gaming manual I was reading in the study as he arranged me tea an biscuits. I think his British side was starting to show, apart from the obvious accent and the dressing....

I shook my head saying it wasn't that. I just felt listless, I wasn't sure if Alfred would understand so I didn't tell him how I truly felt. He also didn't seem like he wanted to push either.

I finished reading the basics and informed Alfred that I would be taking a casual stroll around the manor.

I stepped outside into the garden, it still looked beautiful. The red roses were fully bloomed, the daisies were gently swaying. And for a moment I could almost imagine her there, caring for the flowers with her sunhat on and a smile on her face. It took some effort, but I managed to blink the tears away.

The sun was hidden behind the clouds today and the atmosphere was a bit chilly against my skin. I ignored this and started walking around carefully.

The mission had said to explore, but what exactly did it want me to find?

{An underground cave possibly}

Alright then, tell me where to start.

I had a purpose now, to be strong. Strong and brave.

Hope to not drop this, but the updates will be erratic. Also really need to think more about what I want this novel to be. As I was trying to write for Chapter 3, it didn't quite do it for me so I had to delete it. Need more research, more time to do this and school is starting to catch up.

Have a lovely day.

Moonlixecreators' thoughts